Thursday, June 7, 2018

Post # 13 – The Cat Scan
Dear Family and Friends,
I hope all of you that are mothers had a great mother's day. I spent the day with some of my children and my grandchildren. I can't imagine my life without them all in it. And for those of you who are not mothers, I hope that you remembered to honor your mom in some special way. I made sure that my students all had a special card for their moms. I think it is important to teach our children to honor their parents, at a young age, they need to learn to respect all the adults in their lives and show kindness to all who are around them every day, especially those who look out for their well-being. And yes, I know that there are extenuating circumstances for different people, but for most of us, we should at least make sure that our moms know that we love them.
Image result for mothers day pictures

Now let's move on to learn about the CAT Scan.I don’t know about you, but I do not like to have these types of tests don’t. Being claustrophobic I have a really hard time with the CAT scan. It is just way too close and tight-fitting quarters for me. As my daughter says about some things in her life, “It gives me bad anxiety” for me this is in at least triplicate form times ten or twenty!!!

CT or CAT scan: This test uses x-rays to make detailed pictures of the inside of your body. This test may be done to look for cancer or to see if it has spread.

I thought I might include a couple of pictures for you so that you could see what these machines look like. if you haven't yet had the privilege of having one of these scans.
How Does a CAT Scan Machine Work?Image result for what does a cat scan machine look like
 What Is a CT Scan For?Image result for what does a cat scan machine look like

What Is a CT Scan?

A computed tomography (CT or CAT) scan allows doctors to see inside your body. It uses a combination of X-rays and a computer to create pictures of your organs, bones, and other tissues. It shows more detail than a regular X-ray.
You can get a CT scan on any part of your body. The procedure doesn't take very long, and it's painless.
How Do CT Scans Work?
They use a narrow X-ray beam that circles around one part of your body. This provides a series of images from many different angles. A computer uses this information to create a cross-sectional picture. Like one piece in a loaf of bread, this two-dimensional (2D) scan shows a “slice” of the inside of your body.

This process is repeated to produce a number of slices. The computer stacks these scans one on top of the other to create a three-dimensional (3D) image. This can give your doctor a better view of your organs, bones, or blood vessels. For example, a surgeon may use this type of scan to look at all sides of a tumor to prepare for an operation.
A rugged mountain with a quote from 2 Timothy 1:7: “God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.”
How Are CT Scans Done?
You'd probably get a scan at a hospital or radiology clinic. Your doctor might tell you not to eat or drink for a few hours before the procedure. You may also need to wear a hospital gown and remove any metal objects, such as jewelry.
A radiology technologist will perform the CT scan. During the test, you’ll lie on a table inside a large, doughnut-shaped CT machine. As the table slowly moves through the scanner, the X-rays rotate around your body. It’s normal to hear a whirring or buzzing noise. Movement can blur the image, so you’ll be asked to stay very still. You may need to hold your breath at times.
How long the scan takes will depend on what parts of your body are being scanned. It can take anywhere from a few minutes to a half-hour. In most cases, you’ll go home the same day.

What Is It Used For?

Doctors order CT scans for a long list of reasons:
  • CT scans can detect bone and joint problems, like complex bone fractures and tumors.
  • If you have a condition like cancerheart diseaseemphysema, or liver masses, CT scans can spot it or help doctors see any changes.
  • They show internal injuries and bleeding, such as those caused by a car accident.
  • They can locate a tumor, blood clot, excess fluid, or infection.
  • Doctors use them to guide treatment plans and procedures, such as biopsies, surgeries, and radiation therapy.
  • Doctors can compare CT scans to find out if certain treatments are working. For example, scans of a tumor over time can show whether it’s responding to chemotherapy or radiation.A patch of dandelions overlaid with bright colors, with a quote by Elder Ronald A. Rasband: “[Don’t] forget, Heavenly Father knows and loves each of you, and He is always ready to help.”

What Is a CT Scan with Contrast?

In a CT scan, dense substances like bones are easy to see. But soft tissues don’t show up as well. They may look faint in the image. To help them appear clearly, you may need a special dye called a contrast material. They block the X-rays and appear white on the scan, highlighting blood vessels, organs, or other structures.
Contrast materials are usually made of iodine or barium sulfate. You might receive these drugs in one or more of three ways:
  • Injection: The drugs are injected directly into a vein. This is done to help your blood vessels, urinary tract, liver, or gallbladder stand out in the image.
  • Orally: Drinking a liquid with the contrast material can enhance scans of your digestive tract, the pathway of food through your body.
  • Enema: If your intestines are being scanned, the contrast material can be inserted in your rectum.
After the CT scan, you’ll need to drink plenty of fluids to help your kidneysremove the contrast material from your body.
Are There Any Risks?
CT scans use X-rays, which produce ionizing radiation. Research shows that this kind of radiation may damage your DNA and lead to cancer. But the risk is still very small -- your chances of developing a fatal cancer because of a CT scan are about 1 in 2,000.
But radiation’s effect adds up over your lifetime. So your risk increases with every CT scan you get. Talk to your doctor about the procedure’s potential dangers and benefits, and ask why the CT scan is necessary.
Ionizing radiation may be more harmful in children. That’s because they’re still growing. They also have more years to get exposed to radiation. Before the procedure, you may want to ask the doctor or technician if the CT machine’s settings have been adjusted for a child.
Tell your physician if you’re pregnant. If you need imaging for your stomacharea, your doctor may recommend an exam that doesn’t use radiation, such as an ultrasound.
An illustration of a small alarm clock against a green background with a quote by Sister Bonnie L. Oscarson: “One of the hardest challenges in this life is to have faith in the Lord’s timing.”
What Are the Side Effects?
Some people are allergic to the contrast materials. Most of the time, the reaction is mild. It can lead to itchiness or a rash. In very few cases, the dye may trigger a life-threatening reaction. For this reason, your health care
provider may want to monitor you for a short period after your CT scan. Tell your doctor about any allergies you have to medications, seafood, or iodine.
Your doctor should know, too, if you have diabetes and are taking the drug Metformin. He’ll let you know if you should stop taking your medication before or after your procedure.
Although it’s rare, contrast materials can lead to kidney problems. Let your doctor know if you have any kidney issues before the CT scan.
Now that you have finished reading this post, are you more familiar with the CAT scan? If not, you should feel free to check out the web address that I have included above. Again, I hope and pray that you have enjoyed what I have written and that you can relate to it in some way. And I truly hope that each post is helpful to you with your sickness or to help you to be a good support for your family member or friend who may be going through this type of adventure too. So until my next post, have a wonderful day and keep smiling😊, 
Watercolor shamrocks with a quote by President Spencer W. Kimball: “If you succeed, it isn’t because of luck. Success comes from faith and work and prayer.”

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