Thursday, April 5, 2018

Post # 2 - General Conference

Hello Family & Friends,

On a Spiritual note: I've just been listening to General Conference with our new Prophet President Russell M. Nelson. he will tell us all that the Lord wants us to know at this time, the Lord said that be it Him or his chosen servants it is the same. 
In the first session the speakers spoke of remembering our Savior, His example, the way He ministered. 

Second Counselor in the First Presidency- spoke of The solemn assembly, which was first established on October 10 inn 1880., when John Taylor was sustained to succeed Brigham Young as prophet, seer, and revelator and President of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, each of these occasions has been designated as a formal solemn assembly of the body of the Church to express the voice of the Church.
We will vote by quorums and groups. Wherever you are, you are invited to stand only when requested and express by your uplifted hand that you choose to sustain those whose names will be presented. You should vote only when asked to shall receive my words as if from mine own mouth. 
An image of Christ comforting a woman, with a text overlay quoting Elder D. Todd Christofferson: “The Savior makes all things right.”After Jesus' resurrection, as my father has sent me so shall I send you... Heavenly Father sent HIS SON, AND HIS SON SENDS US. Faith as small as a mustard seed God can help us remove doubt, if I were sunk in the lowest pit of Nova Scotia and the rocky mountains tumbled down on me I would not worry, I can do all things in the strength of Him who strengthens me.
Receive the word of God, remember and apply to your life

 If we do not find time to unplug we may not hear the still small voice. the gift of the Sabbath day, partaking of the sacrament and renewing our covenants, with Him, the Atonement is a gracious gift, service is a gift, service opportunities come, and our voices are important for us to love God & OUR Neighbor as ourselves. that our children may know to which source to turn when in need

A painting of Christ and the woman at the well, coupled with a quote by President Henry B. Eyring: “Christ has shown us how to draw closer to Him.”

on a family note: we had the girls and their children here, and my oldest granddaughter & her boyfriend came up with their three great grandchildren, My youngest son & his fiancé brought their boys by, for a few minutes, my the other boys sent Easter wishes and love from their families. all in all it was a pretty busy weekend.
I tried to teach the children about the true meaning of Easter, about the Lord's Atonement and what he suffered and did for each of us so that we can come back to live with Him at some point when our mortal lives are done.

I’m afraid that they were too excited for the ‘Easter bunny to come and bring them goodies, I'm afraid that all young children are.
I know that it is terribly hard to set up a more Christian Easter when you live with less active family members or family members who are not members of your church, because that is not what they are used to.  I think it is well worth any effort that you want to put into it though, because maybe they might be ready to hear about what Jesus Has done for each of them.
A painting of Christ’s abandoned burial cloth, with a quote by President Dieter F. Uchtdorf: “[Easter] is the day that changed everything.”
I love to listen to General Conference, I always learn something new from the talks that are given, often I feel like a specific talk or hymn was placed there just for me – in answer to a prayer. I know that my Heavenly Father is mindful of me as He is each of you, and through His prophets, seers, and apostles He will send the messages to us that we need if we will but open up out minds and hearts and listen with the Spirit – because we learn from Spirit to Spirit, line upon line, precept upon precept, when conference is over I love to read the talks just as soon as they are available online and again when they come out in print. I try to find the principles from them and find ways to apply them into my life each day.
A grove of green trees paired with a quote by Elder Jorge F. Zeballos: “The path that we have chosen to walk is narrow.”

If you have never attended a session of General Conference or listened to a general conference talk, I would encourage you to do so, as soon as you can. I am almost certain that there will be a message for you if you are seeking one and go to it with sincere prayer with the questions you need answers to – you will find them and more than likely a whole lot more. Remember all you need is a desire to believe!

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