Friday, April 6, 2018

Post # 3 - POWER of PRAYER!

Hello Family & Friends,

I thought I would talk with you today a little bit about the POWER of PRAYER! I hope you all realize that there is great power in prayer and prayer is the way that we talk to our Heavenly Father. we can talk to Him any time, anywhere, and in any situation that we find ourselves, He will answer our prayers in His way and in His time frame... not ours. we can find His answers in a dream, in the scriptures, in a talk during the Sacrament meeting at church, during Ward or Stake Conference, and especially during General Conference.

I have a couple of examples I would like to share with you, and some of you may have already heard them .. so please bear with me. I have had many examples of the power of prayer in my life, but I would like to share some from the past few years.

A photograph of a woman with blonde hair kneeling and praying, with the words of Matthew 7:7.

so I am going to take you back to May of 2015 ... I found a red circle on my right breast about the size of an orange, and it sort of looked like the outside of an orange but not in color - just red. I did not have medical insurance so I did not want to incur medical bills if it was not really necessary.  The first thought I had was to pray about it. I fasted and prayed to know if it was serious enough for me to go to the doctor. I awoke in the night to a voice telling me "You need to go get a mammogram .. and you need to do it NOW!"

 the next morning when I woke up for the day I called the clinic to see when the soonest that I could be seen by the PA. while I was waiting for the clinic to open, another thought came to me ... it was that I needed to call and make arrangements to get a Priesthood blessing .... but I will save that for another entry, right now I want to tell you just how closely the Lord can be in our lives ... if we will only invite Him in:)

A silhouette of a man standing by a hill and looking at the stars, with a quote from President Russell M. Nelson: “It is mentally rigorous to strive to look unto Him in every thought. But when we do, our doubts and fears flee.”

I don't know how familiar you are with medical clinics that are for those without insurance and are low income, but they are usually hard to get an appointment right away. Unless you are a child who is fevered, and if you haven't been in for awhile it takes even longer to get in... sometimes your appointments are 6 weeks out from the time you call in. I know the Lord had a hand in what happened because not only was I able to get into the clinic, but my first appointment was only a couple of days later. 

The next thing that happened was amazing as well, because they sent  me to the Early Detection Works program and they scheduled my appointment for a mammogram and gave me a voucher to pay for it as well!
A blue and white chevron pattern coupled with a quote by President Thomas S. Monson: “Our Heavenly Father does answer prayers in His own time.”
Of course I continued to pray, because I knew that something was wrong ... I just wasn't sure exactly what it was. I had gone up 2 almost three cup sizes in the couple of weeks after noticing the red circle. At first I thought it was caused from my old bras rubbing there, but when it did not go away I became suspicious and went to my Heavenly Father. I few days after I had the mammogram, they scheduled me to go into the hospital for a biopsy. then they scheduled me for a follow-up appointment at the clinic with the PA.

After the biopsy I had a dream, in the dream I was looking down at myself in the doctor's office. I was sitting on the chair, when I heard the PA tell me that I had breast cancer. I did not see the PA's face, but I heard her words loud and clear. I had breast cancer,

An image of clouds with a quote from Elder Neil L. Andersen: “At times we thoughtfully wonder why the miracle we have so earnestly prayed for does not happen. … Whether in this life or the next, all will be made right.”

When the follow-up appointment arrived, I knew exactly just what  she would be telling me. I was not scared or upset, it might seem kind of weird to some of you, but when she told me what she had to tell me, I was concerned of course with how the news would affect my family.

Again I went to my Heavenly Father in prayer, as I knew my youngest daughter -- that I live with, would be worried and how was I going to afford to fight this cancer that was quickly growing inside of me.

I know this is going backwards in my life a little bit, but I am hoping that someone who reads this, whether family, friend or stranger ( or a friend that I have not met yet:) ) will be helped in some small way by the sharing of my story.
So, no matter what situation you may find yourself in, please, please remember that there is great POWER in PRAYER!!

Sweet Power of Prayer

An image of a grove of trees combined with a quote by President Nelson: “The Lord will teach you.”

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