Saturday, August 4, 2018

Post # 30 – Learn of Me- Help for Parents

Dear Family and Friends

Today I was thinking an awful lot about my children and my grandchildren and my great grandchildren. We are living in such a fast-paced world with so many ways that Satan can influence them. There are so many things of the world that draw their attention Away from the most important things in this mortal life. Those things are of the spiritual realm, things that will eventually take us back to our Father in heaven to live with Him and our Savior – Jesus Christ. 

We as adults, not even parents specifically, must be so diligent in teaching our children and all those children who are in our lives.
In this article Bishop Burke talks about how he learned ‘some of life’s special lessons from a young boy who was between the ages of 12-14. He mentions how we as parents have the responsibility to teach our children- and may I add grandchildren and great grandchildren and those children in our lives whom we are able to teach without offending their parents with our teachings, we need to teach them about the Savior, Jesus Christ and our Heavenly Father. 
An image of Christ comforting Mary and Martha, with the words “How has your life been blessed?” printed over the top.
Through prayer, family scripture study and family home evening we can teach them about Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ.
He told about this young man and how he had wished that his parents had cared about him. They young man said that he knew his parents loved him, but he wasn’t sure that they cared about him. Bishop Peterson said: “you know, to a young person there can be a difference,” between knowing that your parents love you and knowing that they care for you.
Help for Parents
Bishop H. Burke PetersonBishop H. Burke Peterson
First Counselor in the Presiding Bishopric

Today I would like to visit with the parents about some concerns I believe we share together. As we read the newspapers, we become justifiably concerned over what is happening around us. There is a growing concern among our people as we see the prophecies of times past being unfolded before our very eyes. Some have a feeling of frustration, anxiety, anger, and yes, even fear. But remember that Paul, in his letters to Timothy, counseled: “For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.” (2 Tim. 1:7.)
May I suggest that the steps we can take to dispel fear and bring peace and power are really very simple. The teachings of the gospel are not complicated. They are not hard to understand. They need not be confusing. Let us not be blinded by the craftiness of men.
Nephi once said that because of the simpleness of the way or the easiness of it, there were many who perished. (See 1 Ne. 17:41.) Jacob put it another way when he said that they became blinded because they were continually looking beyond the mark in their search for answers. (See Jacob 4:14.) They didn’t believe in the simplicity of the gospel teachings.
Yes, it is true that a family beset with trials and concerns seems to be the constant pattern of our mortal existence. However true this fact may be, it need not—it must not—have an adverse influence in our lives. Children are saved and families are exalted by participating in some very simple gospel experiences.
An image of Christ talking to a man, combined with the words “No matter who you are, … He is here.”
Let us listen to the reassuring words of the Lord as we try to analyze what we can do. He said:
“But learn that he who doeth the works of righteousness shall receive his reward, even peace in this world, and eternal life in the world to come.” (D&C 59:23. Italics added.)
“Learn of me, and listen to my words; walk in the meekness of my Spirit, and you shall have peace in me.” (D&C 19:23.)
Could this be our answer? I find in these scriptures some very clear instructions and comforting promises. May I discuss just one of many possibilities with you.
“Learn of me,” he said, “and you shall have peace in me.” We’ve spoken often of where we can best learn of him—of course it still is and always shall be in the home. This is the main purpose for which the Lord established the organization of the family and home—that therein we might teach each other, especially the little children, to love the Savior and understand and live his teachings. As you consider the importance of teaching your little ones, have you ever thought in depth on the following scriptural passage?
“And whoso shall receive one such little child in my name receiveth me.
“But whoso shall offend one of these little ones which believe in me, it were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and that he were drowned in the depth of the sea.” (Matt. 18:5–6. Italics added.)
An image of Christ with the children, paired with the words “How have you come closer to God?”
“Wo unto them; because they have offended my little ones they shall be severed from the ordinances of mine house.
“Their basket shall not be full, their houses and their barns shall perish, and they themselves shall be despised by those that flattered them.
“They shall not have right to the priesthood, nor their posterity after them from generation to generation.” (D&C 121:19–21.)
Might it not be an offense of the greatest magnitude if we don’t teach them of Him, if we don’t teach them to listen to His words and to walk in the meekness of His Spirit? Let us ponder that in our hearts.
As we consider how we might better learn of Him and teach of Him, may I suggest one of the great blessings your family may be missing out on is the simple experience of reading the scriptures together daily. We read in Deuteronomy 6:6–7 [Deut. 6:6–7], “And these words, which I command thee this day, shall be in thine heart:
“And thou shalt teach them diligently unto thy children, and shalt talk of them when thou sittest in thine house.”
An image of Christ talking with a man in the streets, combined with the words “How have you been strengthened?”
This is something that I believe that as a parent I have failed miserably to have family scripture study every day. Because it says here in this verse that I should have taught them diligently of the scriptures and I should have talked about the scriptures and what was being taught therein to my family – especially my children. I hope they can forgive e someday.
As I have traveled to the stakes of the Church, I have found many dedicated parents who gather their families about them daily to study the revelations of the Lord as recorded in the holy scriptures. I remember one family of 12 children who studied together daily in two groups, one for the older children and another for the younger children in their family. Think of the time and effort this has taken over the years. Think how the blessings to this family have multiplied, as many of their children have now reached adulthood and are raising young families of their own.
 Oh, how I wish now, that I had done better in teaching my children more about my Heavenly Father and in His Only Begotten Son, Jesus Christ. I should have somehow made sure that they knew Them ( Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ) well and that they loved Them, that they knew They (Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ) love each one of them too! I hope and pray that I can be forgiven of this at some point in my life or in the life to come😊
An image of Jesus Christ, with text quoting Elder M. Russell Ballard: “Because of Jesus Christ, peace can replace guilt.”
I was in another home where ten children, all young, were given a daily treat of the scriptures. I know of a mother, alone, with four children. She has them get ready early for bed and reads to them from the scriptures before they go to sleep each night. What a blessing for thoughtful parents to shower on their most important responsibility, their little ones. There shouldn’t be—there mustn’t be—one family in this Church that doesn’t take the time to read from the scriptures every day. Every family can do it in their own way. I have a testimony of this.
May I relate a personal experience from the Peterson family. Several years ago after wrestling with the problem for some time, my wife and I, sensing the urgency of our parental charge, devised a new battle plan. You see, up to that point, Satan had been winning the battle of “Should we or should we not read the scriptures together in the Peterson home?” We had tried off and on for years with no sustained success. Our big problem was that someone or something always interrupted our schedule. With a 17-year spread in our children’s ages, we felt we had a special challenge.
I am afraid I was not as well disciplined as this family. Prayer and scripture study were not of the highest priority as they should have been in my home as my children were growing up and I regret it now because all of my children have fallen away from the teachings that I had thought they had a strong testimony of as they were growing up.
A woman with long brown hair, paired with the words “If I let Him, He can take away my sorrows.”
As we studied and prayed over it, we concluded that the best time for our family of girls to read would be when no one else wanted our time. Since the older girls had to be in seminary by 7:00 A.M., our controllable time had to be early. We decided on 6:15 in the morning. We knew it would be a challenge to get teenage support. The idea was good, but its implementation was most difficult and it still is. Our family is still struggling.

This would have been very hard to do, my children all would have slept right through the scripture study. I think it amazing how this family didn’t give up when clearly their children did not want to be up that early.   I remember taking one of my boys to seminary early in the morning and I was so excited and had such great hopes for him. Then I found out that I would drop him off to seminary at the church – he would go in one door and as soon as I drove away he would go out the other door to his friend’s house.

Our great new plan had its birth one hot August day in Phoenix, Arizona. My wife suggested we give them a whole month to think about it and prepare for it. We went about their mental preparation in a very positive way. The plan was to start the first day of school in early September. To their protests that it was impossible to have their heads all filled with rollers in time, or that it was not likely they would feel happy so early in the morning, or that they might be late to seminary, or not have time to eat breakfast either, we replied very cheerfully that we knew they were clever enough to cope with any minor problems that might arise.
A close-up of a man’s face, paired with the words “If I let Him, He can take away my pain.”
At its announcement, we also told the girls we had been praying for guidance in this family problem. This made it easier, because they had been schooled in prayer and had been taught not to question its results.
The historic first morning finally came. My wife and I got up a little early so we would be sure to be wide awake and happy. Our initial approach must meet with success. We entered each bedroom singing and happy at the thought of the prospects before us. Purposely we went to one special bedroom first. Here slept a daughter who would be able to get up early but who couldn’t wake up before noon. We sat her up in bed and then went to the others and started them all into the family room. Some stumbled, some fell, some had to be carried in, some slept through that first morning—and I might say through subsequent mornings too.
Little by little, we have learned over the years what reading the scriptures 15 minutes each morning can do for our family. You should know that we don’t try to discuss and understand each point we read. We try to pick out only a couple of thoughts each morning to digest. You should also know we still have to struggle with the plan’s performance, even though we now have only two children at our home.
An image of the resurrected Christ combined with the words “The grave has no victory.”
We even tried to read one verse of scripture each day and struggled to do that. We tried to have each child read one verse, but that didn’t last long either, we tried early mornings as well as trying to read just before bed time. This one worked the best when my children were little but as they grew up they stopped getting out of bed and rather than make it too difficult for all concerned, I am afraid I simply just gave up. 
So, please learn from my example of what not to do Yes, do your best to be more like the families from this article. Then you maybe wont be feeling like I do years after your children have grown and left home, that you wished that you too, had done a better job at teaching your children about Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ. I do want you to know that I have not given up on teaching my children to know and love my Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ .-- I am hoping I can still help each of them find their way back to His teachings so they can apply them in their lives and have more peace in their lives and in the lives of their children.
Even though they have all grown and have lives of their own. I still try to teach them by example and sharing what is important to me in my life and hopefully I am making some type of an impression on each of them, because I also know that there will come a time -- in the not to far off future that we will need Jesus Christ in our olives because no one or nothing else will or can help us to get through it.
An image of Christ helping a woman, combined with the words “The world is filled with second chances.”
Can you imagine how a parent would feel to ask a little girl, “What did King Benjamin mean when he said, ‘When ye are in the service of your fellow beings ye are only in the service of your God’?” (Mosiah 2:17.) And she would respond, “I suppose he means that I shouldn’t be selfish and should do little things for my sisters because it makes Heavenly Father happy—and Daddy, I want him to be happy with me, so I’m going to try harder.” Innumerable are the blessings that will accrue to the family that persists in this noble effort of reading the scriptures together daily.

Remember he said, “Learn of me, and listen to my words; walk in the meekness of my Spirit, and you shall have peace in me.” (D&C 19:23.)
This is a peace that surpasseth all understanding, a peace and a security that will support us through any time and any trial, a peace that will dispel the spirit of fear in a confused world.
I have had this peace about me ever since my diagnosis. It is a peace that can have only come from the Lord, there is no earthly peace like unto it. I am not worried about having stage IV breast cancer, or having lympedema, I just adapt to my new way of life and have peace in my soul. It is a peace that I wish that I could pass on to my children. They all seem to be stressed out about one thing or another in their life – especially money, or the lack there of.
A painting of Christ paired with the words “Follow Him and find new life.”
May the Lord bless us with the understanding and dedication not to offend his little ones. May he strengthen us with a resolve to teach them of him in our homes through the simple experiences of the gospel. May he bless us to understand his words: “If ye are prepared ye shall not fear.” (D&C 38:30.)
In the name of Jesus Christ. Amen. If you want to read the entire article you can read it here:

So, this is another part of our being prepared in this life, to teach our children to love their Heavenly Father and His Only Begotten Son, Jesus Christ. They can only learn to love Them (Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ) if they are taught about Them (Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ) and of Their (Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ) great love for each of them.  Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ love each one of us so very much and they want each of us to return to live with Them (Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ) again someday.

They (Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ) will help us, They (Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ) have not left us here to complete our mortal mission on our own, They are ever waiting for us to call on Them through prayer to help us – to lead and guide us through the Holy Ghost. We only need to learn to listen for the still small voice and then heed its impressions that we feel – to act on those impressions when they come to us.
A painting of Christ holding a black lamb and surrounded by sheep, paired with the words “Behold the Lamb of God.”

So, my dear Family and Friends, please teach your children while you have them with you and can be an influence for good in their lives. Teach them through prayer, scripture study and family home evening. Teach them to love their Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ. Teach the to walk in Their ways (Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ) and not in the ways of the world. You all have a wonderful week and remember to get into the scriptures with your family – it will be worth the effort! 

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