Saturday, February 23, 2019

Post # 75 – Come, Follow Me: Week Six -- “The Spirit of the Lord Is Upon Me”

Dear Family and Friends

I suppose you have noticed that I am a bit behind with my lessons I am still getting used to the new schedule. We are only doing the lessons every other week, but we are trying to keep up with them on our own! Which I thought I was doing—but I guess, not so much, sorry I will ask you to bear with me. I know that I got posts done, but I could not find them – guess what, I found them! I had written them on my kindle – that’s why I couldn’t find them on my computer. I was sure that I had written them, I just couldn’t find them.

When I didn’t find them of course I figured that I hadn’t written them, but only though I had then I have had posts done but didn’t push the publish button. Wow! I am such a mess – right? But I will keep trying to do better. I bet none of you have this problem. So, this one I had written on my kindle before Valentine’s day, because I had mentioned how I was planning a Valentine’s day party for my students – but we would have it the day after Valentine’s day. I am transferring what I had on my kindle to my computer so I can share it with all of you. But please be patient with me, my fingers move so much slower that they used to. Though I am so grateful that they are still moving😊
"Some things can be learned only by faith."—Dallin H. Oaks
Oh, by the way, the party was a huge success😊 even though I could not find the games that I usually use! I ended up just liking around my room and I found some empty milk just from Sam’s club – you know the weird shaped ones that are white? I put a valentine’s man on the front of them and used a bouncy ball from the dollar store and we had bowling😊 then I took and empty box and put a large heart on it with a mouth cut out, grabbed a bean bag and we had a bean-bag toss game!

I seem to be misplacing a lot of things lately I wonder sometimes if my ‘chemo-brain’ is getting worse. I hope it is only a passing problem because it is really quite frustrating for me not to be able to find what I need when I need it. I don’t know if I mentioned it before, but I have been looking for some important papers that I needed for work – I have been working on lesson plans, you know the drill of a teacher. 
A photograph of an actor portraying Jesus Christ, paired with the words found in Luke 5:32.
Well, I found the papers and I m redoing my lesson plans, which I need done for a substitute while I go do my doctors appointments and my chemo next week (when I originally wrote this post, I had three weeks to get everything done, but now it is up one me). I had tried for a few weeks to remember what I had done with the papers that I had prepared – to no avail. 

Though I fasted and I prayed very diligently, I thought I had not received and answer, I actually had received an answer, but I kept going around it because I had no reason to have put the papers there. Good news, I found the papers that I needed, once I really stopped to listen to the Holy Ghost and follow those promptings that I had been receiving. now I will be able to finish up the work I was doing and be ready for my substitute😊 as my brother always says when I try to praise him – Yeah me!!!! Except he is not ever really excited when he says it
LDS quote print  Mormon quotes Floral art Floral quote
Let this be a lesson and a warning to you – be sure to really listen to the promptings that you receive from the Holy Ghost and follow them. Don’t let your inner self-talk talk you out of looking here or there or doing this or that for whatever reason your mind comes up with. Remember, if it is good then it comes from the Lord and you should act on it.

And if you are looking for something that you thought you had looked everywhere for and you would have no reason to have put it here or there, but you are prompted to look here or there – just do it! Give it a try. Maybe like me, you will be pleasantly surprised at what you will find in the place you wouldn’t have had a reason to have put it there😊if you but trust those promptings of the Holy Ghost, which are directly from your Heavenly Father.
I truly believe this... The bible says that faith without works is dead... So do your part and the Lord will surely do his
I think I kind of kept rationalizing away His promptings and that is why I was getting so frustrated and mad at myself for misplacing the work in the first place. I think I kind of brushed aside in my mind where I was being prompted to look, because that was not where I had kept the papers before and in my mind’s eye, I saw them in the last place I had worked on them but nothing more would come to me.

Well, like I said, the papers were found and now I can move forward with my assignment and finally get it finished! And that will take care of a third of what needs to be done at work right now. The other two- thirds I have a pretty good handle on. Now I can focus on the things at home that I am needing to accomplish before my new grand daughter arrives the first of March😊 I am way excited for her to arrive and so are her brothers and her big sister-cousin!

I have made myself assignments to do each Saturday, but I have been elsewhere, so I have not been able to accomplish those tasks either I guess I just need a couple of Saturdays being at home, without any distractions maybe? Truly they are such wonderful distractions – most of the time. I am sure you know how 2- and 5-year-old boys are😊 they definitely keep you busy. And they are so fun!! They love to make pillow forts on gram’s bed. They enjoy having me read to them and I love reading to them. They teach me so much and are we learning so much together. I love it!!! I wish I had, had and could have this same quality time with each of my grand children and my great grand -children.
25 LDS Quotes to Tape to Your Mirror Immediately Be featured in Model Citizen App, Magazine and Blog.
The lesson I had written in this original post was for the week of February 4-10. This week’s lesson is about Jesus being tempted by Satan, in His preparation for His earthly ministry Satan tried to put doubt of His identity of His mission.. doubt of Himself into His mind when he said in Luke Luke 4:3 -- "If thou be the Son of God," Jesus knew who He is, and who His Father is, He had taken the time to pray and visit with His Father in Heaven as part of His preparation before He was tempted by Satan. He knew what was in the scriptures and He knows that they are the word of
God and that they are true. 

Remember what Satan offered Him with one of the temptations? the answer is found in Luke 4:6 -- "all this power will i give thee" Satan offered power to Jesus that he didn't have to offer. Jesus had all the power that He needed already given Him by His Father as found in Luke 4:14 -- "the power of the Spirit."Jesus relied on the strength from the Holy Ghost that His Father sent to Him so he was able to continue in the work He was predestined to do as found in  Luke 4:43-- I must preach the kingdom of God .. for therefore am I sent ." 

Yes, this lesson is about temptations – which none of you have ever experienced, right? Not so, for most of us. The temptations in these verses are about those that Jesus himself faced, but they do apply to each of us in our everyday lives in one way or another. We can learn so much from learning about the experiences of those in the scriptures – especially from Jesus’ life and His ministry. In these verses we will learn about three different types of temptations – which each of us will face at some time in our lives.
I remember asking God one day “why me?” I always felt like I was under attack…
This lesson covers: Matthew 4; Luke 4-5. Shall we explore it together? Okay here we go: Jesus fasts forty days and is tempted—He begins His ministry, calls disciples, and heals the sick. In these chapters Jesus fasts for forty days, He went into the wilderness to, as it says in Joseph Smith Translation Matthew 4:1, --:to be with God."during this time, JST, Matthew 4:1  Joseph Smith Translation
Then Jesus was led up of the Spirit, into the wilderness, to be with God. Then he is tempted ,tested, tried, proven, by the devil. think about the things that each one of you do to feel closer to God. 

I pray, fast, study my scriptures, attend sacrament meeting each week and participate in my classes on Sundays.  Feeling close to our Father in Heaven -- how does this prepare us to do what our Father in heaven has asked us to do here on this earth. For me, it helps because I know that I am not in this assignment alone. I know that my Heavenly Father will be there with me -- in fact He will go before me. 

Jesus was sin free during His mortal life yet He was tempted, Mosiah 3:7
Book of Mormon  And lo, he shall suffertemptations, and pain of body, hunger, thirst, and fatigue, even more than man can suffer, except it be unto death; for behold, bloodcometh from every pore, so great shall be his anguish for the wickedness and the abominations of his people.  We should not feel guilty if we feel tempted. Jesus Christ also faced temptations by the devil and He overcame all of those temptations, therefore He can help each one of us to overcome those temptations that we face in our mortal lives. He can and He will help us to overcome our temptations -- check out  Hebrews 2:18Alma 7:11–12 if you haven't done so already
He loves us enough to help us learn about good things a little at a time, and let them sink in. The first temptation is that of food.  We will need food to survive. It is important to remember that Jesus had fasted for forty days and I presume forty nights before this temptation was put before Him, JST Matt. 4:2 … and had communed with God, he was afterwards an hungered, and was left to be tempted of the devil., so He was most likely Matthew 4 verse 3 "If thou be the Son of God, command that these stones be made bbread." To this temptation Jesus responds to him in verse 4 of Matthew 4.’ It is written, aMan shall not blive by cbread alone, but by every dword that proceedeth out of the emouth of God."

The second temptation is when Satan tries to get Jesus to jump off from the pinnacle of the temple and let the angels take care of Him. JST, Matthew 4:5
Joseph Smith Translation     Then Jesus was taken up into the holy city, and the Spirit setteth him on the pinnacle of the temple.This was to prove that He was the Son of God. To tempt God.. in Matthew 4 verse 6 "bIf thou be the Son of God, cast thyself down: for it is written, He shall give his angels charge concerning thee: and in their hands they shall bear thee up, lest at any time thou dash thy foot against a stone." 
Psalm 34:19 (NLT) - The righteous person faces many troubles, but the LORD comes to the rescue each time.

Jesus responds to this temptation  in JST, Matthew 4:6  Joseph Smith Translation
Then the devil came unto him and said, If thou be the Son of God, cast thyself down, for it is written, He shall give his angels charge concerning thee, and in their hands they shall bear thee up, lest at any time thou dash thy foot against a stone.

Satan wanted Jesus to tempt His Father by throwing Himself off of the highest part of the temple where he had placed Him, and to call upon the angels to take care of Him. In so doing Jesus would be tempting His Father because He would be deliberately placing Himself in danger that would require the angel’s help if He wanted to survive the fall. Unless He used His Godly powers, but He didn’t.

Spiritual Crusade: 5 Great Quotes by Quentin L. Cook in Deep and Lasting Conversion To Heavenly Father and The Lord Jesus Christ.

So, we should not put ourselves in a position where we deliberately cause our own problem (like jumping off a building) demand immediate help from the Lord by His angels – from above or those here on earth – when the situation that we put ourselves into could have been avoided. At least that is my take on this situation😊

So any of you have different ideas for this temptation? I think it is like so many of those in the scriptures who asked the Lord for a sign as proof that He exists. We do not need proof that He exists, we only need our faith to believe that He exists! We must continually nurture this faith every day, so that it continues to grow. Well, unless one of you has more to add here about this temptation or our faith – let’s move on to temptation number three.
A photograph of the night sky combined with the words from Matthew 28:18.
 The third temptation Satan tries to tempt Jesus with an offering of riches, land ownership, and to be a ruler with all the glory that comes of this position. Along with this temptation comes an ‘if only’ statement found in verse 9-JST, Matthew 4:9 Joseph Smith Translation       And the devil came unto him again, and said, All these things will I give unto thee, if thou wilt fall down and worship me.Jesus responds to him in verse 10 – “And Jesus answered and said unto him, Get thee behind me, Satan: for it is written, Thou shalt aworship the Lord thy God, and him only shalt thou bserve.”

Jesus tells Satan, to get thee hence. I know this works because I have often told Satan straight up, to get out of my face. Jesus tells Satan ‘it is written’ meaning that it says in the scriptures that; man does not live by bread alone.’ ‘that man shall not tempt the Lord thy God.’ So, Jesus is teaching us just how important it is for us to be familiar with what ‘is written’ in the scriptures so that we can have what we need to resist the temptations of the devil.
Elder Michael T. Ringwood | 60 inspiring quotes from April 2015 LDS general conference | Deseret News

We learn in reading Matthew 4:1–11 and Luke 4:1–13, Jesus Christ has set the greatest example for each one of us by facing and  overcoming His temptations. we can ask ourselves: What did Satan tempt Jesus with? Use His power to satisfy His hunger. Why was Jesus prepared resist those temptations? He fasted; He went to be with God; He knew the scriptures.   What does Satan tempt me with? What can I do to resist these temptations? How can I prepare myself to resist temptations? 

Because those temptations will come to each of us and they do, sooner than we think. It seems to me that temptations are all around us at every turn. You only need turn on your television to be tempted in one way or another – or even your computer. Satan is there using every good thing to trap us in his subtle snares. It is his design to disrupt our families and find a way to keep us in contention in some way so that we will choose not to be around our family for one reason or another.
Bible Verses to Live By;Psalm 34:7 ❤️

Please teach your children. I am sure that you will do a much better job than I have with mine. I do not understand why I did not get it enough to teach them when they were youngDon’t wait until your children they get older, teach them while they are young, and they won’t depart from it. Prepare them for his subtle tactics to cause contention within our homes. Remember that our homes can be a place of refuge from the world and all of its distractions.

These are things that can and possibly will cause friction within the walls of our homes, if we let it! We truly must be careful NOT to let these things into our homes. And Satan does not just target our children, he targets each of us adults as well. Any way he thinks he can put a wedge between husband and wife, father and child, or mother and child, he will do it!! We must be prepared!! 
Best Quotes from Oct 2014 #LDSconf "The gospel of Jesus Christ opens the path to what we may become" D. Todd Christofferson
We must always be watching for his sneaky ways he will use to destroy our families. We must do our best to teach our children the ways of Jesus.  We must teach them by our example to keep our Heavenly Father’s commandments, to follow the counsel of His living prophets. We must keep the Sabbath day holy, and attend our church meetings, to accept the calls to service that we are called to do – with a willing heart and to do our very best with each calling.

Am I prepared? Do I know the messages written in the scriptures well enough that the Holy Ghost can bring them to my mind in my time of temptation or my time of need? Are each of you prepared? Do you know the messages in the scriptures well enough for them to be at your hand when you need them? Remember, the Holy Ghost can only bring to our mind the things that we have learned. Our mind is like a computer – but we choose what to put into it! The best thing we can put into it are the things of God!

I know that I have a lot more to learn, but I keep trying every day to do better at those things which I know that Lord would have me do. So, let’s each one of us commit to learn the word of the Lord through prayer and scripture study --- and don’t forget to ponder what you learn and try to apply it into your daily lives. That’s when it really begins to click – when you apply what you learn. At least that is how it works for me. By doing something with whatever I have learned, be it in the scriptures or required workshop for my job – it is only on paper (so-to-speak) until I do something with it – act on the knowledge that I have received, then it becomes mine! Does this make any sense?
Elder D. Todd Christofferson | 67 quotes from the LDS Church's 186th Annual General Conference | Deseret News
Back to the lesson. These verses remind me of the story of the widow who was gathering sticks so that she could make a fire so that she could cook a last meal for her son and herself I can’t even imagine what she must have been feeling. Knowing that she only had enough food for one last meal before they would starve to death. I would think that she had probably been praying for some type of relief. Some way that she could continue to supply the needs of her son and herself. This was the last of the food that she had, and they were surely going to die without having any more food to sustain them.

As she is gathering the sticks for her fire, one of God’s prophets comes up to her and asks her to fetch him a drink. So, she gets him the water that he has asked her for. Then he makes a request that probably takes her aback for a second or two I am sure. He asks her to make him some food. She explains her situation to him. He replies to her that she should make him some food – just a little cake – first, before she should make any for her son or herself. He promises her that if she does this then the Lord will make sure that she and her son will never go without food. She trusts in the Lord’s promise and makes a cake for him and to her astonishment there is more meal in the barrel and more oil in the cruse.
Romans 12:21 #christian #christianblogger #christianity #christianliving #grace #Godslove #GodlovesYou #Jesus #BibleVerse #christianquotes #faith #Scripture

Are you all familiar with this story of Elijah and the widow? You can find a wonderful video here: the prophet of God tells her to do something and she has faith enough to act on what he has asked her to do. This is a good example of how the Lord provides us a way out of our troubles. He does the same for us when we face temptations. He will provide a way for us to resist temptations. you can view the story here:

Heavenly Father has given us the power and means to resist temptation.
            Why is it helpful for each of us to know that the Savior faced temptations similar to those each of us face today? Why do you think Jesus Christ was able to resist temptation? If you want to find other scriptural examples of people resisting Satan, you can search through the following verses:  Genesis 39:7–202 Nephi 4:16–35; and Moses 1:10–22. What can we learn from each of these examples in the scriptures about how to resist temptations that come to us?

Jesus Christ is the prophesied Messiah.

            What do we learn about Christ from this story? and What do we learn about Satan? What could help each of you to resist temptation?

As each of you read Luke 4:18–21, I want you to each think about what it means to say that Jesus is the Christ, the Messiah, or the Anointed One.

          Another question you might ask yourselves, why do you think the people of Nazareth did not accept Jesus as the prophesied Messiah?


          Read through the following verses 1 Kings 17:8–242 Kings 5:1–17Luke 4:16–30 What do these accounts teach us about miracles and responding to God’s servants? Do any of you see any messages for yourself or the people of our day and Church members of our day in the Savior’s words to the people of Nazareth in their day? How can we apply this in each of our lives today?

 Inspiring Bible Quotes for Women: "God promises to make something good out of the storms that bring devastation to your life." Romans 8:28

The commitment to follow Christ means accepting His will and forsaking our own.

            Sometimes when we read the scriptures, the direction the Lord gives us doesn’t make sense to us at first, so we should read through it again, and again. Why don’t we each search Luke 5:1–11, looking for what the Savior asked of Peter and why Peter might have doubted His instructions. How might this experience have affected Peter’s views about the Savior and himself?


When my family and I moved here is was due to much prayer and fasting. I knew that it was the right thing for us to do. I knew that the Lord wants my family and I to be here and even though I did not know why we needed to move here. I trusted in the Lord and we made the move. I knew that it was the right thing for us to do, but to be honest I made the move kicking and dragging my feet (so to speak) the whole way. I did not want to give up the security that I had in our old home town. The move has been great for all of our family members. All of my children moved here as well, within the first two years of us being here. We have been living here since 2005 and we have been blessed so much for following the promptings of the Holy Ghost.

More inspiration ✞ â–º 

In Luke 5 verse 11, it says that the fishermen “forsook all” to go and follow Jesus Christ. There are at least a few things and in other cases – like mine many things I gave up or changed or “forsook” to become His disciple. What about the attitudes of those whom He first called – Peter, Andrew, James and John in Matthew 4 verses 18—22? What about each of our attitudes? What type of attitude should each of us possess of we want to be able to give up the things of this world to follow Christ?


How many of you have ever seen a commercial fishing net or even a small one? Picture that net in your mind – if you have never seen one, you might make a trip to Walmart or someplace similar and look in the sporting goods or toys departments so you can get a picture of a net in your mind. If you are not a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, or an inactive one, or one – like me who feels the need for improvement, this might be a good exercise for you to visualize what you are willing to give up to come and follow Christ.  You may want to view this video on continual conversion found here:


You can even create your very own net, either on paper or out of some yarn or string, then it might be a fun exercise to cut out some fish and write down on the fish just exactly what you are willing to give up to follow Jesus Christ. Once you have done this, put those fish on your net. Then ask in prayer for the Lord to help you to give those things up to follow Jesus. Got it? What things have you already forsaken (given up) or are willing to forsake (give up) to follow Jesus Christ and live as He would have each of you live? What does it mean to be “fishers of men”? What tools do we have to help us be fishers of men?

 75 Inspirational Love Sayings About Life And Love Quotes 23

I have mentioned before how much my life has changed since I made the choice to be baptize and become a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. In making this choice I also chose not to smoke or drink alcohol or hot drinks like my tea. I also chose to change the way I dressed, with whom I spent my time, the way I spent my time. I chose to keep the commandments of God. I chose to make better choices not only for myself, but for my family as well. When I struggled with any of these things I prayed and my Heavenly Father gave me the strength that I needed to keep those promises that I had made to Him with my baptism.


Yes, I am here to tell those of you who are not members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints – in becoming a member of the Lord’s Church, you are choosing to make a lot of changes in your life. These changes that you are about to make will be the best changes of your life – I promise you, it will be hard, but it will truly be worth it. You will inherit a ward family to support you and your family as you make these changes and they will be there for you. I love my ward family, they are all pretty amazing folks😊

The following comes right from the manual it says that there are basically three types of temptations, according to President David O. McKay:


Types of temptation.

After speaking of the types of temptation that the Savior faced in the wilderness, President David O. McKay taught:
“Every temptation that comes to you and me comes in one of three forms:
“(1) A temptation of the appetite or passion;
“(2) A yielding to pride, fashion, or vanity;
“(3) A desire for worldly riches or power and dominion over lands or earthly possessions of men” (Teachings of Presidents of the Church: David O. McKay [2003], 82).
 God is always there working things out on your behalf! Stay patient and have faith  . . Like and follow for more encouragement! We are #CrownedRoyals. Never forget who you are in Christ Jesus!
Elder Jeffrey R. Holland shares his insight on Jesus’s experience in Matthew chapter four, below:

Speaking of Jesus’s experience in Matthew 4, Elder Jeffrey R. Holland taught:
“‘If thou be the Son of God, command that these stones be made bread.’ …
“The temptation is not in the eating. … The temptation, at least the part I wish to focus on, is to do it this way, to get his bread—his physical satisfaction, relief for his human appetite—the easy way, by abuse of power and without a willingness to wait for the right time and the right way. …
“‘If thou be the Son of God, cast thyself down’ from the pinnacle of this temple. …
“The temptation here is even more subtle than the first. It is a temptation of the spirit, of a private hunger more real than the need for bread. Would God save him? … Why not get spiritual confirmation, obtain a loyal congregation, and answer this Imp who heckles—all with one appeal to God’s power? …
“But Jesus refuses the temptation of the spirit. Denial and restraint are also part of divine preparation. … Even the Son of God must wait. The Redeemer who would never bestow cheap grace on others was not likely to ask for any himself. …
“… ‘All these things will I give thee, if thou will fall down and worship me.’
“Satan … [asks], ‘What is your price? Cheap bread you resist. Tawdry Messianic drama you resist, but no man can resist this world’s wealth. Name your price.’ Satan is proceeding under his first article of faithlessness—the unequivocal belief that you can buy anything in this world for money.
“Jesus will one day rule the world. He will govern every principality and power in it. He will be King of Kings and Lord of Lords. But not this way” (“The Inconvenient Messiah,”Ensign, Feb. 1984, 68–71).
The following are a few positive verses for you to look up about temptation:
*  I prepare a way for their deliverance … out of temptationD&C 95:1.
·         Be wise … yield to no temptationMorm. 9:28.
·         Be faithful, and yield to no temptationD&C 9:13.
·         He suffered temptations but gave no heed, D&C 20:22.
·         beware of pride, lest thou shouldst enter into temptationD&C 23:1.
·         pray always lest ye enter into temptation3 Ne. 18:18 (D&C 20:3331:1261:39).
·         righteous yieldeth to no such temptationsAlma 11:23.
·         supplication … that they might not enter into temptationAlma 31:10.
·         Lord knoweth how to deliver the godly out of temptations2 Pet. 2:9.
·         keep thee from the hour of temptationRev. 3:10.
·         mists of darkness are the temptations of the devil, 1 Ne. 12:17.
·         because of the pride … and the temptations1 Ne. 12:19.
·         neither could the temptations … overpower them, 1 Ne. 15:24.
·         why should I give way to temptations2 Ne. 4:27.
·         Blessed is the man that endureth temptationJames 1:12.
·         will with the temptation also make a way to escape, 1 Cor. 10:13.
·         lead us not into temptation, but deliver us, Matt. 6:13 (Luke 11:43 Ne. 13:12).
·         Watch and pray, that ye enter not into temptationMatt. 26:41(Mark 14:38Luke 22:40).

Well, we are to the end of this lesson, I hope each of you have learned something new today, I know that I have. It seems that each time I study or even read I find something new that didn’t seem to be there the last time I was reading or studying my scriptures😊 does this ever happen to you? And if you will forgive me for being a bit behind, I will do my best to catch us up.
For the week of February 11-17, we will be studying John chapters 2-4. Ponder this question as you read look for the answer. What do I think it means to be “born again?” As always, I hope and pray that on my ramblings I have said something that has helped to uplift you and helped you come closer to your Savior, Jesus Christ. Until my next post, keep studying the New Testament, stay safe and remember to make it a great week!

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