Thursday, February 13, 2020

Post # 171 – How to Make Christ the Center of Our Lives

Dear Family and Friends

I was thinking this morning as I was driving down the road back home from dropping my granddaughter off at work – she has to be there by 7:15 and I don’t go in until 10:15, often times we all just go in together to save on gasoline. 

There are some mornings however, when I have not had a good night Or my daughter has been up with the baby or one of the boys and we just need a few more minutes to try to get some sleep.

Today was one of those mornings and I was thinking about all that has transpired in our lives since the beginning of this new year, 2020😊  No, No more diagnosis of any kind😊 

The most exciting of these would be the progress or growth that my youngest granddaughter has made😊 she is walking – all over the place!!! She can even move safely down the step in my classroom without any upset😊

Try to picture this in your mind’s eye if you can – I am always looking for ways to reuse or repurpose something once it has been emptied. You know – all those things that come prepackaged in containers of different types😊 

One of those just happened to be the empty large animal cracker jug/ bottle?? It’s the ones that you can get at SAM’s club😊

Anyway, back to the picture… here she is still wearing 0-3 months clothes and just learning to stand up a little wobbly still😊 she grabs onto the open container and begins to push it across the classroom – I am sure that she did not realize that she was using that container as a form of a child’s walker! And it was suiting her quite well, thank you!!!

She is quite an amazing little girl! She loves Legos and she learned to stand by pulling herself up to the Lego box so that she could reach down inside of the tote to grab the Lego blocks out😊 She first learned how to climb upon things when she climbed up on top of the dress up tote in my room. Children these days come so smart as such younger ages than even when I had my own children😊

Another good thing that has happened since this new year began is that I was finally able to get my prescription for my neuropathy raised so that my nerves are not keeping me awake so much during the night as well as allowing me to do more of the things that I need to do with my hands and my feet😊 Also, I have been able to receive a shot in my hip for the pain😊

I heard the other day that my youngest son was able to take his little family to Denver to watch the JAZZ play😊 I think that is amazing!!! He drives a semi -truck, long haul carrying over-sized loads to different states and he was able to take some time and focus on his family😊 I think that is simply wonderful!!! Great job, Son😊

So many families lose their focus on their family. They are working so hard to provide for their family all of the things that they never had growing up and wished that they had had them First, we need to center our lives on Christ and second our focus should be on our families.

Everything else should come after that! 😊 I think I learned this too late in my life, so I am sharing this with you in hopes that you do not wait too long to invite Christ into your lives and put Him first in your lives and keep your focus on Him!! And then, remember that your family comes in second; be sure that you teach your family members and friends to put the Lord first in your lives, your life and theirs will bring you many more blessing when you do. 😊

I have always put my family first, and my children were my number one focus. 

My life would have been way different had I learned to put Christ at the center of my life when I was young😊 

But as you know – if wishes were fishes we would all have a good fry😊 

The important thing  for me is that I have finally learned what is best in  my life and I am hoping that I can help each one of you to realize that this is also the best thing you can do for your own lives as well!

I am far – really, really far from even being close to perfect in or at anything, but I believe that we should do our best to put Jesus Christ at the center of our individual lives. 
And maybe had my marriage been in a partnership with my husband and God, who knows, maybe I would still be happily married??? But what is past is past and I cannot dwell in the past. Though I can learn from it and do my best to share what I have learned, right?

 --- A few ways I try to put Christ first in my own life are:
n  Prayer is our communication to our Heavenly Father, in the name of Jesus Christ. Through every prayer of our heart we are speaking to Them😊

2 Nephi 32:9 But behold, I say unto you that ye must pray always, and not faint; that ye must not perform any thing unto the Lord save in the first place ye shall pray unto the Father in the name of Christ, that he will consecrate thy performance unto thee, that thy performance may be for the welfare of thy soul.

n  Listening to uplifting music which I believe can bring me closer to Christ. I believe that music can be a good way to help us to keep our focus on Christ😊 

I have found myself thinking of Jesus more often throughout the day when I am listening to music about Him😊

If you have not tried this you really should, you may be surprised at how much difference it makes in your day and in the direction your thoughts tend to go throughout the day as well😊

n   Trying to see others as the Savior sees them😊 whenever I remind myself to do this in a sometimes very trying situation, I believe that I come closer to my Savior. I believe it is in this way that I am trying more to be like Him😊 I guess if the truth be told this is only in fact keeping the two great commandments to love God and to love your neighbor as yourself, right?

Matthew 22:37–40               New Testament
37 Jesus said unto him, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind.
38 This is the first and great commandment.
39 And the second is like unto it, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself.
40 On these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets.

Here is a video you may want to see its about the Greatest Commandment based on the following passage: Mark 12:28-34

n  Reading, studying and learning about our Heavenly Father and His Son, Jesus Christ. I believe that the more we can learn about Heavenly father and His Son Jesus Christ the closer we can come to being more like Them. In the scriptures, and especially in the Book of Mormon, we learn of Christ’s life; His teachings; and His great example for us to follow😊

“Reading the Book of Mormon helped me to grow closer to Jesus Christ and to make Him the center of my life. I am so grateful that the Savior put the missionaries and His Church into my path.”

** All of these things I am always working on each day. Life is busy and crazy, and sometimes hard. I am very forgetful and I do try to remember what I need to do. 

I even pray that I can know and remember to do these things, but my human side quite often gets in the way of what I need to do to feed my spirit😊

I do not know if any of you have ever experienced this or not, but this is real life for me I truly do have good intentions and then I forget, until it is too late.

 A good example just happened to me. My younger brother’s birthday was yesterday, and I had planned to wish him happy birthday. I remembered that it was his birthday coming up on Friday, which was good, but by the time I remembered it was just a little while ago

Or when I fully intend to say a prayer before I eat, but I get busy and finally grab something to eat and begin eating before I remember that I forgot to say  prayer before I began eating or like when I am supposed to pick something up after work... 

... and I remember it all day until just before I am ready to leave work and head home. Then I remember it when I am asked for the item or after I have gone to bed for the night – again, too late☹ 

In looking for other ways to help you in your quest of refocusing your lives on Christ I found the following blog to be insightful: 

We are encouraged to live Christ-centered lives, but what exactly does that mean?
Putting Christ first in our lives means that we strive every day to be more like Him in our thoughts and actions. It means that we sacrifice our time to do things that He asks. When we center our lives on Christ, we make following Him and His teaching our top priorities.
Life gets hectic and busy, and we all have many demands on our time and lots of things that require our attention and thought. It can be easy to get distracted by everyday things and lose our focus on Christ.
In Alma 37:6 it says, “By small and simple things are great things brought to pass.” There are many small and simple things we can do to live a more Christ-centered life. These are a few ideas that can help create habits to bring us closer to Christ.
You can go to this site to read more about these activities that may help each one of us in our refocusing goal:

 They mention the following things that may help us to better focus on Christ and to put Him at the very center of our lives:




If you have youth in your home or you are feeling like a youthful learner [as I often do] you can check out this site for the youth: What is life like when Christ is at the center?

How to Make Christ the Center of Our Lives   ELDER D. TODD CHRISTOFFERSON Of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles
Jesus achieved perfect unity with the Father by submitting Himself, both body and spirit, to the will of the Father. 

Referring to His Father, Jesus said, “I do always those things that please him” (John 8:29). 

Because it was the Father’s will, Jesus submitted even to death, “the will of the Son being swallowed up in the will of the Father” (Mosiah 15:7). 

His focus on the Father is one of the principal reasons Jesus’s ministry had such clarity and power. There was no distracting doublemindedness in Him.

In the same way, you and I can put Christ at the center of our lives and become one with Him as He is one with the Father (see John 17:20– 23). We could begin by stripping everything out of our lives and then putting it back together in priority order with the Savior at the center.

We would first put in place the things that make it possible always to remember Him—

frequent prayer, studying and pondering the scriptures, thoughtful study of apostolic teachings, weekly preparation to partake of the sacrament worthily, Sunday worship, recording and remembering what the Spirit and experience teach us about discipleship. 

There may be other things that will come to your mind particularly suited to you at this point in your life.

Once adequate time and means for these matters, for centering our lives in Christ, have been put in place, we can begin to add other responsibilities and things of value insofar as time and resources will permit, such as education, family responsibilities, and personal avocations. 

In this way the essential will not be crowded out of our lives by the merely good, and things of lesser value will take a lower priority or fall away altogether.

 Though it may not be easy, we can consistently press forward with faith in the Lord. I can attest that over time one’s desire and capacity to always remember and follow the Savior will grow. We should patiently work toward that end and pray always for the discernment and divine help we need (see 2 Nephi 32:9). NE From a Brigham Young University–Idaho devotional given on January 27, 2009

On this site there are several articles that you can read to learn more😊 I am all about learning more!!!  Including the following one:
5 Blessings That Come From Remembering the Savior

Here is a video that you might want to see:
You can also check out the following sites for more learning fun😊

I believe that President Ezra Taft Benson had just become the Prophet and President of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints when I joined the Church in 1988. I would like to draw from his life teachings to share with you a part of chapter 24 from his book:

From the Life of Ezra Taft Benson

President Ezra Taft Benson frequently quoted the Savior’s counsel to the twelve Nephite disciples: “What manner of men ought ye to be? Verily I say unto you, even as I am” (3 Nephi 27:27).1 This principlethe need to be more Christlikewas a recurring theme in President Benson’s ministry, especially during his service as President of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles and as President of the Church.
Having dedicated his life to serving the Lord, President Benson spoke with power and conviction when he shared the following words of testimony:
“I testify to you that there is no greater, more thrilling, and more soul-ennobling challenge than to try to learn of Christ and walk in His steps. Our model, Jesus Christ, walked this earth as ‘the Exemplar.’ 

He is our Advocate with the Father. He worked out the great atoning sacrifice so we could have a fullness of joy and be exalted in accordance with His grace and our repentance and righteousness. He did all things perfectly and commands that we be perfect even as He and His Father are perfect. (See 3 Ne. 12:48.)

“‘What would Jesus do?’ or ‘What would He have me do?’ are the paramount personal questions of this life. Walking in His way is the greatest achievement of life. That man or woman is most truly successful whose life most closely parallels that of the Master.”2

As President Benson exhorted the Saints to follow the Savior’s perfect example, he reminded them that they could do so only with the Savior’s help. He declared:
“I know the Lord lives. I know that He loves us. I know that apart from Him no one can succeed, but as a partner with Him no one can fail.
“I know that God can make a lot more out of our lives than we can.
“May we all have the moral courage from this moment forward to more fully strive each day to think on Christ, learn of Him, walk in His steps, and do what He would have us do.”3

Teachings of Ezra Taft Benson

1 The example and teachings of Jesus Christ provide the great standard for all mankind.

2 We come unto Christ as we look unto Him in every thought and emulate His attributes.

3 The Savior will comfort us and lift us up in our efforts to stay on the path He has marked for us.

You can read the rest of this chapter 24 of the Presidents of the Church series Teachings of Ezra Taft Benson. This chapter also includes great study questions too😊

When we put Christ at the center of our lives, we become more like Him. In this way our thoughts and our actions become more Christlike as well, and this is a very good thing!!! Just as the scriptures teach us in 2 Corinthians 5:17 ‘I any man [or woman] be in Christ, he [or she] is a new creature’ so we become a new creature in Christ.  

When we become a new creature we change, right? And I have to tell you I certainly changes an awful lot from the person I used to be – for the better of course. To be completely truthful to you all, I have never been sorry that I gave up all of my sins to know Christ: 😊

In his talk The Atonement Can Secure Your Peace and Happiness Elder Richard G, Scott of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles teaches us: “True, enduring happiness, with the accompanying strength, courage, and capacity to overcome the greatest difficulties, will come as you center your life in Jesus Christ.” You can read the rest of his talk here:

There is a wonderful  talk by Sister Camille Fronk, I would like to share the following from her talk these passages from her talk are not sequential as I left out the parts specific to the students at BYU:

In pre-mortality, the Lord specified a prime purpose for our mortal existence when he said, "And we will prove them herewith, to see if they will do all things whatsoever the Lord their God shall command them" (Abr. 3:25). Did you hear that? The Lord said "all things whatsoever [he commands us]."

God gave Moses ten commandments, but the first one was "Thou shalt have no other gods before me" (Exo. 20:3).

 Joseph Smith identified thirteen articles of our belief, but the first one is "We believe in God, the Eternal Father, and in his Son, Jesus Christ, and in the Holy Ghost" (A or F 1). 

Of all 613 commandments listed by Jewish leaders from the law of Moses, Jesus identified "the first and great commandment" to be "Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind" (Matt. 22:37-38). 

Captain Moroni's people fought for many righteous causes, but the first one listed on the Title of Liberty was: "In memory of our God" (Alma 46:12). 

The ultimate destination attained by pressing forward and clinging to the iron rod in Lehi's dream was the tree of life. And what filled his soul with exceeding great joy when he arrived at the tree? Partaking of the fruit of the tree--the love of God.

In recent times, a prophet, Ezra Taft Benson, taught the same truth. "We must put God in the forefront of everything else in our lives. . . . We should put God ahead of everyone else in our lives. . . . 

Why did God put the first commandment first? Because he knew that if we truly loved him we would want to keep all of his other commandments. . . . 

When we put God first, all other things fall into their proper place or drop out of our lives. Our love of the Lord will govern the claims of our affection, the demands on our time, the interests we pursue, and the order of our priorities" (April 2, 1988).

Scriptural Examples
Examples are everywhere in scripture to show the blessings and opportunities available to those who put God first in their lives. 

Turn to Moses 5. Scripture equally testifies to the misery and wo that follow those who put anyone or anything else as a higher priority than the Lord

Remember Cain who once hearkened to the voice of the Lord as well as to his brother Abel? (Moses 5:26). The details are not given, but Cain submerged God in his priority list. In verse 18, we read, "And Cain loved Satan more than God." 

At that point, Cain would probably still claim he loved God--just not as much as Satan. After that priority flipflop, his declaration, up in verse 16,

 "Who is the Lord that I should know him?" is not a major leap. Neither is his subsequent disdain for Abel, his alienation from his parents, and his being shut out from God's presence.

But the Adversary is not always so blatant. He doesn't often insist that we put him first in our loyalty. Anything or anyone other than God as the primary object of our love will suffice for the Evil One.

All too frequently in today's world, a "Christian" is defined on the basis of the horizontal relationship between oneself and "neighbor" rather than the vertical relationship with Deity. In this distorted view of Christianity, our relationship with others becomes more important than loving God, having faith in Christ, and being a devoted disciple of his gospel. 

If God isn't first, sooner or later he will simply be a nice embellishment to our lives. 

When we put God first, he will teach and empower us to love each other better, even if our love is not understood at first by the recipient. 

The trouble is too often we ignore things that should be first in our lives and go after secondary things, thereby losing both.

Her talk was given at BYU it was specifically directed towards the students at BYU but we can apply the principles that she teaches. 

If you want to read more of her talk you can find it here:

What do the following scriptures teach us about putting the Lord first in our lives?

Hebrews 11:6  But without faith it is impossible to please him: for he that cometh to God must believe that he is, and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him.

Luke 6:38  Give, and it shall be given unto you; good measure, pressed down, and shaken together, and running over, shall men give into your bosom. For with the same measure that ye mete withal it shall be measured to you again.

Luke 14:26  If any man come to me, and hate not his father, and mother, and wife, and children, and brethren, and sisters, yea, and his own life also, he cannot be my disciple.

Matthew 6:33 But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.

Romans 12:1-2
1 Timothy 6:17-19
Luke 10:38-42
 38 Now it came to pass, as they went, that he entered into a certain village: and a certain woman named Martha received him into her house.

39 And she had a sister called Mary, which also sat at Jesus’ feet, and heard his word.

40 But Martha was cumbered about much serving, and came to him, and said, Lord, dost thou not care that my sister hath left me to serve alone? bid her therefore that she help me.

41 And Jesus answered and said unto her, Martha, Martha, thou art careful and troubled about many things:

42 But one thing is needful: and Mary hath chosen that good part, which shall not be taken away from her.

At this site there are some good questions for you to answer I think you should check it out it will be well worth the effort: 

Well folks, this has got to be the end of my ramblings today. Please continue with your daily prayers, individually and with your family too. 

And do continue to study your scriptures individually and with your family. Don’t forget to do your Family Home Evening every week.

As always, I hope, and I pray that I have shared something with all of you that has been helpful in some small way. Also, that it may have been uplifting for some of you out there😊

Remember there is always hope and the Lord is always there with His outstretched hands, reaching down for you.

If you have not began using a journal yet, now may be a good time to start one😊 I have started many throughout the years and I believe that they are beneficial and worth the time to jot down something at the end of each day, it  is a place for you to reflect – at least that is how I often use mine😊

I write down my thoughts, poems, favorite quotes, favorites scriptures, quotes from movies, from our living Prophets and their counselors, draw little pictures == I am a doodler😊😊 

This is where I put down my worries my concerns, my dreams, I write down when things come to my mind… oh, but I am rambling again. Until my next post, please make sure you look up and reach up and make it a good week!!

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