Monday, July 6, 2020

Post # 239 -- Come, Follow Me -- July 6–12 -- Alma 30–31-- “The Virtue
of the Word of God”

Dear Family and Friends
How was your week? I hope you and your family members and
friends have had a great week. Are you and your daily members
and friends enjoying one another’s company? I believe that
during this time of COVID 19 we need to embrace our families
and remind them of how our country became free!

I hope that it  wasn't too hot  for your fourth of July celebration activities, wherever you are living.  I felt like it was a bit cooler
here than it has been the past week. We had our favorite three
digit temperatures :( Not my favorite temps! I prefer it to be
more on the cooler side year round. 
Pin by The Southern Latter-Day Saint on Prophets, Seers, and ...
My little family here had a couple of friends over and my middle
son and his wife came over,which was great because I haven't
seen them in a while due to his work schedule.  It was nice to
have them stop by for even a little while. I hope you were all
able to enjoy your family members and friends for the day:)
We barbequed burgers and hotdogs, made potato salad,
macaroni salad, added chips, soda and watermelon and called it
our Fourth of July banquet:) Then we sat on the front lawn and
watched a spectacular light show with the neighborhood fireworks.

Of course we added out fireworks to theirs and the kids loved it!!!
The whole neighborhood was lit up in celebration of our county! It
was a pretty amazing sight to see!  I had to enjoy it from inside
the house because it is too loud and the sulfur smell and smoke
makes me so nauseous. It is still enjoyable watching from the
window of the house:)

Book of Mormon—Picture Quotes
This first section comes to you directly from our Come, Follow
Me for Individuals and Families manual; 
Alma testified of the “powerful effect” of the word of God (Alma 31:5). As
you read Alma 30–31, record your impressions as you feel the powerful
effect God’s word has on you.
The accounts in Alma 30–31 clearly demonstrate the power of words—for
evil and for good. The “flattering” and “great swelling words” of a false
teacher named Korihor threatened to bring “many souls down to destruction” (Alma 30:31, 47). Similarly, the teachings of a Nephite
dissenter named Zoram led a whole group of people to fall “into great
errors” and “pervert the ways of the Lord” (Alma 31:9, 11).
In contrast, Alma had unwavering faith that the word of God would have a
“more powerful effect upon the minds of the people than the sword, or
anything else” (Alma 31:5)—including the words of Korihor and Zoram.
Alma’s words expressed eternal truth and drew upon the powers of heaven
to silence Korihor (see Alma 30:39–50), and they invited heaven’s blessing
on those who went with him to bring the Zoramites back to the truth
(see Alma 31:31–38). These are valuable examples for followers of Christ
today, when “great swelling words” and “great errors” again have a
powerful effect on the minds of the people (Alma 30:31; 31:9). But we can
find truth by trusting, as Alma did, “the virtue of the word of God” (Alma 31:5).
Life Lesson #2: Don't Forget to Carry the Sword of the Spirit ...
You might want to have your family members and friends review
Alma 30–31 sharing with one another things that you each felt
was a powerful message for you that you found during your study
of this week’s chapters. Like do not tempt the Lord!!! 

Ideas for Personal Scripture Study

The adversary tries to deceive us with false doctrine.

You know as I was studying through these chapters I noticed
good comparisons for us of the difference between the gospel
truth and that of the counterfeits which Satan uses. If you feel
that your family members and friends might need a little bit of
help in understanding these things you may  want  to consider
using an object lesson.

I found a section for young adults talking about identifying
satan’s counterfeits. I read through the stories and they are
quite suitable for family discussion I think. You can find them

Mosiah 4:3 | Cool words, Scripture of the day, Mosiah
“ I found another talk titled The Great Imitator” by

I feel that it is so important that we teach our family members 
the ways that satan tries to deceive us. This helps us to be on
the lookout for his tactics so we are not taken in by his pans..

I also found a fun Family Home Evening activity which is also an
object lesson about satan and how he deceives people. You can

Using an object lesson could help your family members and friends
to better understand the differences between gospel truths and satans counterfeits. You might also just use some fake items you
have around your home. Some things like monopoly money, play
food, then get the real things and match them up. 

How the Book of Mormon GIves Us Examples of Good and Bad Government

Then ask your family members and friends the following question:
How can we tell that the fake items are not real? Now read together
with your family members and friends   Alma 30:6–31.. After  you
have finished reading you could identify the false teachings of
Korihor. After you have identified Korihor’s false teachings it’s
question time again:)

What might be enticing about these teachings? What do gospel
truths offer us that Satan’s counterfeit teachings cannot offer? Next you can read with your family members and friends the
following passage of scriptures Alma 30:32–54 have them be
listening and / or looking for the thing that helped Alma to discern
true doctrine and gals doctrine.

Now that your reading is done it is time that you share or have your
family members and friends share with one another what  it was that
helped Alma to discern the true doctrine from the false doctrine. If
you have any difficulties you might want to review the passage of
scripture again. Have you found any other things to be helpful;?

John 15:10 | Scripture of the day, Scripture, Scripture quotes

Something that may help your family members and friends to learn
just how they can protect themselves from the effects of false
doctrine you could review the description of an anti;Christ as found
in this week’s outline in Come, Follow Me—For Individuals and
Families. Which you can find just below here in the following section.

What is an anti-Christ?

In Alma 30, Korihor is called “Anti-Christ” (verse 6). An anti-Christ is
“one who would assume the guise of Christ but in reality would be opposed
to Christ (1 John 2:18–22; 4:3–6; 2 John 1:7). In a broader sense it is anyone
or anything that counterfeits the true gospel or plan of salvation and that
openly or secretly is set up in opposition to Christ”
(Bible Dictionary, “Antichrist”).
What “counterfeits [of] the true gospel” do you notice in today’s world?
For example, Sister Julie B. Beck, former Relief Society General President,
taught, “Any doctrine or principle [we] hear from the world that is
antifamily is also anti-Christ” (“Teaching the Doctrine of the Family,”
Ensign, Mar. 2011, 15).

The Scripture Study Habit That Changed My Life – Part 2: the ...
After you've finished reading about the anti= Christ then it's time
for more questions. Now you can ask your family members and
friends  the following questions :

Which verses in Alma 30:6–31 show that Korihor fits this
description? Which of his teachings are similar to false teachings
in our day? 

You may want to get out your poster board and male two columns
with the following headings: “Teachings In Alma’s Day” and “False
Teachings In Our Day”. Read together the following passages of
scripture  Alma 30:12–18, 23–28. Then answer the following
question:: How can we avoid being deceived by these teachings?

The following ideas for personal scripture study comes to you
directly from our Come, Follow Me for Individuals  and Families

It's Time to Simplify Your Life… Elder Lynn G. Robbins Said So ...

Ideas for Personal Scripture Study

The Book of Mormon can help me resist the influence of those

who try to deceive me.

As you read Alma 30:6–31, the teachings of Korihor may sound familiar.
That’s because, as President Ezra Taft Benson taught, the Book of Mormon
reveals and can fortify us against “the evil designs, strategies, and doctrines
of the devil in our day. The type of apostates in the Book of Mormon are
similar to the type we have today. God, with his infinite foreknowledge, so
molded the Book of Mormon that we might see the error and know how to
combat false educational, political, religious, and philosophical concepts of
our time” (Teachings of Presidents of the Church: Ezra Taft Benson,
[2014], 132).

Consider making a list of the false doctrines Korihor taught in Alma 30:6–31.
What are some of the consequences of believing these teachings? For instance,
what is the result of believing that “when a man [is] dead, that [is] the end
thereof”? (Alma 30:18). What false doctrines taught by Korihor are similar to
false doctrines you’ve noticed in the world today?

Reading about the interaction between Korihor and Alma can help you prepare
for situations when others may try to deceive you. It might help to study
Alma 30:29–60 to understand how Korihor was deceived
(see especially verses 52–53). What can you learn from Alma’s response to
Korihor’s teachings? (see Alma 30:31–35).
6 Ways to Activate the Power of the Atonement In Your Life - The ...

All things testify of God.

As you can probably tell from your study of these chapters and
other chapters as well, our world that we live in is a world that is
so much like the world in which Alma lived where there are some
people out there who try to teach others that there is no God.
you may find Alma's testimony to be helpful for you and your
family members and friends.

You can find Alma’s testimony in Alma 30:39–44. Reading Alma’s
testimony with your family members and friends will be helpful in
making another list on your poster board. When you read Alma;s
testimony, have your family members and friends listen and /or
look for truths and evidence that Alma gives that testify that
there is a God

Here is a great question for you to ponder on:.What other
testimonies do we have that God lives? This should lead into
another good discussion.

The Loan, The Lender and The Deal » Latter-day Saint Blogs ...

Adding to this discussion you may want to consider sharing with
your family members and friends the following statement by
President M. Russell Ballard ;

All things denote there is a God.

President M. Russell Ballard taught that the “eternal evidences” Alma gave for
the existence of God “continue to testify to us today” (see Alma 30:44):
“Astronauts viewing the earth from space have stated how incredibly beautiful
it is and how alive it appears. United States Senator Jake Garn wrote of his
experience in space: ‘It is impossible for me to describe the beauty of the earth.
It is a breathtaking, awe-inspiring, spiritual experience to view the earth from
space while traveling at twenty-five times the speed of sound. I could also look
into the blackness of the vacuum of space and see billions of stars and galaxies
millions of light-years away. The universe is so vast as to be impossible to
comprehend. But I did comprehend the hand of God in all things. I felt his
presence throughout my seven days in space. I know that God created this
earth and the universe. … I know that God lives and is the Creator of us all’
(letter to M. Russell Ballard, 3 March 1988)” (“God’s Love for His Children,”
Ensign, May 1988, 58).
Isaiah Prophesied of This Powerful 'Last Days' Weapon, and You ...
I know that i have mentioned before just how important i feel
that music is, especially in inviting the Spirit to your lessons. Now
would be a great time to sing one of my favorite hymns that
teaches us about the goodness of God. so, with your family
members and friends please at least read the words together to
the following hymn: 

How Great Thou Art” (Hymns, no. 86), or you could sing the
together. Didn’t you just love that hymn? I knew that you would! 
You remember in Alma 30:42 when Alma was talking with Korihor? 
Then it was as he talked with Korihor that  Alma perceives that
Korihor had “put off the Spirit of God that it may have no place in [him]”. 

At this time you may want to have your family members and friends
search through  Alma 30:39–46. Tell them to be looking for other
references to the Holy Ghost. What role does the Holy Ghost play
in testifying to us of the reality of God and Jesus Christ? How can we help those who have doubts or questions seek truth through the Holy Ghost?

How the Book of Mormon GIves Us Examples of Good and Bad Government

God’s word has the power to lead people to righteousness.

Have you or any of your family members and/ or friends had an
experience when “the virtue of the word of God” as we find in
Alma 31:5, that helped you / them or someone you or they know to
make changes in their life? You can share any verses from Alma 31 that might apply to yours or their experiences. 

You and / or you family members and friends could also share ways in which God’s word has had a “powerful effect upon [their] minds”
as we learn in Alma 31:5. You and your family members  and friends could also benefit from reading together some other scriptures
that testify about the power of God’s word.  

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The  following passages are a few examples about the power of
God’s word for you and your family members and friends to
explore together:

Scriptures about the power of God’s word.

You and your family members and friends may have been inspired by Alma’s example of when he was praying for the Zoramites as
you and/or they read through and studied Alma 31 this week. You
may want to ask your family members and friends what they have
each learned from this chapter.

scripture sunday | Tumblr

If they don't mention what they learned about reaching out to
their family members and friends who have left the gospel path or
who are struggling with their faith. Ask them to think about it.
Then have them search through  Alma 31 together and list on the
board things they notice about Alma that helped him rescue the

Then ask them the following questions: How can we use the word
of God more in our efforts to rescue others?  Then you may want
to consider  sharing the following  quotation by
Elder Jeffrey R. Holland for additional insights to discuss:

Nourishing others with God’s word.

Elder Jeffrey R. Holland taught:
“Are we really nurturing our youth and our new members in a way that
will sustain them when the stresses of life appear? Or are we giving them
a kind of theological Twinkie—spiritually empty calories? … During a
severe winter several years ago, President Boyd K. Packer noted that a
goodly number of deer had died of starvation while their stomachs were full of hay. In an honest effort to assist, agencies had supplied the
superficial when the substantial was what had been needed. Regrettably they had fed the deer but they had not nourished them. …
“Satan is certainly not subtle in his teachings; why should we be? Whether
we are instructing our children at home or standing before an audience in church, let us never make our faith difficult to detect. … Give scripturally
based sermons. Teach the revealed doctrine” (“A Teacher Come from God,”
Ensign, May 1998, 26–27).
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Ine additional question for this section : What do your family members and /or friends  find in Alma 31:30–38 that can help
those who sorrow for the sins of others as Alma did? The following
ideas for personal scripture study comes to you directly from our
Come, Follow Me manual:

Ideas for Personal Scripture Study

God’s word has the power to lead people to righteousness.

The problem of the Zoramites separating from the Nephites may have seemed
to some like it needed a political or military solution (see Alma 31:1–4). But
Alma had learned to trust “the virtue of the word of God” (Alma 31:5). What
do you learn from Alma 31:5 about the power of God’s word? How have you
seen the word of God lead “people to do that which [is] just”? (Alma 31:5).
Ponder how you can “try” (use or test) the word of God to help someone you
To further understand Alma’s approach to rescuing others, you could compare
his attitudes, feelings, and actions with those of the Zoramites, as described in
Alma 31. A table like the following one might help. What differences do you
notice? How do you feel you could be more like Alma?

The Scripture Study Habit That Changed My Life – Part 2: the ...

Believed those outside their group were condemned to hell (Alma 31:17).
Believed the Zoramites were his “brethren” and their souls were “precious” (Alma 31:35).
Set their hearts on riches (Alma 31:24, 28).
Desired to bring souls to Jesus Christ (Alma 31:34).

Ideas for Family Scripture Study and Family
Home Evening
As you read the scriptures with your family, the Spirit can help you know
what principles to emphasize and discuss in order to meet the needs of your
family. Here are some ideas.

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Alma 30:44

Consider reading and discussing Alma 30:44 together as you go on a walk
outside or look at pictures of God’s creations. Family members could share
what they see that testifies of God. How do these things—or other experiences
we’ve had—help us know God is real?

Alma 30:56–60

What do we learn from Alma 30:56–60 about how the devil treats his
followers? What can we do to protect our home against his influence?

Alma 31:20–38

After reading Alma 31:20–38 with your family, you could discuss the following

questions: How was Alma’s prayer different from the prayer of the Zoramites?

How can we follow Alma’s example in our personal and family prayers?

Younger children could put a rock under their pillows to help them remember
to pray every morning and night. They also might enjoy decorating their rock.

scripture sunday | Tumblr

Alma 31:23

What are we doing each day in our home to learn about and speak of God?
For more ideas for teaching children, see this week’s outline in Come, Follow
Me—For Primary.
Suggested song: “My Heavenly Father Loves Me,” Children’s Songbook,
You can now take the time to maybe share what doctrine or gospel
principle you  might teach your family members and friends to
counter the falsehoods Alma found among the Zoramites.. Tell
your family members that as they read and study Alma 32–35 they
will discover hw Alma used God’s word to help the Zoramites see
the need to change. 
The Scripture Study Habit That Changed My Life – Part 2: the ...
You might even ask your family members and friends to look out for which doctrines  or gospel principles they might teach to
counter those falsehoods which Alma discovered there among the
Zoramites. It is important to guide your family and friends so that
they can find the truths in the scriptures themselves
In this way they will be more likely to understand as well as to
cherish the truths and principles that they do find for themselves
than if you just point them out to them. I hope this makes some
sense to each one of you. I pray that you and your family members
and friends have enjoyed this week’s lesson about the deceitful
ways of satan.
57 Best Ahh Neal Maxwell images | Lds quotes, The church of jesus ...
I am sorry that I got this lesson up a bit later this week. I hope this didn't throw you off too much in your studying schedule. I
pray that each of you and your family members and friends are
all healthy and well and staying safe from this COVID 19 that is
still out there lurking in the shadows around every corner on
every surface, be careful. 

Please remember who you are!!! You are each one a child of God.
please continue saying your prayers morning and evening and keep
a prayer in your heart throughout the day, please continue to
study the Book of Mormon with me each week and from its pages
each day. Until my next post, please stay safe and make it a
great week!!!
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