Wednesday, July 29, 2020

Post # 244 -- Come, Follow Me -- Week # 30 -- July 27–August 2 -- Alma 39–42 -- “The Great Plan of Happiness”

Dear Family and Friends

This next week I am hoping to get the tests completed that are necessary for me to find out what the next step is in my treatment plan for this cancer. When one is diagnosed with breast cancer it seems a logical thought that it would only affect the breast and most likely the surrounding areas. 

Plan of Salvation / Plan of Happiness

You wouldn’t think that your hip or your back would be involved, right? That was my initial thoughts when I was diagnosed that they would remove both breasts and all would be well. It just so happened that my form of cancer was a very fast growing little devil and migrated to my right hip, pelvis and my upper back along my spine:(

It is interesting to me that the cancer migrated to opposite poles so to speak. In my pelvis and right hip -- odd when it was the left breast that was affected and removed. Then the other area being up between my shoulder blades I think if I was reading the computer screen right that kind of looked like where it would be.

If you understand the great plan of happiness and follow it, what ...

Also, you would think that it would migrate to the same side of the body not move across to the other side. Just some thoughts I had. It’s too bad that I do not have any of the answers to those questions that my thoughts provoke, right? I have learned a lot about the quadrants of my body as well as the different watersheds we have.

I learned about these things as I was doing my physical therapy for my lymphedema. Our bodies sure are interesting machines aren’t they? Boy do I have a lot more to learn. Speaking of learning a lot more our lesson for this week takes us back into the book of Alma chapters 39 through 42.

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I hope that you have noticed how these chapters clarify many important truths that we are learning about. These chapters contain such rich doctrines for us to ponder and help our family members and friends to find these truths for themselves. Have you considered a few ways to help them do this?

When you read through these chapters be sure that you are reading and searching carefully for the doctrines and the truths that you find. It could be helpful to write them down so that you can share them with your family members and friends. This part comes from our Come, Follow Me for Individuals and Families manual:

The good, the great, and the wonderful!: Sippin on sunshine

As you study Alma 39–42, the Holy Ghost can give you insights about things that are happening in your life.

When someone we love has made a serious mistake, it can be hard to know how to respond. Part of what makes Alma 39–42 so valuable is that it reveals how Alma—a disciple of Christ who once had his own grievous sins to repent of—handled such a situation. Alma’s son Corianton had committed sexual sin, and Alma, as he often did, trusted the power of true doctrine to encourage repentance (see Alma 4:19; 31:5).

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In these chapters, we observe Alma’s boldness in condemning sin and his tenderness and love for Corianton. And ultimately, we sense Alma’s confidence that the Savior “shall come to take away [sins and] declare glad tidings of salvation” to those who repent (Alma 39:15). The fact that Corianton eventually returned to the work of the ministry (see Alma 49:30) can give us hope for forgiveness and redemption when we are “trouble[d]” (Alma 42:29) about our own sins or the sins of someone we love.

If you and your family members have had the opportunity to read through these chapters maybe you might consider sharing or have them share their thoughts and impressions about something that Alma said or did that impressed you or them. Take care as some of our topics need to be taught with care due to the nature of them.

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Alma 39
Sexual sin is an abomination in the sight of the Lord.

Do you remember the account we read about Corianton and his experience with his sin and his repentance? What can you and your family members and friends learn from this account? You might consider reading through the following passage Alma 39:1–14  together. 

As you are reading you could have one or more of your family members be listening for the wrong things that Corianton was doing and write them down on a piece of your poster board  and have one or more of your friends be listening for what the reason could have been for him to commit such sins. 

Top 67 Quotes & Sayings About The Plan Of Salvation

You can write these things down on your poster board as well. It might be well for you to have three columns for this activity. The next group can also be one or more of your friends and/ or family members have them be watching for the counsel which Alma gave to Corianton. 

Then you might ask them how we can not make the same or similar mistakes like those that Corianton did. You may know of someone who has committed sexual sins. You may also have seen how they often can develop some feelings of discouragement, even feelings of despair and they may feel as if they have no worth. 

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When these feelings come to them they often feel like they are not worth much at all as a searching through Alma 39–42 what were the principles shared in these chapters that would inspire you and/or your family members and friends to feel some hope which will lead them to repentance?

You might also consider sharing the following statement by Sister Joy D. Jones that can help you and your family members and friends understand better the difference between worthiness and our worth in the sight of our Heavenly Father.

Plan of Salvation / Plan of Happiness

The worth of our souls is great.

Sister Joy D. Jones taught:

“Let me point out the need to differentiate between two critical words: worth and worthiness. They are not the same. Spiritual worth means to value ourselves the way Heavenly Father values us, not as the world values us. Our worth was determined before we ever came to this earth. ‘God’s love is infinite and it will endure forever.’

“On the other hand, worthiness is achieved through obedience. If we sin, we are less worthy, but we are never worth less! We continue to repent and strive to be like Jesus with our worth intact. As President Brigham Young taught: ‘The least, the most inferior spirit now upon the earth … is worth worlds.’ No matter what, we always have worth in the eyes of our Heavenly Father” (“Value beyond Measure,” Ensign or Liahona, Nov. 2017, 14).\

Family and Family History—Picture Quotes

You might also consider reading the following talk by Lynn G. Robbins,  titled: “Until Seventy Times Seven,” Ensign or Liahona, May 2018, 21–23.

The next question you might consider asking your family members and friends is what they know about what the Lord’s standards are about being chaste? You know, the law of chastity?

It teaching this section or discussing it -- it may be better for you to approach it in a positive way and center your discussion on the principles about the topic rather than telling them what they should and shouldn’t do or wear or say… to help you in doing this you may want one of your family study group to search through Alma 39 .

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In searching this chapter, have them be looking out for the principles that Alma taught his son, Corianton. Another thing you and your family members and friends could do is to review in the For the Strength of Youth book under the subject of “Sexual Purity”. 

As you and your family members are searching through the For the Strength of Youth book you may want to have some questions like the following in your minds: “If you had to summarize all of this counsel with one principle, what would it be?” or “What principles do you find here that help you live the law of chastity?” 

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During your review of the book For the Strength of Youth, you may want to consider searching for the blessings one receives for living the law of chastity. Of course you should also look for the consequences of not obeying this law that our Heavenly Father has given us, and actually this law is a law of protection in a lot of ways I think.

Now it is time for a few more questions. Are you up for this? Okay then, are you ready? How are these principles different from what the world teaches? How do these principles affect the way we think about the law of chastity? Remember, it is so helpful for our children to make these choices before they encounter the temptations.

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Once these decisions have been made it's easier to follow through with these decisions when they come up again because you have already decided what you will do, Next you should consider reading together the following statement from Sister Wendy Nelson and have your family members and friends listen carefully as you are reading so that they can answer these questions: 

As I mentioned before we may find that it’s sometimes so easy for some of us to believe that the choices that we make do not have any affect on others we tend to think that our sins are our own, they are private and that no one knows what we do or what we have done. Now, let's go back to Alma 39:11–12.

Plan of Salvation / Plan of Happiness

Let's go back through this passage to see what Alma taught Corianton about the effect of his choices? So, who might be affected by the choices that you or your family members and friends are making? You might have them really think about just how the choices that you and/or they are making. 

Be sure to consider those choices that are good as well as those choices that are not so good or even bad ones. Because all of our choices, either good or bad affect others, you might want to ask your family members and friends to think about who could be affected by the choices that they are each making every day.

13 Quotes by Dallin H. Oaks “The Great Plan” | Spiritual Crusade

You may also want to have your family members and friends share with one another how the actions and examples of others have been there to help them to choose the right. Help them to recognize that they too are examples every day to someone because someone is always watching them 

It is sometimes hard to teach our children about intimacy and sexual purity, but it is so essential to teach them while they are young so they can have their choices already made before they are ever tempted in these ways. Finally we are here for you to read together the statement from Sister Wendy Nelson with your family members and friends:

 The world’s view on intimacy is not consistent with God’s view.
Family and Family History—Picture Quotes

Sister Wendy Nelson contrasted how the world views sexual relations—“worldly sex”—with what she called “God-ordained marital intimacy”:

“With worldly sex, anything goes. With marital intimacy, exquisite care is taken to avoid anything and everything—from language to music to movies—that offends the Spirit, your spirit, or your spouse’s.

“While worldly sex is lustful and kills love, marital intimacy generates more love.

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“Worldly sex degrades men and women and their bodies, while marital intimacy honors men and women and celebrates the body as one of the great prizes of mortal life.

“With worldly sex, individuals can feel used, abused, and ultimately more lonely. With marital intimacy, spouses feel more united and loved, more nurtured and understood.

“Worldly sex ravages and eventually ruins relationships. Marital intimacy strengthens marriages. It supports, heals, and hallows the lives of spouses and their marriage. …

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“Worldly sex becomes a total obsession because it never fulfills its promises. God-ordained marital intimacy is glorious and will continue eternally for covenant-keeping husbands and wives” (“Love and Marriage” [worldwide devotional, Jan. 8, 2017],

Sister Nelson has taught us well. I pray that as you shared this message with your family members and friends that you were able to have a good discussion with those who are old enough to understand the choices that they should make in their lives. This next section comes to you directly from the Come, Follow Me for Individuals and Families manual:

13 Quotes by Dallin H. Oaks “The Great Plan” | Spiritual Crusade

Ideas for Personal Scripture Study
Alma 39
Sexual sin is an abomination in the sight of the Lord.
To impress upon his son the seriousness of sexual sin, Alma taught “that these things are an abomination in the sight of the Lord” (Alma 39:5). Why is chastity important to you? Why is it important to the Lord? The following explanation from Elder Jeffrey R. Holland may be helpful:

“Clearly among His greatest concerns regarding mortality are how one gets into this world and how one gets out of it. He has set very strict limits in these matters.

Study helps: Dallin H Oaks – The Plan and the Proclamation ...

“… Human intimacy is reserved for a married couple because it is the ultimate symbol of total union, a totality and a union ordained and defined by God. … Marriage was intended to mean the complete merger of a man and a woman. … This is a union of such completeness that we use the word seal to convey its eternal promise” (“Personal Purity,” Ensign, Nov. 1998, 76).

Consider the counsel Alma gave Corianton in Alma 39:8–15. How does it help you further understand the importance of the law of chastity and how to overcome temptation? Alma’s teachings also demonstrate how eager the Lord is to forgive us when we repent and that there is hope for all of us. As you read Alma 39–42 this week, look for evidence of God’s mercy. How has God’s mercy blessed you?

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See also “Sexual Purity,” For the Strength of Youth, 35–37.

Alma 40–42

The Atonement of Jesus Christ makes the plan of redemption possible.

You know, if you stop to think about it, the truths that Alma taught to Corianton are truths that every one of us need to be taught, and we also need to understand these truths about the purpose of life, teachings of the spirit world, of the resurrection, as well as the judgment.

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It could be beneficial for you to have your family members and friends choose one of those teachings which Alma taught in these chapters either individually or in pairs. After they have chosen a teaching, have them each search through Alma 40–42 looking for as many truths about that teaching or topic as they can find.

While they are searching you might want to get out your poster board. You should write down the following topics on your poster board: the purpose of life; the spirit world; the resurrection; and  Judgment. When your family members and friends are finished with their search of these chapters, you must be ready to write.

13 Quotes by Dallin H. Oaks “The Great Plan” | Spiritual Crusade

You could have them call out each time they find something on their topic of choice and you can write it down on the poster board under that topic. Or you could have them each share the truths which they have found on their teaching or topic and share them with the rest of your family study group.  

If you have younger children in your family study group you may want to take one topic or teaching at a time and find all of the truths for that teaching then move on, to the next teaching and the next until you have found all the truths for each of the following teachings: the purpose of life; spirit world; resurrection; and judgment.

What is Mormonism?

Once you have your list of truths for each of Alma’s teachings you might want to have a review of these truths with your family members and friends. Why were these particular truths important for Alma’s son Corianton to understand? Why are they important for each one of us to learn and understand?

It’s time to make another list on your poster board. Write the following titles in each of two columns you have made on your poster board, Righteous (meaning Repentant)and Wicked (meaning Unrepentant)! Now ask your family members and friends to search through Alma 40:11–26,   individually or in pairs or small groups.

Daily Thought from Modern Prophets: June 2017

 You know, by sharing the descriptions of the state of our souls after we have passed on from this life into the next which Alma shared with us. By sharing these descriptions with you and your family members and friends you could possibly impress upon their minds the very importance of coming unto our Savior in this life.

And help them understand and have the desire to repent of their sins in this life. It is so important for us to understand that we should not procrastinate our day of our repentance, we should learn to do it right away. Okay, now let’s review what Alma taught us about each group of people after they die.

Plan of Salvation / Plan of Happiness

Let's get back to our list of the Wicked and the Righteous. After you have searched through Alma 40:11-46. Write down those words and the phrases which Alma used to describe what happened to each of the groups of people he spoke about. Alma described the state of each of these groups of people safer they die. 

How can these teachings of Alma inspire each of us to repent? What can you do to help your family members and friends have a desire to repent? We can learn more about what happens in the spirit world if we read through the following scriptures: 1 Peter 3:18–20; 4:6 and Doctrine and Covenants 138:29–37. 

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Ask your family members and friends what comes to their minds when they hear the word “restored” or “restoration”? After they give you their answers you may consider having them search through Alma 41 for just how Alma used these words. Also, find out what Alma meant by these words? 

Do you remember what will be restored to us? Why do you think that it can be helpful to see Heavenly Father’s plan as a “plan of restoration”? (verse 2). There may be some of your family members and ‘or friends who share the question that could have been on Corianton’s mind -- 

Thou hast beheld in thy youth his glory - 2 Nephi 2:4 - Come ...

it is just not fair that a loving God would punish His children, as we find in Alma 42:1? You might ask your family members and friends to think about how they would respond to this very question and search for some answers in Alma 42:7–26. What answers did you find within these passages?

Think about your family members and friends before you move on. If you feel like it would be beneficial for them, you could ask them to find a verse in Alma 42.  Find one verse that they could make a simple drawing that tells about why we need the Savior’s Atonement. After they have finished their drawings they could share them.

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They could hold up their pictures and see if the others could guess which verse their drawing represented. Then you and your family member and friends could discuss what they each have learned about the very importance of the Savior’s sacrifice. It’s important for us to remember the Savior’s sacrifice that He freely endured for us!!!

We can receive a testimony of Jesus Christ’s role. the following comes to you directly from our Come, Follow Me manual:

Alma 40–41
I will be resurrected and stand before God to be judged.

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When Alma noticed that Corianton had questions about the Resurrection, he taught him about what happens after we die. What truths did Alma teach in chapters 40–41 that would have been helpful for Corianton—and anybody who has sinned—to understand? You might organize what you learn by identifying the topics that Alma addresses (such as the spirit world, resurrection, and restoration) and then writing down what Alma teaches about each one. How can remembering these truths help you when you feel tempted or are seeking forgiveness?

Daily Thought from Modern Prophets: February 2017

Alma 40

I can seek answers to my gospel questions in faith.

Sometimes we might think that prophets know the answer to every gospel question. But notice that throughout chapter 40, Alma had several unanswered questions about life after death. What did he do to find answers? What did he do when he didn’t have answers? Consider how Alma’s example might help you with gospel questions you have.

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Alma 42

The Atonement of Jesus Christ makes the plan of redemption possible.

Corianton believed that punishment for sins was not fair (see Alma 42:1). But Alma taught that there is a way to escape from the “state of misery” that sin puts us in: repentance and faith in the Atonement of Jesus Christ, which is both merciful and just (see Alma 42:15). As you read Alma 42, look for how the Savior’s Atonement makes it possible for you to receive mercy without “rob[bing] justice” (verse 25). What truths do you find in this chapter that help you feel His mercy?

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Ideas for Family Scripture Study and Family Home Evening

As you read the scriptures with your family, the Spirit can help you know what principles to emphasize and discuss in order to meet the needs of your family. Here are some ideas.

Alma 39:1–9

Would your family benefit from a discussion about the law of chastity? If so, consider using the following resources according to your family’s needs: Alma 39:1–9; “Sexual Purity,” For the Strength of Youth, 35–37; “Chastity,” Gospel Topics,;;

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and the videos “What Should I Do When I See Pornography?” and “I Choose to Be Pure” ( Ponder how you can help your family understand the blessings of chastity and of intimacy in marriage (for example, see the video “How to Talk to Your Kids about Intimacy” on

Alma 39:9–15
What do we learn from these verses about how to avoid sin?

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Alma 42:4

You could play a game in which pieces of paper with Christlike attributes or gospel principles written on them are scattered around the room. You could see how many pieces of paper family members can gather in a certain amount of time, then discuss how the things written on the papers can help us become more like God. How is the “time granted” to us on earth like the time allotted in this game? How can we use our “probationary time” on earth to become more like the Savior?

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Alma 42:12–15, 22–24

Perhaps you could illustrate the relationship between justice and mercy by using a drawing of a simple scale to discuss questions like these: What happens to the scale when we sin? What does justice require for the scale to be balanced? How does the Savior meet the demands of justice and make mercy possible?

For more ideas for teaching children, see this week’s outline in Come, Follow Me—For Primary.
Suggested song: “Repentance,” Children’s Songbook, 98.

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Improving Our Teaching
Focus on principles that will bless your family. As you prayerfully study the word of God, ask yourself, “What do I find here that will be especially meaningful to my family?” Seek the direction of the Spirit as you ponder how to help your family discover these truths.

I pray that something that I have shared with you and your family members and friends has enlightened your understanding and uplifted you in some small way. Alma has taught us some powerful things again in this week’s lesson. It’s amazing to me that teachings from so long ago apply to us equally today.

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Remember who you are!!! You are each one a child of God!!!  Remember to keep up with your prayers every day at least morning and night, remember that there is great power in prayer, remember that you are loved more than you know!! Until my next post please stay safe and make it a great week!


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