Sunday, August 9, 2020

Post # 246 -- Walk With Christ -- Day # 6

Dear Family and Friends

I pray that each of you and your family members and friends are each healthy and doing well during this past week:) i know that i am still adjusting to the changes that are going on in my life and in those whom i live and care for. We are all undergoing changes.

Changes in our routines, in our livelihood, in our home life, and other individual changes I am sure. In our household we have a divorce happening, we have a job search going on, we have the uncertainty of if and when school will start and who's going where. 

Then there is me -- i have some medical stuff going on leaving more uncertainty and anxiety for others. I have been taking tests and labs and I will see my oncologist on the 11th. In the meantime I have been in quite some pain. It hurts to move, to stand, to sit, to lay down, it hurts to walk!!!

Image result for strength through trials quotes lds | Lds quotes ...

It hurts to lift my right leg in any way and it hurts to move the left leg in some positions as well.. Pretty much whatever I do throughout the day causes me some pain. it just hurts! And I have a pretty high tolerance for pain too!!! i know, i am a mess aren't I?

But some days it gets the best of me and brings the tears down with the pain. I went in for the first MRI a week ago this past Friday. You should know that I am very claustrophobic. I think i have mentioned this before, about my being very, very claustrophobic!!!

But anyway before I went in for this first MRI, I took the medicine the doctor gave me to help me cope while in the tunnel. I am not really sure if it helped very much because I was tense up in every muscle of my body, it took me quite a while to relax all of those muscles of mine afterwards.

The Beatitudes are from Jesus' Sermon on the Mount. Download a ...

Though  I got through it praying all the way through. Then i went in last week for another one, i usually get a priesthood blessing before i have tests like these. But the notice on both of these were very short and I did not want to inconvenience anyone.

You know for them to come on such short notice. For this last one I simply  forgot to request medication this time, but while I was praying I remembered what President Russell M. Nelson had said during the October 2019 general conference. 

I did not remember his exact words, but I looked them up for you to read here below: 
President Nelson taught us: “The heavens are just as open to women who are endowed with God’s power flowing from their priesthood covenants as they are to men who bear the priesthood, said President Russell M. Nelson during the women’s session of the 189th Semiannual General Conference on October 5.”

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‘“I pray that truth will register upon each of your hearts because I believe it will change your life. … I would like to leave a blessing upon you, that you may understand the priesthood power with which you have been endowed and that you will augment that power by exercising your faith in the Lord and in His power..”’

When I prayed for help from our Heavenly Father I did not know exactly what President Nelson had said. I only remembered that if i was worthy i had the right to call down for blessings from above when i needed them. I certainly needed help to get through this test! 

I was struggling enough at just the thought of going into that tunnel. Which to me felt like a tube that was too small for me. Then they had to put something over my pelvic area and tie my feet together. I guess this was to keep me straight in a certain position. 

Why Did Jesus Deliver a Version of the Sermon on the Mount at the ...

Every little act that they did just made me feel my claustrophobia enveloping me. Where i felt like i was going to claw my way out, Maybe that's why they tie your feet together and put your hands just so. And the thing that they put on the tip of me felt like it was getting heavier. 

I am sure that it was not getting any heavier, but the mind is a funny thing you know!  So I began to pray almost immediately as I was going into the tunnel.
They had put earplugs and headphones on me with the radio coming through with great Christian music for me. 

You see the machine makes horrible noises, which I found the last time only heightened my claustrophobia. The earplugs helped along with the music but I could still hear the noise of the machine, but not as loud as last week. I prayed for my Heavenly Father to send someone to come be with me.

Quotes for Matthew 5: Luke 6 (February 18- 24) — Chicken Scratch N ...

This request was so that I could breathe and not have the fear that was enveloping me every second i was in that tunnel! Even before I had finished the prayer I felt comforted and I knew that someone was with me. At that time the tunnel was not my major focus. 

My focus was on the comfort that I felt from my heavenly helper and on the music so I could try not to hear the noise. I wasn't worried about the fact that my feet were tied together and whatever they had put on top of me didn't feel so heavy any more. 

I was able to breathe more normally. And I was not nearly as tense when we were through as i had been the week before. I know now that I can get help when I am unable to have a priesthood holder nearby to help me. As long as I keep myself worthy I can access the priesthood power in my life. 

Pin by Faith Bayona on Motivation | Church quotes, Lds quotes ...

I just wanted to share that experience with you, and your family members and friends. To maybe encourage those of you who are single and have taken out your endowments in the temple. And maybe also to encourage those of you who have not yet entered into the temple.

i encourage each one of you to work hard to do whatever is necessary for you to get to the temple!  You know, I believe that you and your family and friends will never be sorry that you put forth the effort that it took to become worthy of a temple recommend and made it to the temple!! 

I am sorry I have the need to ramble on a bit sometimes. I guess I do this to make sure that my messages are getting across to you so that you can learn something from the things that I continue to share with you in each post on my blog. I pray that each post I write is beneficial to you all in some small way. 

This post is Day six in our Walk With Christ adventure.

MATTHEW 6:5-15
Mount of Beatitudes

It was on the Mount that Jesus gave us the pattern for truly meaningful prayer, along with many other timeless teachings. The Lord's Prayer shows us how to express thanks to our Heavenly Father and ask for help in our lives.

You're invited to strengthen your relationship with God through prayer the way Jesus taught. Offer a prayer following the pattern laid out in the Lord's Prayer.

Beatitudes Catholic -

MATTHEW 6:5-15
Mount of Beatitudes

It was on the Mount that Jesus gave us the pattern for truly meaningful prayer, along with many other timeless teachings. The Lord's Prayer shows us how to express thanks to our Heavenly Father and ask for help in our lives.

The Invitation

Find peace in prayer
You’re invited to strengthen your relationship with God through prayer the way Jesus taught. Offer a prayer following the pattern laid out in the Lord’s Prayer. First address your Heavenly Father. From there, you can do some or all of the following:

Express gratitude for your blessings.

Acknowledge God’s hand in your life.

Seek to know God’s will for you.

Ask for help to meet you and your family’s physical needs, as well as the physical needs of your family.

Ask for forgiveness for things you’ve done wrong, and the same ability to forgive those who have hurt you.

Pray for strength to do the right thing.

When you’re finished, close your prayer in the name of Jesus Christ and then say "amen," which is an ancient way of saying "truly" or "so be it".  And remember, the more you pray, the more comfortable and natural it will feel to you., Author at Rachael's BookNook - Page 8 ...

Questions to Ponder

Where would be a peaceful place for you to pray where you won’t be disturbed?

What things do you want God to help you with?

How can you find the courage to accept God’s will instead of your own?

Need help learning to pray?
You can contact the missionaries here: Request a Missionary Visit

Scriptures about prayer
If we pray, God will help us
"If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land." —2 CHRONICLES 7:14

Pray over everything
"Be careful for nothing; but in every thing by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God." —PHILIPPIANS 4:6

Primary 7 Lesson 10: The Sermon on the Mount, Beatitudes ...

God hears our prayers
"And this is the confidence that we have in him, that, if we ask any thing according to his will, he heareth us." —1 JOHN 5:14

The Power of Prayer
Prayer is how we reach out to God. And more often than not, prayer lets God reach into our hearts and fill us with His love. 
I believe that there is great power in prayer!!! I have experienced this power in my life on many occasions:) 
The following are videos that you and your family members and friends can watch to help them understand this lesson.

The Power of Prayer -- Prayer is how we reach out to God. And more often than not, prayer lets God reach into our hearts and fill us with His love.

The Sermon on the Mount: The Lord's Prayer -- Jesus teaches His disciples the correct manner of prayer and offers the Lord's Prayer.

Quotes for Matthew 5: Luke 6 (February 18- 24) — Chicken Scratch N ...

"I am the Bread of Life" -Jesus Christ -- Jesus teaches He is the Bread of Life. Peter testifies that Jesus is the anointed Son of God.

Maps and Depictions --

I hope you enjoy the view from Google Maps. i like these maps because i can see them better and then visualize these places in better context that before, if you haven't tried the google maps be sure that you for check it out, you may decide that it is a good tool for you to use.

I am sorry that it is taking us so many more than the ten days required to complete this adventure. I do have hope that you and your family members and friends have been enjoying this important learning journey with me, we are learning so many things about Jesus Christ. 

Why Did Jesus Deliver a Version of the Sermon on the Mount at the ...

There is so much more for each one of us to learn about Jesus Christ and our Heavenly Father. I am hoping to share another adventure with you and your family members and friends. I will begin the next adventure  just as soon as we finish this one. 

I pray that you and your family members and friends are continuing to do everything that you can to stay safe. To stay healthy and happy. I wonder if these changes in our lives are to become our new normal for all time, or if it is just a temporary thing???  

Until my meat post please remember who you are -- a child of God!!! 
Remember to continue praying every day at least morning and night. Please continue studying the Book of Mormon with me and all or our cyber study buddies out there in cyberspace) 

Remember too,  that your smile can make a difference in someone’s life!! be sure to share a smile today! be sure to be kind to all those whom you come into contact with, even with social distancing:) Remember that it does not take a whole lot of cost or even effort to help someone out.

The Beatitudes- Matthew 5:3-10 | Beatitudes, Faith prayer ...

Best 56+ Sermon On the Mount Wallpaper on HipWallpaper | Amount ...

Jesus Preaches the Sermon on the Mount, Part 2 | The kingdom of ...

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