Tuesday, January 1, 2019

Post # 62 --- A Challenge for the New Year

Dear Family and Friends

When Jesus was born, the wise men brought Him gifts of frankincense, gold and myrrh. All three of these gifts were very valuable and most likely cost a lot. What gifts can each of us give to Jesus, each of us in our own way?? I am sure that what you can give is different from what I can give and what we can give is still different from what others maybe can give, the important thing here is that we give – right? Christmas has just past so do we just stop giving??

I myself am not, I am going to give myself a challenge to continue giving gifts to Jesus --- to serve others all throughout the year😊 I may not be able to give a gift each day, but I would like to try giving a gift at least once a week, I have been thinking a lot about the Light The World Campaign that we just finished. I was not able to do every -thing on the list, but I did do some things and I think that counts a lot. Baby steps are better than no steps at all – right? Just keep stepping, just keep stepping… up, up, up!
An image of red berries covered in snow, coupled with a quote by President Henry B. Eyring: “There is joy in giving.”

Because are there not still people who need help all year long? Yea, and aren’t there things that we can each be doing to help others, I believe that there is. Maybe we can serve at a shelter, in whatever manner of need they have a current need for. We could serve at our local animal shelter, at our local foodbank, women’s shelter, we can keep our neighborhood clean, by picking up trash and debris along the roadways and our local streets, curbs and gutters.  

I believe that there is so much each one of us can do to be more like Jesus, and can you just imagine how this will change our family, neighborhoods, communities, towns, cities. States, and the world? I know that the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints has focused on Christmas and Easter campaigns, but when you really think about it, isn’t this something that we each should want to do what we can to help other out, whenever we can don’t you think so? It will make such a huge difference in each of our lives😊

I thought it might be a fun challenge for us if we took an idea or two from the ideas that were posted and maybe add one or two back into our daily life. Well, like I mentioned before maybe not every day, but as often as we can. And lets each do our best in whatever circumstances we find ourselves each day to give this challenge a serious effort okay? You got this you know, I know you can do it!! Right? If I can do it, you can do it!
A graphic with a white background combined with a quote by President Spencer W. Kimball: “One of the things we can give at Christmas time … is our thanks.”

I hope each of you have had a wonderful Christmas, enjoying special moments with your families, enduring family traditions and just TIME together! I am probably not going to ne the first to tell you this, but spending time with your family is something that you really should take the time to do. You only have one life to live and you never know when you will turn a corner and wish that you had sent your time differently. Especially that precious time that you have with your family, that goes by so quickly.

You know that I have always considered those that a care a lot about as part of my family. I have my church family and my work family as well as those with whom I live with or whom have lived with me – my children have always had first place in my heart, mind, soul, and spirit, and in deed as well. I have always done everything with them in my mind first and foremost. I have an amazing family – my children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren. I will be the first to admit that I am not as close to my neighbors as I would like to be though. I go to work and I come home, I go to work and I come home, I know I lead a pretty boring life, don’t I?
An image of a shepherd looking at the Christmas star, combined with a quote by Elder Ronald A. Rasband: “We add our witness … that Jesus Christ came to earth.”

I have always just love spending time with my children and now my grandchildren and I wish I could spend more time with all of them and my great grandchildren as well. I know that they all have their very busy lives too, and it is hard to make time to visit each other even when we are just about all of us living in the same town. I know that when I get home I just want to relax and be at home. I usually do not go out again once I am home. It makes it easy to just stay at home when you do not always have a car to run about in😊

You know when my children were little they looked forward to the holidays, especially Christmas/ I have tried throughout the years to teach them about the baby Jesus and all that He has done for each of us. Being born into mortality, growing up as a mere man, but healing as the God that He was. He showed each of us by His example just how we should live, during His mortal ministry upon this earth. Then giving His life for all the sins of human beings – all who have ever lived or who will ever live upon this earth. As the God that He was He took up His life again after three days in the tomb.
A green background with a calendar graphic and a quote by President Thomas S. Monson: “What have I done for someone today?”

Our Savior has always been there for us, throughout our lives thus far, and He will be with us always. We may not be able to see Him, but I know at times I can feel His and Heavenly Father’s love. It is the very best feeling we can have. I have included a little information about the initiatives that the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints has done over the past few years during Easter time and at Christmas time. My focus today is on the Christmas initiatives – especially serving others, something that I would like to be better at this year. I hope you enjoy the information that I am sharing:

Home » Church » LDS Church Set to Launch ‘Light the World’ Christmas Initiative

LDS Church Set to Launch ‘Light the World’ Christmas Initiative

Aleah Ingram November 23, 2016 Church

A global effort to celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ and encourage people to serve others during the Christmas season is being launched by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. The “Light the World” Christmas initiative will reach worldwide audiences from Friday, November 25, 2016, through January 1, 2017.

The initiative focuses on celebrating and sharing the light of Jesus Christ, the “light of the world” (John 8:12).

“As we follow the example of the Savior and live as He lived and as He taught, that light will burn within us and will light the way for others,” said President Thomas S. Monson in a general conference address in October 2015.

“It’s the Christmas season,” said Elder David A. Bednar of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles. “We have lights — all kinds of lights on our houses, on our trees, on our dining tables. So if we link those wonderful traditions with the source of truth, even Christ as the source of light, it just made great sense to all of us that that would be the theme that we would employ this year.”
A photograph of a red scarf in the shape of a heart combined with the words “Sincerity and love are the key.”

Sharable online content will be available at mormon.org beginning November 25, including a video that invites the public to perform acts of service following Christ’s example during the Christmas season. The service effort will kick off Thursday, December 1, with a Worldwide Day of Service.
Elder Bednar explained, “The whole purpose of this initiative is to celebrate and share the Light of Christ. What we hope people will do is not simply think about the Savior during this Christmas season, or even just learn more about Him. What we hope is that they will come to know Him by doing what He did.”

Elder Bednar said the Church is not trying to overwhelm people with ideas for service during the Christmas season. “These are very simple things that the Savior has provided the example. And we, in a very appropriate, simple way during this Christmas season, can do the same things that He did. He healed the blind. We can help the blind to see. We might, for example, read a story to someone in a nursing home who cannot see. Doesn’t take a lot of time, but a small, simple act of service that exemplifies the Light of Christ.”

The Church’s Missionary Department has been sponsoring Christmas and Easter initiatives for the past several years to reach broader audiences with the Church’s message that Jesus Christ was born, lived, died and was resurrected to save all mankind.

Last December, the “A Savior Is Born” Christmas initiative reached millions of people around the world. The video had more than 50 million views. Millions were also reached last spring with the “Follow Him” Easter initiative.

I have shared below the twenty-five days of service for the 2016 and 2017 Christmas campaign to give you some ideas that might spark your interest in my challenge to you beginning this first month of 2019😊
Peace and happiness in this life is to serve the Lord

This year’s initiative is entitled #LIGHTtheWORLD. It focuses on celebrating and sharing the Light of Jesus Christ with others. The initiative begins Friday, November 25, 2016 and runs through Christmas Day.

During Christmas, we are reminded that Jesus Christ is the light of the world. This year, we have an amazing opportunity to share that light by resolving to do the things Jesus Christ did. Every day leading up to Christmas, we will focus on a different Christlike behavior and provide suggestions for ways we can emulate His example. You’re encouraged to participate using the outline below as you plan your Christmas activities

Dec, 1 --Jesus Lifted Others’ Burdens and So Can You --- EVENT KICKOFF: WORLDWIDE DAY OF SERVICE

Dec. 2 ---Jesus Honored His Parents and So Can You --- SOME WAYS TO GET INVOLVED: • Call (not text) your parents. • Write a handwritten note to your parents or in-laws.                                                                    • Learn about an ancestor and share their story.

Dec, 3 -- Jesus Helped Others to See and So Can You --- SOME WAYS TO GET INVOLVED: • Find an eyeglasses collection box and donate an old pair. • Point out a virtue in someone they don’t see in themselves. • Promote a vision charity on social media. You could even use the eyeglasses emoji.

Dec, 4 -- Jesus Worshipped His Father and So Can You --- SOME WAYS TO GET INVOLVED: • Attend a church service in your area—you’re always invited to one of ours. • Make a goal to offer a kneeling prayer to Heavenly Father every day in December. • Help clean up or maintain a church building.

Dec.5 -- Jesus Healed the Sick and So Can You  --- SOME WAYS TO GET INVOLVED: • Sign up to be an organ donor. • Give blood at your local blood bank. • Resolve to pray daily for your loved ones who are sick or suffering.
A photograph of a woman sanding a ceiling, paired with a quote by President Dieter F. Uchtdorf: “Often, the answer to our prayer [comes] while we’re … serving.”

Dec. 6 --Jesus Read the Scriptures and So Can You --- SOME WAYS TO GET INVOLVED: • Set your alarm 15 minutes early for scripture study. • Post your favorite scripture on social media. • Text a scripture to someone who may need a boost.

Dec. 7 --Jesus Fed the Hungry and So Can You --- SOME WAYS TO GET INVOLVED: • Donate non-perishable items to a local food bank. • Invite a neighbor on a tight budget to dinner. • Learn about satisfying spiritual hunger (start with John 6:35).

Dec, 8 -- Jesus Prayed for Others and So Can You --- SOME WAYS TO GET INVOLVED: • Think about a friend that’s going through some rough challenges. Say a prayer for them. • Ask God how you can be an answer to someone else’s prayer. • When was the last time you prayed with your family? How about right now?

Dec. 9 -- Jesus Visited the Lonely and So Can You --- SOME WAYS TO GET INVOLVED: • Visit a nursing home. Studies show 60% never get visitors during their stay. • Invite a widow or widower to dinner. • Identify someone that will be alone for Christmas. Invite them to attend a church service with you on Christmas Day.

Dec,10 --Jesus Helped People Walk and So Can You --- SOME WAYS TO GET INVOLVED: • Donate your old crutches, wheelchairs, or walkers to a group that refurbishes them. • Plan an activity for a handicapped friend that’s catered to his/her capabilities. • Offer to help an elderly person run errands.
A photograph of a stream with the words “There is something all can give” printed over the top.

Dec. 11 -- Jesus Ministered to Children and So Can You --- SOME WAYS TO GET INVOLVED: • Ask your children what they think you should pray about as a family. • As a Christmas gift, purchase a picture of Jesus Christ for your child’s room. Teach your child of the Savior’s love for them. • Make plans to take each of your children on a 1-on-1 activity.

Dec. 12 -- Jesus Taught Others and So Can You --- SOME WAYS TO GET INVOLVED: • Share your favorite teaching or story of Jesus on social media. • Pass down something you learned from your parents or grandparents. • Watch an online tutorial to learn a new skill that can benefit others.

DEC 13--- Jesus Showed Humility and So Can You --- SOME WAYS TO GET INVOLVED: • Share an experience with loved ones about a time you had to rely on God’s help. • No matter your age, ask a parent how to deal with a current challenge in your life. • Think of a time you were wrong about someone. Share it with a loved one.

DEC 14--- Jesus Taught Us to Clothe the Naked and You Can Help --- SOME WAYS TO GET INVOLVED: • Collect winter clothing (old or new) for your local homeless shelter. • Learn from a wise king how we should love those in need. (Mosiah 4:14-27) • Recently bought some new clothes? Donate some old ones to a charity or thrift store.

DEC 15 ----Jesus Worshipped through Song and So Can You --- SOME WAYS TO GET INVOLVED: • Invite a friend to attend a Christmas Day worship service to sing hymns and worship God. • Share your favorite performance of a Christmas hymn on social media. • Listen to Christmas hymns for an entire day.

DEC 16 ---Jesus Showed Compassion and So Can You --- SOME WAYS TO GET INVOLVED: • Participate in a local sub-for Santa for a family that could use some holiday cheer. • Try leaving only encouraging comments on social media. • Pray for an opportunity today to show someone compassion.

DEC 17---Jesus Cared for His Mother and So Can You --- SOME WAYS TO GET INVOLVED: • Call your mother right now. • Make a list of all the things your mother has done for you. Send it to her. • Identify a motherly figure in your life and take her flowers.

DEC 18 ---Jesus Honored the Sabbath and So Can You --- SOME WAYS TO GET INVOLVED: • Turn off your phone for a few hours today. • Attend a religious service in your area. • Visit a family member.

DEC 19 --Jesus Calmed the Storm and So Can You--- SOME WAYS TO GET INVOLVED: • Learn ways you can help people around the world through charitable giving. • Review emergency response plans for people living in your area. • Give your family or loved ones the gift of a 72-hour kit for emergencies.

DEC 20--- Jesus Saw Potential in Others and So Can You --- SOME WAYS TO GET INVOLVED: • Be a mentor/tutor to someone. • Take a child to work with you and let them do a small part of your job. • Cheer someone on! Attend an event (athletic, cultural, etc.) to support someone you know.
A pink, blue, and yellow patterned background coupled with a quote by President Thomas S. Monson: “To find real happiness, we must seek for it … outside ourselves.”

DEC 21---Jesus Forgave Others and So Can You  --- SOME WAYS TO GET INVOLVED: • Is there a family member you haven’t talked to lately? Call them. • Make a list of your grudges. Then make plans to let them go. • Be kind instead of right for an entire day.

DEC 22 ---Jesus Showed Gratitude and So Can You --- SOME WAYS TO GET INVOLVED: • Give a simple gift to your mail carrier to raise spirits during their busiest season. • Offer a prayer of pure gratitude. No requests. Just thanks. • Write a thank you letter to someone who has positively impacted your life.

DEC 23 ---Jesus was a Peacemaker and You Can Be One --- SOME WAYS TO GET INVOLVED: • Do you owe anyone an apology? Resolve to take action. • Make a donation to help refugees from war-torn regions. • Say nice things behind people’s backs today.

DEC 24--- Jesus Cared for His Loved Ones and So Can You --- SOME WAYS TO GET INVOLVED: • Plan a special Christmas Eve program with your family and friends. • Leave an anonymous gift for a family member. • Take a moment to enter all of your friends’ birthdays into your mobile device.

DEC 25---Jesus’s Disciples Followed Him and So Can We --- SOME WAYS TO GET INVOLVED: • Turn some of the 25 Days ideas from this month into New Year’s resolutions. • Find a picture of Jesus Christ that inspires you and place it in your home where it can serve as a reminder to follow Him. • Have some time off? Devote one day to selfless service for those you love.

 An image of a mother and her son, coupled with a quote by President Thomas S. Monson: “Unless we lose ourselves in service … there is little purpose to our own lives.”

2017 == #Light the World --- In 25 Ways. Over 25 Days

Dec. 1  “Freely ye have  received, freely give”  (Matthew 10:8)

Dec. 2  “I was thirsty, and ye gave me drink” (Matthew 25:35).

Dec. 3  “Wherefore it is lawful  to do well on the  sabbath days”  (Matthew 12:12).

Dec. 4  “Thou shalt love  thy neighbour  as thyself”  (Matthew 22:39).

Dec. 5  “Honour thy father and mother” (Matthew 15:4).

Dec. 6  “Judge not, that ye be not judged” (Matthew 7:1).

Dec. 7  “Suffer the little children to come unto me”  (Mark 10:14).

Dec. 8  “Love your  enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you”  (Matthew 5:44)

Dec. 9  “I was sick,  and ye visited me”  (Matthew 25:36).

Dec. 10  “Search the scriptures”  (John 5:39)
A bird’s-eye view of a sunset, paired with a quote by Sister Carole M. Stephens: “We can work together to … ‘press forward with a steadfastness in Christ.’”

Dec. 11  “If ye love me, keep my  commandments”  (John 14:15).

Dec. 12  “Blessed are they  that mourn: for they  shall be comforted” (Matthew 5:4).

Dec. 13  “Whatsoever  ye would that men should do to you, do ye even so to them”  (Matthew 7:12).

Dec. 14  “For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also”  (Matthew 6:21).

Dec. 15  “Blessed are  the merciful”  (Matthew 5:7).

Dec. 16  “[I was] naked, and ye clothed me” (Matthew 25:36).

Dec. 17  “Ye shall meet  together oft”  (3 Nephi 18:22).

Dec. 18 “Forgive men their trespasses ” (Matthew 6:14).

Dec. 19  “Rejoice, and be exceeding glad” (Matthew 5:12).

Dec. 20  “A man’s life  consisteth not in the abundance of the things which he  possesseth”  (Luke 12:15)
An image of two children’s hands, combined with a quote by President Thomas S. Monson: “I pray that we may be aware of the needs of those around us.”

Dec. 21  “For I was an  hungred, and ye gave me meat”  (Matthew 25:35).

Dec. 22  “That which ye have seen me do even that shall ye do”  (3 Nephi 27:21).

Dec. 23  “Blessed are all the peacemakers”  (3 Nephi 12:9).

Dec. 24  “Ye must watch and pray always ”  (3 Nephi 18:15).

Dec. 25  “Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven” (Matthew 5:16).

Well, I hope this has given you some food for thought. You know, things to think about for the 2019 challenge I have offered to each of you. You could check out the initial campaign in 2014 He Is The Gift, and the one in 2015 A Savior Is Born.

According to a statement by Elder Russell M. Nelson of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles in the December 2014 issue of the Ensign, “ ‘He is the Gift’ focuses on God’s love for the world, made manifest in the

first gift of Christmas, even the Lord Jesus Christ.”

DISCOVER THE GIFT: “Seek this Jesus with all your heart.”

EMBRACE THE GIFT: “I am encircled in the arms of his love.”

SHARE THE GIFT: “Declare my gospel as with the voice of a trump.”

The 2015 initiative, “A Savior Is Born,” focuses on finding, knowing and following the teachings of Jesus Christ.
A graphic of a blueprint combined with a quote by President Thomas S. Monson: “Kneel down to pray. Step up to serve. Reach out to rescue.”

And enough of my rambling for this post. Seriously though, please think about my challenge to you. Lets each make the decision to come closer to our Savior throughout 2019 by learning of Him, then by following His example. As always, I hope and pray that I have shared something that is helpful to some of you in some small way. Have a great week! Make this first week of 2019 a great one😊 until my next post – Remember what each of us need to do. Learn of Him, come unto Him, emulate Him!

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