Saturday, July 13, 2019

Post # 115 – Christmas in July? Scripture Study Ideas😊

Dear Family and Friends

I hope and pray that today’s post finds each one of you healthy and happy😊 I hope the heat and or the rain has not been too much for you, wherever your place of home maybe.  I have been doing a lot of reading here lately, studying up for my lessons😊 I hope you have been as well. Are you keeping up with the lessons or are you a bit slower and are studying along with me?? 
Just remember as long as we keep trying to study our scriptures, we are doing good. The Lord knows what’s in our hearts. He wants us to learn of Him! He knows and understands who we are and is pleased with our sincere efforts to learn of Him and our Savior, Jesus Christ😊

You know, it doesn’t matter how fast you go, it only matters that you continue to grow and learn as you keep going😊 I was thinking the other day just what we have covered so far in our New Testament studies and I think we have covered quite a range of topics and then I have added the personal finances for self-reliance and the general conference topics as well – then there are my ramblings too, on various subjects as they come to my mind😊

 I have mentioned before that I have drug-induced peripheral neuropathy. this was caused from the very strong chemo drugs I was given when the doctors were giving me chemotherapy treatments to try to reduce the size of the tumor in my breast prior to the mastectomy. I guess one of the side-effects can be peripheral neuropathy and I have it in my hands and my feet. I have learned to do many things so differently because of the pain in my hands and my exercise is limited because of it being in both my hands and my feet😊 

Do you ever feel like you are sleeping your life away?? No, not ever, not you, right? 😊 Well, here lately I feel like I have been doing nothing but sleeping on my days off. I have been working long days because our field trips have to be in the early morning so that my preschoolers and I are not our in the heat too much. My little ones sure are little troopers. I am going to test them out on a new adventure next week, we are going to a new museum that is a bit farther than our two-hour radius from home. I bet they are going to do just great😊

So, on Mondays and Wednesdays I have been going in around 7:30 am and getting home around 7:00 pm. Then I take my granddaughter to work at 8:30 pm because she doesn’t drive, and she has a night job – which is great for her but not so much for me and my sleep😊 she gets off anywhere from midnight to two am. My Saturdays are the days that I do my house cleaning and laundry, but here lately I barely get my laundry and my children;s laundry done between my naps. and my night sleeping!!

If I sit down too long I will fall asleep, no doubt, that is how it happens😊 I hope each one of you have regular sleep cycles and you do not have regular wake intervals during the night I struggle to sleep, but not I can not take anything to help me sleep because I need to be alert to drive ya know😊 any way that is how my days have been going lately. I am having a great summer so far though, in spite of my lack of sleep😊 

I am excited that my granddaughter is able to have a job and make a little extra money for a while. also this jobs gives her experiences in another area of the working field that is giving her great experiences for her future work. I just wish she could drive sometimes😊 I do love our talks during he drive into town and the drive home every day!! She is such an amazing young lady --- i hope some day she will find the love of her life -- a man that will take her to the temple to b married for time and all eternity.

We had a great Fourth of July –We went over to my oldest son’s home and had a potluck dinner with them and their children and grandchildren (my great grandchildren). We missed my other children and grandchildren though. It would have been nice if they all could have made it over to spend the day together😊 the kids all had a water balloon fight and had so much fun doing that as well.  

Then everyone came to our home to do the fireworks together -- well, the children and their children and grandchildren, had so much fun with their fireworks!!! I struggle with the fumes, so I stayed inside pp i find it so weird that in loosing so much of my sense of touch that my sense of smell had increased so much that it is frequently hard for me to be in crowds -- like at church or the grocery store. even walking in a hallway once someone had been there with perfume or cologne on it seems very strong to me --- so much so that it makes me sick, even a bit queasy 

I do hope you each had a wonderful day as well – with no one getting any burns from the sun or the fireworks!!! I have always loved having my children and my grandchildren around me. I love spending time with them. They are amazing. Each one with their own set of gifts and talents.  I have been trying to instill in my children that they each need to make time to get together with each other’s families as often as they can. It is so important for their children to grow up together --- all the cousins really knowing one another, and looking out for one another😊

I remember when I was a young child we would travel up to Salem, Oregon every year for Christmas and spend Christmas with my cousins on my Father’s side of the family. I loved my cousins – the ones that I grew up knowing – even if it was only once of twice a year. We would go and spend the whole break from school with them and it was great --- until my mother and my aunt got in a fight over something crazy and us cousins suffered for it 

After we left that Christmas we never went back to visit them again as a family until after I was and adult. I remember that I learned how to drive in the snow storm that we traveled into on my visit there after I had my second child I believe. So, I have only seen my cousins a time or two since that time and I have completely lost contact with them after I had my strokes all those years ago. It totally seems like an entire lifetime ago

When push comes to shove, we should be able to count on our family to be there for us, to back us up, to hold our hand, to support us when we are weak… I want them all to stay close to one another so that when I am no longer here with them, they will still have one another to love and care for and their children can grow up knowing one another through spending time with each other cousins with cousins. I have mentioned to them a few times about getting together at each other’s homes at least once a month.

I have said before that I love Christmas movies and occasionally throughout the year and sometimes even year--round!!!!  Crazy, I know, but the movies I watch are so inspiring to me.  I love Hallmark because they have Christmas in July and they show Christmas movies throughout the month. So, as often as I can I watch – or listen to, really, Christmas movies😊 I love it!!!  They have so many different ones – Hallmark channel adds new Christmas movies each year.

The reason I am mentioning this now it because I am watching a movie called ‘Once Upon a Christmas Miracle’ – if you get the chance you should totally watch it!!! This movie that I watched today totally encompasses the true meaning of Christmas with everyone giving gifts as the Savior Himself has given gift during his mortal or earthly ministry.

This movie is based on a real true-life story. The people portrayed in the story were actual people and this was/is their life and what happened to them right before Christmas, and how people come together in live to give gifts of themselves out of pure love for each other – even the pure love of Christ😊I don’t think you can get any better than that can you?

I have been trying to do better with my scripture study and I came across some ideas I in the front of the Come, Follow Me for Individuals and Families manual that I wanted to share with each one of you. Maybe you struggle with being consistent with this sometimes too😊 if you do not have trouble occasionally in this area, maybe you might want to share the ideas with a family member or a friend😊

Here are the ideas to improve your individual scripture study as well as your family scripture study, if you don’t have a manual and you want to read other things or check out past or future lessons you can find it all here:

Ideas to Improve Your Personal Scripture Study
Here are some simple ways to enhance your study of the word of God in the scriptures:
Look for Truths about Jesus Christ

The scriptures teach us that all things testify of Christ (see 2 Nephi 11:4Moses 6:63), so look for Him in the events, stories, and teachings of the New Testament. Consider noting or marking verses that teach about the Savior and how to follow Him.

2 Nephi 11:4
Book of Mormon
Behold, my soul delighteth in proving unto my people the truth of the coming of Christ; for, for this end hath the law of Moses been given; and all things which have been given of God from the beginning of the world, unto man, are the typifying of him.
Pearl of Great Price
63 And behold, all things have their likeness, and all things are created and made to bear record of me, both things which are temporal, and things which are spiritual; things which are in the heavens above, and things which are on the earth, and things which are in the earth, and things which are under the earth, both above and beneath: all things bear record of me.

In our study of the New Testament have you been looking for Jesus Christ in the events, stories, and teachings that we have been studying? Are you looking for Him in the other scriptures as well? If not, let’s get at it!!!

Look for Inspiring Words and Phrases
You may find that certain words and phrases in the scriptures impress you, as if they were written specifically for you. They may feel personally relevant and inspire and motivate you. Consider marking them in your scriptures or writing them in a study journal.
 I have found that this is getting easier for me to find inspirational words and phrases as I am studying the scriptures and I like to write them down with their references in my scripture journal.  I have even drawn pictures in my scriptures so that I am better able to recognize the stories as I come across them. I am no artist, but I try to draw something that depicts the major theme of the story in /over the words on the page. I do it in such a way that I can still read the words underneath the picture I have drawn😊 it also makes it fun for the kids to search the scriptures to find their favorite stories!

Look for Gospel Truths
Sometimes gospel truths (often called doctrine or principles) are stated directly, and sometimes they are implied through an example or story. Ask yourself, “What eternal truths are taught in these verses?”

Because some of the gospel principles or gospel doctrine are kind of hidden a bit in a verse or verses that you are studying *** be aware***  and look closely*** at the verses you are studying it is important that you are aware of this so that you can be prepared to search them out. You have to dig for the ‘gems’ of truth that are hidden away – just as a miner must dig deeper each time he or she searches for the ‘gems’ in their mine – we must dig too, to find the ‘gems’ of truth the ‘precious nuggets as you work in your ‘mine’ – study your scriptures😊

Listen to the Spirit
Pay attention to your thoughts and feelings, even if they are unrelated to what you are reading. Those impressions may be the very things that your Heavenly Father wants you to learn.
*** This one is so-o-o-o very important. Make sure you are listening for those promptings and impressions and feelings that will come to you as you are studying your scriptures. I might be helpful for you to write these down as they come to you – or you, like me --- may just forget them by the time you are done studying😊

Liken the Scriptures to Your Life
Consider how the stories and teachings you are reading apply to your life. For example, you could ask yourself, “What experiences have I had that are similar to what I am reading?” or “How can I follow the example of this person in the scriptures?”
This is the one that I struggle with most of the time😊 It is sometimes hard for me to relate what I am studying in the scriptures to my life. I think that I am getting better at it --- practice, practice, practice, and then practice some more!!!  

Ask Questions as You Study
As you study the scriptures, questions may come to mind. These questions might relate to what you are reading or to your life in general. Ponder these questions and look for answers as you continue studying the scriptures.
You never have questions pop into your mind as you are studying the scriptures, do you??? I think that I do every time that I do study my scriptures, I have a million questions running through my mind – well, maybe not a million😊 but you understand what I mean I am sure.

Use Scripture Study Helps
To gain additional insights into the verses you read, use the footnotes, the Topical Guide, the Bible Dictionary, the Guide to the Scriptures (, and other study helps.
 If you have never had the good fortune of using these amazing tools – you have got to take the time to experience them for yourselves – they are truly worth the effort to check them out. You will be totally glad that you did!!!  You can find these study helps and so much more here:

Record Your Thoughts and Feelings
There are many ways to record the impressions that come as you study. For example, you could mark a meaningful word or phrase and record your thoughts as a note in your scriptures. You could also keep a journal of the insights, feelings, and impressions you receive.

 I have found that it is really good to write down or mark in some way those things that have meaning to you as you study so that you can remember them😊For myself, I truly have to write everything down that I want to remember --- otherwise --- I will forget it sad but it is totally true! And sometimes even when I write it down – I forget where I have written it but I am always working on it, trying to figure out a way that works best for me😊

Study the Words of Latter-day Prophets and Apostles
Read what latter-day prophets and apostles have taught about the principles you find in the scriptures (for example, see and Church magazines). You can find all of the magazines here:

 You can learn what the living prophets and apostles have taught about the principles (like faith, service, charity, love, etc.) you are learning as you are studying the scriptures individually or with your families by reading the ensign, the Liahona, The Friend, or the New Era church magazines or the general conference issues in May and November for their talks😊 you can also find the magazines and the general conference issues as well.   

Share Insights
Discussing insights from your personal study is not only a good way to teach others, but it also helps strengthen your understanding of what you have read.
I believe that sharing what you are studying with someone else is truly beneficial. I do not really have anyone here at home to share to with, so I am sharing it with each of you😊  

Live by What You Learn
Scripture study should not only inspire usit should lead us to change the way we live. Listen to what the Spirit prompts you to do as you read, and then commit to act on those promptings.
I want to repeat that first phrase: “scripture study should not only inspire us – it should lead us to change the way we live.” So, think of all the ways that your life has changed because of your study of the word of God? The next sentence says for us to listen to what the Spirit prompts you to do as you read… and then do the things you were prompted to do😊 sounds pretty simple doesn’t it? Then why does it seem so hard sometimes?

President Thomas S. Monson said: “As we read and ponder the scriptures, we will experience the sweet whisperings of the Spirit to our souls. We can find answers to our questions. We learn of the blessings which come through keeping God’s commandments. We gain a sure testimony of our Heavenly Father and our Savior, Jesus Christ, and of Their love for us. When scripture study is combined with our prayers, we can of a certainty know that the gospel of Jesus Christ is true. … As we remember prayer and take time to turn to the scriptures, our lives will be infinitely more blessed and our burdens will be made lighter” (“We Never Walk Alone,” Ensign or Liahona, Nov. 2013, 122)

If you do not have a family yet all of these things are still good habits to form early in your life – don’t wait until you are older --- younger and earlier are so much better for you in this case😊 just think what a reference book you will have accumulated by the time you do have a family😊 And you will be so much more knowledgeable about the gospel and what Jesus taught the people while He was upon this earth. Come on, think about it! You know I am right!!!

Ideas to Improve Your Family Scripture Study
Regular family scripture study is a powerful way to help your family learn the gospel. How much and how long you read as a family is not as important as being consistent in your efforts. As you make scripture study an important part of your family life, you will help your family members come closer to Jesus Christ and build their testimonies on the foundation of His word. Consider the following questions:
·         How can you encourage family members to study the scriptures on their own?
·         What can you do to encourage family members to share what they are learning?
·         How can you emphasize the principles you are learning in the New Testament in everyday teaching moments?

Remember that the home is the ideal place for gospel learning. You can learn and teach the gospel at home in ways that are not possible in a Church class. Be creative as you think of ways to help your family learn from the scriptures. Use some of the following ideas to enhance your family scripture study:
Share Meaningful Scriptures
Give family members time to share scripture passages that they have found meaningful during their personal study.
I think often times when a scripture is meaningful to you and you share with your children why that scripture is meaningful, they will embrace that verse of verses and keep it at least in the back of their minds because it is meaningful to you. Hopefully thy will come up with some verses of scripture that are meaningful to them and add to the list that you began for them by sharing those scriptures that were/are meaningful to you😊

Use Your Own Words
Invite family members to summarize in their own words what they learn from the scriptures you study.
I struggle with this one as well. I guess I worry that in using my own words I might leave out some important truths
Apply the Scriptures to Your Life
After reading a scripture passage, ask family members to share ways the passage applies to their lives.
As I said earlier, I have some trouble finding a way to apply the scripture life situations to my own. I have been working on it and it does seem to be getting a little easier😊

Ask a Question
Invite family members to ask a gospel question, and then spend time looking for verses that can help answer the question.
This is a really good way to study your scriptures by yourself as well😊 you could ask yourself questions and then look up the answers in the scriptures. This is where the study helps will come in handy😊 be sure to write out the question and the answer for future reference.  
Display a Scripture
Select a verse you find meaningful, and display it where family members will see it often. Invite other family members to take turns selecting a scripture to display.
I think this one can be applied for your individual scripture study --- select a scripture that has spoken t you in your study and post it where you can see it each day, and try to memorize it during the week😊

Make a Scripture List
As a family, choose several verses that you would like to discuss during the coming week.
I think this can be applied in your individual scripture study as well – it might help you to make this a new goal each week with a new list of scriptures for your study for the week.
I hope and pray that the things that I have shared with you in this post has been helpful and uplifting for each one of you and that it will be a benefit to you and your families. I wish that I had known better and done better when I was raising my children. I think that we missed out on so much and had a kind of hole in our lives that should have been filled with the Gospel of Jesus Christ. We read scriptures together quite often though I don’t think I was as consistent as I should have been. Consistency is a great key in all of this😊

I have learned in these past few years the importance of studying – really studying my scriptures --- not just reading them! I have read them many times, but actually taking the time to truly study them and dig out the precious ‘gems’ of truth found within the pages of those sacred books of scripture, is something that I have been trying to do more of and be better at it when I study the words of the Lord through the stories and experiences of the prophets and other people. The Lord put in those things that we would each need in our lives.
Well my dear Family and Friends I hope you have been enjoying your day. It has been very warm here – in the 90’s most days --  I am truly grateful for my air conditioned home, car and workspace – though I have fans going year round in my classroom😊 The temperature in my room is controlled by the thermostat in another room and they like it a whole lot warmer than I do my fans and my Christmas lights keep my classroom fairly cool for me – the morning gals like it warmer than I do too, but almost as soon as I get there on go my fans to circulate the air and keep it cooler for me and my kiddos😊

Here we are together again at the end of my post – promise me that if you do not have a regular scripture studying method, that you will look seriously at the ideas listed here in this post. If you have found other ideas that are working for you – please share them with me and do keep at it – if it works for you and you are learning those teachings that Christ taught during His earthly ministry then you must keep studying. Just be consistent in studying your scriptures every day individually and as a family and you will be blessed😊
What is most important for each one of us is to study the word of God, to learn the teachings of Jesus Christ and to learn His Gospel, His Doctrine – to know Him! To build a relationship with our Heavenly Father and our Savior, Jesus Christ. I have learned that when you put Jesus Christ and His Father at the center of your life, when you put Them first in your life, everything else falls into place and you are better able to handle what comes your way in this life. And you are better prepared for the life to come😊

As always I hope and pray that each one of you have learned something new in this post that you can put to practice in your life and that you have been uplifted in some way by what I have shared with you today. Please remember who you are and try to see yourself and others through the eyes of Jesus Christ and see the potential and possibilities within you and in each other. You are worth the effort to change your life and Come unto Him. Until my next post, keep studying your scriptures with me, keep saying your prayers, having your family home evenings and please make it a great week😊

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