Sunday, July 21, 2019

Post # 116 – Becoming a Shepherd

Dear Family and Friends

It has been so hot here this week. I took my students o a field trip to a museum that was two and a half hours away. We were able to see an original old home built in the 1800’s, an old schoolhouse, an old sod home; an old church; and an old barn – that is a museum on the bottom and an event place on the top of the barn with a stage area, dance area, and a place for drinks in the corner😊 if it had some straw or hay on the floor you can just imagine an old-time community get together going on up there😊
You know each group or preschoolers I have every year are mostly new students – every now and again I will have a few students who will stay with me for two years because their birthday is later in the year so they are not old enough to go to kindergarten. Many of them have never been to a museum before and I love it when they see old things and truly take an interest in what is around them.

At my last doctors visit I was told that they found something different in my pelvic area, so I am waiting for the opportunity to retake the tests in September. My daughter is not very good at waiting and wants to know the answers right now. I want to know the answers too, but I don’t feel the urgency that she does in finding out. I have asked questions but have not received any answers that have cleared anything up as yet.

She is very anxious to know exactly what is going on and just what the plan is going to be to address the findings. I mention this to you because as a patient you may be okay with what is going on, thinking that it is just part of the process, but you also need to realize and take into consideration the feelings of your loved ones and those that you will eventually leave behind😊
If you do not feel that you need to find out information for yourselves, then please find it out for those who are going through this journey along beside you. Even those close friends and acquaintances will fray for your well being because they too are concerned for you and your life. I, myself, have had a feeling of peace continually throughout my journey thus far and I have felt very blessed by the excellent care that my whole medical team has been giving me so far😊

Every one has been caring, loving, concerned, and simply amazing people!!! So, when something new is brought to your attention, be sure to ask those questions that you feel that your loved ones – your ‘home team’ if you will, would ask if they were there with you at your visit😊 What are those questions you say? I have made a list for myself that my daughter fired off at me, she was not happy with my not asking them at my last visit

1.     What did you find that was not there before?
2.    Was it there before and has it grown?
3.    What changes do you need to make in my treatment to address these new findings?
4.    Why do we have to wait so long to retake the tests?
5.    Will this new thing be growing as we wait?
6.    Is there a chance that whatever you found can cause me more pain or other problems before it is addressed with the retesting?
7.    Is there anything that I need to be doing in the meantime? (changes in my diet, exercising, adding medications, etc.)?
8.    How high should my concern be over these new findings?
9.    Will you be upping the dosages of my chemo drugs in the meantime or do you wait for the retests to make any changes?
10.  Does this mean that the chemo is no longer keeping the cancer from growing?

11.   Are there other things we can try if what we are doing is no longer keeping the cancer from growing?
12.  At this point do I need to make final arrangements or how much time do you think I have left?
13.  What showed up on the scans?
14.  Why are we waiting until September to do another scan? My mom has stage four cancer and I am not comfortable waiting, especially if the cancer is spreading!!!
15.  Are you going to try another type of Chemo?
16.  Basically, why are we waiting considering my mom’s past and current regimen.
17.  Is it cancer that showed up on the scan?
18.  What are they doing to ensure that my mom will be okay?
19.  What is the process and what is happening with the spots that lit up on the scan?
20.  Is the chemo to keep any cancer at bay or gone?

I know that some of these are very hard questions and maybe you are more prepared for the eventuality of death, but I am not. I do not have a living will – or a will at all. I do not have enough money to pay for my funeral or outstanding medical bills or car bills etc.   I believe I am a bit better prepared for my death spiritually than I am temporally.
I believe if you had one to be better prepared for – I would go with the spiritual over the temporal of you had to choose😊 On the other hand I do to wish to leave my children with outstanding bills in order to bury me either! It is so-o-o-o very expensive but we all need to think about these things no matter how old we are or how young we are, because you never know when your time upon this earth will be done😊

Well, enough of my rambling about these dark things. I think we are due for a lesson from one of the general conference sessions we have had. The talk I have chosen is one that we had in our Relief Society group. The lesson was on Becoming a Shepherd from the October 2018 general conference. This talk is by Sister Bonnie H. Cordon Young Women General President.

She said that: “We all want to be recognized. We want to matter, to be remembered and to feel loved. Sisters and Brothers, each of you matter. Even if you are not spoken of in general conference, the Savior knows you and loves you. If you wonder if that is true, you need only contemplate that He has “graven [you] upon the palms of [His] hands.” Wow!! Have you actually thought about that thought – that He has each of us “graven” upon His hands? He Knows us individually!! He loves each one of us!!! 😊
 We began our lesson with a couple of scriptures John 8:5-8 and John 2:3-4.
In these verses the Pharisees tried to trick Jesus into saying something that they could ger Him into trouble for. But Jesus knew their hearts when they brought the woman who was Caught in adultery and they wanted her to be stoned. Jesus told them that those who are without sin were to cast the first stone. Of course, nobody is without sin except Jesus Himself.

5 Now Moses in the law commanded us, that such should be stoned: but what sayest thou?
6 This they said, tempting him, that they might have accuse him. But Jesus stooped down, and with his finger wrote on the ground, as though he heard them not.
7 So when they continued asking him, he lifted up himself, and said unto them, He that is without sin among you, let him first cast a stone at her.
8 and again he stooped down, and wrote on the ground.

In these next verses they were talking about the miracle when Jesus turned the water into wine at a wedding party that Jesus’s mother was hosting, and He and His disciples were attending there as well.
 John 2:3-4
 3 And when they wanted wine, the mother of Jesus saith unto him, they have no wine.
4 Jesus saith unto her, women what have I to do with thee? mine hour is not yet come.
The Sister leading our discussion told us that we should not judge the people that you serve. How often have you been prompted to help someone, but you didn’t for one reason or another? I felt pretty guilty when she asked this question because just that week, I saw a lady walking down the street with her arms full of grocery bags. She was doing okay, but I a sure that she would have appreciated a ride with her heavy load.

I was seriously going to stop then I looked at the clock in  my car and realized that if I did stop to give her a ride I would be late for work so, I chose to go on to work, but I gave up a great opportunity to do a simple act of kindness for someone I worried about that little lady all day long as I did my work I have watched for her as I go to work hoping that I might have another opportunity to serve her😊

The next statement she made in our group made me feel even more self-conscious and guilty.  “There is no reason why anyone can’t stop to help another person in need of our help!” I was watching a Christmas movie during this time – its Hallmark channel’s tenth anniversary of doing their Christmas shows and so all during this year we can watch a Christmas movie every Thursday night, which I love😊
So, on this movie that I was watching the main character was a woman who had a bad divorce and she had two children. She was therefore a single mom in a new town, with an ex-husband who was causing her grief. On her way to work one morning, right before she was to drop her children off at their day care center, a truck veered in front of her and ran into a snowbank.

The young mother jumped out of her car and ran to the other woman. She tried to talk to her to find out if she was okay. She then pulled her free from her truck and laid her down on the ground. Yelled at her son to call 911. Then she began to administer CPR (which was portrayed all wrong😊) The ambulance came and took the woman off to the hospital. this young mother was in a hurry to get her children to day care and off to work.
She didn’t even hesitate to stop and help this woman who desperately needed her help RIGHT NOW!!! She saved the woman’s life. We may be prompted to do something that may save a life. Have you ever thought about that? Even if you don’t physically save a life you might have what the person needs to save their spiritual life!!!  Which, like I said would be the best choice! Our spiritual side needs to be strong in order to combat the daily temptations Satan puts in our way. Satan wants us to fail, to think only of ourselves and not about others

The young mother in the movie moved to help the other woman without a seconds hesitation, why dd I have to hesitate on that day? She ended up losing her job, because she had been late before due to car trouble or her babysitter being late, but she saved the life of the other woman😊 I’m not saying that the Lady I saw on the street was in a life or death situation like in this movie, but she could have been with the heat and carrying a heavy load.

After I had my first child, I had to walk five miles to my mother’s home for my younger sister to tend my daughter and I ended up having heat stroke – so things CAN happen. ANYTHING can happen at ANYTIME!!! That is why it is so important for each one of us to learn how your Heavenly Father speaks to each one of you through the Holy Ghost😊 Then act immediately on those promptings then you won’t be worrying as I have been about a stranger on the street Enough of my rambling! Sorry if I got off track😊

In her talk she talked about how knowing that the Savior loves each one of us we must think at some point in time – “How can I best show my love for my Savior?” we can learn this through the account of when the Savior asked Peter a question three times, in the following exchange found in John 21:15–17

The Savior asked Peter, “Lovest thou me … ?”
Peter answered, “Yea, Lord; thou knowest that I love thee. He saith unto him, Feed my lambs.”
When asked this question both a second and a third time, “Lovest thou me?” Peter was grieved yet confirmed his love: “Lord, thou knowest all things; thou knowest that I love thee. Jesus saith unto him, Feed my sheep.

John 21:15–17          New Testament
15 ¶ So when they had dined, Jesus saith to Simon Peter, Simon, son of Jonas, lovest thou me more than these? He saith unto him, Yea, Lord; thou knowest that I love thee. He saith unto him, Feed my lambs.
16 He saith to him again the second time, Simon, son of Jonas, lovest thou me? He saith unto him, Yea, Lord; thou knowest that I love thee. He saith unto him, Feed my sheep.
17 He saith unto him the third time, Simon, son of Jonas, lovest thou me? Peter was grieved because he said unto him the third time, Lovest thou me? And he said unto him, Lord, thou knowest all things; thou knowest that I love thee. Jesus saith unto him, Feed my sheep.

She continues in her talk asking:
Hadn’t Peter already proven himself a loving follower of Christ? From their first encounter on the seashore, he “straightway” left his fishing nets to follow the Savior. Peter became a true fisher of men. He accompanied the Savior during His personal ministry and helped teach others the gospel of Jesus Christ. Matthew 4:20   New Testament 20 And they straightway left their nets, and followed him.

But now the resurrected Lord knew He would no longer be by Peter’s side, showing him how and when he should serve. In the Savior’s absence, Peter would need to seek guidance from the Spirit, receive revelation on his own, and then have the courage and faith to act. Focused on His sheep, the Savior desired Peter to do what He would do if He were there. He asked Peter to become a shepherd.
Do you ever feel like you have already proven yourself? Maybe we should rethink this proving ourselves thing😊 I don’t believe that our Savior is asking us to prove ourselves.  I believe He is simply asking each one of us to love and help one another, to look out for each other, to be the listing ear, the lifting hands, the walking feet for those that need us to run errands for them, the willing muscles for those that need a heavy job done. I think the phrase “Many hands make light work” fits in here really well😊
Just think about how much better and more efficient our families, our neighborhoods, our towns, our cities, states, our country, and then the world would work if each one of us continuously did our part to love and help those in need, and even help those who are not in need but because it is the nice, the right thing to do!!! 😊 😊 😊 My brother has always told me that in you work hard at something you can make it happen!!
So here is my challenge to myself to be a little kinder, love a little more, help our a little more during the next month – in our homes, in our neighborhoods, in our schools, in our work places, and in all those places we may find ourselves. Let us each try to follow our Savior’s example of serving those around us and in doing so we can each make a splendid improvement in our little corner of the world. So, wherever you are at this moment – leave the place, the people, your home, your school, your workplace, better because you were there!!!!
Now I know that this talk is about “ministering” to those we have been assigned to in our callings in the church, but some of us have not been called to minister to specific people. Though this may be true, and I know that there are many of you who may not be members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints who may read my posts. In which case I say to you Jesus Christ is our Savior, and He has asked each one of us to “feed His sheep” just as He did ask of Peter when He was here during His earthly or mortal ministry. Jesus is not here on the earth at this time, so each one of us must choose to be His hands, His feet, and follow His example. 😊

We can read in the scriptures all the Jesus Christ did during His earthly ministry and we too can accomplish many great and marvelous things --- with His help!!! 😊 I live and breathe each day with His help and through many priesthood blessings. Even though I have endured many things while living in my mortal probation, I know and I believe that I can and probably will endure many more things😊 I am very willing to do what I can to help others our when I can. I can do the small things and I know that is all that our Savior asks of me – to continue doing the small things, because the small things do add up😊
In the scriptures it tells us that we are not expected to run faster than we are able – with His help!!! This is what we need to remember – in the scriptures it also tells us that we can do all things in the strength of our Lord. I believe that we must – each one of us all around the world – put our trust in our Heavenly Father and in His Only Begotten Son, our Savior, Jesus Christ😊 in her talk this good Sister referred us to what our living Prophet, President Russell M. Nelson, has asked each one of us to do:
Last April, President Russell M. Nelson extended a similar invitation to us to feed our Father’s sheep in a holier way and to do so through ministering. Ministering April 2018 General Conference
 To effectively accept this invitation, we must develop a shepherd’s heart and understand the needs of the Lord’s sheep. So how do we become the shepherds the Lord needs us to become?
As with all questions, we can look to our Savior, Jesus Christthe Good Shepherd. The Saviors sheep were known and numbered, they were watched over, and they were gathered into the fold of God.

Known and Numbered
As we strive to follow the Savior’s example, we must first know and number His sheep. We have been assigned specific individuals and families to tend so we are certain that all of the Lord’s flock are accounted for and no one is forgotten. Numbering, however, is not really about numbers; it is about making certain each person feels the love of the Savior through someone who serves for Him. In that way, all can recognize that they are known by a loving Father in Heaven.

I believe we can feed our Father’s sheep in a holier way through ministering whether we are a member of the Church of Jesus Christ or not😊 we can – each one of us, in our own homes, schools, workplaces, supermarkets, sports stadiums, concert halls, bowling alleys, libraries, laundry mats, Y.M.C.A’s or other gyms, fast food places, standing in line at our local Walmart or K-mart, hospitals, cancer centers, or any other place that you may find ourselves – love and serve one another. Remember our service doesn’t need to be huge to count😊
Our service can be as simple as sharing a genuine loving smile, reminding those we meet that they are loved by their Heavenly Father and by their Savior, Jesus Christ😊 Remember that each one of us are a child of a loving Heavenly Father. The phrase ‘I am a Child of God’ applies to everyone who has ever lived or who will ever live on this earth!!! It might be helpful for us to review the words to the song with the same title – you can find it here:

She goes on to teach us the second way we can minister to our brothers and sisters. Again she refers to the members of the Church of Latter-day Saints, but I believe this can be applied to members of any church or even those whom do not belong to any church😊We should be concerned about and care for those around us no matter who they are or what church they go to or do not go to! They are each one a child of God and our brother or sister/ our Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ know and love each one individually and They are counting on us to love each one of them as well😊
Watched Over
A second way to develop the heart of a shepherd is to watch over His sheep. As members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, we can move, fix, repair, and rebuild just about anything. We are quick to meet a need with a helping hand or a plate of cookies. But is there more?
Do our sheep know we are watching over them with love and we will take action to help?
In Matthew 25 we read:
“Come, ye blessed of my Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you … :
“For I was an hungred, and ye gave me meat: I was thirsty, and ye gave me drink: I was a stranger, and ye took me in: …
“Then shall the righteous answer him, saying, Lord when saw we thee an hungred, and fed thee? or thirsty, and gave thee drink?
“When saw we thee a stranger, and took thee in?”
Brothers and sisters, the key word is saw. The righteous saw those in need because they were watching and noticing. We too can be a watchful eye to aid and comfort, to celebrate and even dream. As we act, we can be assured of the promise in Matthew: “Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these … , ye have done it unto me.”

Matthew 25:40         New Testament
40 And the King shall answer and say unto them, Verily I say unto you, Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me.

Let is each be more aware of those around us, let us be observant and prayerful, that we might see the needs of those around us. Then we can be the first to step up to the plate and help them with those needs😊 I know that I need to work on this as I am sure that some of you may as well, so please accept this challenge with me: let us pray each day to notice those the Lord would like us to help for Him😊Let us ask our Heavenly Father in our prayers how we can show His love to that person people. Remember, there is great power in prayer!!!

Our sheep may be hurting, lost, or even willfully astray; as their shepherd, we can be among the first to see their need. We can listen and love without judgment and offer hope and help with the discerning guidance of the Holy Ghost.

Gathered into the Fold of God
Third, we want our sheep to be gathered into the fold of God. To do so, we must consider where they are on the covenant path and be willing to walk with them on their journey of faith. Ours is a sacred privilege to come to know their hearts and point them to their Savior.
Whether our sheep are strong or weak, rejoicing or in anguish, we can make certain that no one walks alone. We can love them wherever they are spiritually and offer support and encouragement for the next step forward. As we pray and seek to understand their hearts, I testify that Heavenly Father will direct us and His Spirit will go with us. We have the opportunity to be the “angels round about” them as He goes before their face.

88 And whoso receiveth you, there I will be also, for I will go before your face. I will be on your right hand and on your left, and my Spirit shall be in your hearts, and mine angels round about you, to bear you up.

This good sister shared with is the fact that we can be shepherds at a young age – the young men and young women, the youth of our family, our neighborhood, our town, our cities, states, countries, world – can become shepherds as well. our Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ are counting on you – the youth, as well as all of the adults of this world😊 so, if you are a youth, young woman or a young man – know that you are needed to become a shepherd too😊
Your own youth can be your partner in your ministering efforts to help those around you to feel the love of their Heavenly Father and help each of them to find their way to our Savior, Jesus Christ😊 I believe as this good sister has testified, that as we each pray and as we seek to understand the hearts of those around us our Heavenly Father will lead and direct each one of us and His Spirit will go with us.

Let us each take the opportunity to be the “angels round about” them as He goes before their face😊 I know that as we each do this work together; we can change the world – one person at a time! Just think about that – about how amazing this type of change can mean in our world that is starving for love. You can read the whole talk here:
Well my dear Family and Friends, here we are at the end of this talk and this post. I hope and pray that something that I have shared with each one of you has in some way helped to inspire and lift you into action😊 Remember, the Lord needs all of His children to help each other feel His love, to be there for one another in the small and simple ways that only we can do😊 We each have our own unique gifts and talents that only we alone can share with others!!!

As always, I want to encourage each one of you to continue your study of the New Testament with us. Continue saying your prayers; keeping the Lord’s commandments –- remember the two greatest commandments are: to Love God with all our soul, with all our heart, with all our mind; and to love our neighbor as ourselves. Until we meet again at my next post, please make it a good week and remember who you are and who the Lord wants you to become.
As found in Matthew chapter 22 :36 -- 40
36 Master, which is the great commandment in the law?
37 Jesus said unto him, Thou shalt alove the Lord thy God with all thy bheart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy cmind.
38 This is the first and great acommandment.
39 And the second is like unto it, Thou shalt alove thy neighbour as thyself.
40 On these two commandments hang all the alaw and the prophets.
You can watch the Greatest Commandment video here:

You can also check out this blog for more information:

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