Thursday, July 5, 2018

Post #18 – Is it Simple or is it a Struggle

Dear Family and Friends,

So, I was thinking this afternoon, as I was struggling to put my shoes and socks on – I know this is a seemingly simple task, right? Well, no so for me these past few weeks since my surgery. Oh, I don’t remember if I have mentioned that I recently had my second total knee replacement surgery. The other one I had done this past January. It is still healing – it takes up to a year to be completely healed up and in good working order. So far it is healing well, and for the most part doing well too!

I was way excited, for both surgeries on my knees – yes, sad, but true! I had been in pain with my left knee for many years, so I was grateful to find that I could get the surgery done that would eliminate all, of that pain. So, yes, I was looking forward to getting two major surgeries and not dreading it; being afraid; or being worried about it. I did request and received priesthood blessings though, so I was prepared for the surgeries before they happened.
"A quote by Elder M. Russell Ballard: “Heavenly Father has provided a way for all of His sons and His daughters to have access to … the power of the priesthood.” "

I have told you before, just how important priesthood blessings are in my life – it is the power from our Heavenly Father sent directly to us, through worthy priesthood holders to help or heal us., or give us the strength that we need to get through a difficult time or situation. I know that if the Lord has the power to heal the sick and too raise someone from the dead – He has the power to give me peace throughout my trials in this mortal life. I could not manage all the things that have happened throughout my life without the Lord’s help. i wanted to be sure to mention that you do not have to be married to receive a priesthood blessing, you only need to ask worthy priesthood holders for their help. 

I am recovering from the second surgery and so when I finally put on my own shoes and socks yesterday, all by myself :)  -- I wondered if it was that hard for our children to learn and manage this and other relatively simple, but daily tasks. I know what you are thinking – she really has lost it! But seriously, what do you think? Is it just as hard for children to learn daily living tasks as it is for someone who, for one reason or another, must either relearn a task or as in my case, at this time. needs to be able to do it without pain. This will take me a bit more time, but I will keep working on it.
An image of a mother and her daughter, combined with a quote by Elder M. Russell Ballard: “The still, small voice will let us know who needs our help.”

In thinking about putting my shoes and socks on I remembered back when my youngest daughter was born, well actually just after she was born --- I had a series of mini strokes which left my right side paralyzed and me unable to walk or to speak coherently, my two-year-old daughter was able to speak more clearly than I could. So, I was unable to walk or talk for quite a long while after the strokes happened. Anyway, I wondered at that time as well, if it was as difficult for our children to learn to walk and talk as it was for me to accomplish it during my recovery, which was about five years and I still have some residual affects – especially when I am overly tired.

 I did not know the Lord very well at all during this time in my life, but looking back, I know that He has always been there watching out for and caring for me in so many ways and circumstances and I am so very grateful that He was and is still there for me. I think of the song "Footprints in the Sand", when you look back throughout your life and notice occasionally that there are only one set of footprints in the sand. and you also notice that it was those times when there are only one set of footprints, that it was during the roughest times in your life -- it was then the the Lord was carrying you! 
An image of footprints on the beach, combined with a quote by President Thomas S. Monson: “The future is as bright as your faith.”

You remember that song don't you? oh, and for those of you who haven't heard of the song -- you can google it:)  the version i grew up with was by Christy Lane. I think it is very important for each of us to realize just how much the Lord does for us n a daily basis, that often times we do not realize it at the time -- not until we are looking back do we actually put it together -- because hind sight is 20/20 right?

Back then they put stroke patients in the geriatric ward, so I was in a room with five elderly women. Those ladies helped me with my speech therapy and cheered me on when it was time for my physical therapy -- just as my children and my grandchildren do for me now. The Lord has always put people in my life, ( as well as in yours -- haven't you noticed it?), that would help to make me stronger in some way or other… with His help!
A white background with a pink border and pink text quoting Elder M. Russell Ballard: “In your morning prayer … ask Heavenly Father to guide you.”

I had another thought while doing physical therapy, I was relearning how to walk and one of those ladies encouraged me to pick my leg up. She did not mean for me to pick it up on my legs own ability, she meant for me to literally pick my leg up. After that, I learned to reach down with my hand and grasp my pant leg and pick up my leg to make it do what it needed to do to walk, which I could do as my upper body strength came back seemingly quicker than my lower body. I don’t know if that is how it normally goes or not, but that was the way it happened for me.

My physical therapy. while recovering from those strokes, was not painful at all, it was more of making my thoughts tell my body parts what they should be doing. My physical therapy now, after my knee replacement surgery is very painful – even when taking my pain medication😊 but the pain is necessary for the leg to recover completely and become strong again. It did not seem like torture when I was doing my therapy after the first knee was done, but some days it sure feels like it with this knee. 
An image of a child’s hand holding an adult’s finger, with a text overlay in pink and white quoting Elder M. Russell Ballard: “Make a difference.”

I don’t know if it has anything to do with the fact that this knee was the one that was hurt – I was stepping out of a van and injured my mcl several years ago. in case you are not familiar with the mcl -- The medial collateral ligament (MCL) is located on the inner aspect, or part, of your knee, but it’s outside the joint itself. Ligaments hold bones together and add stability and strength to a joint. The MCL connects the top of the tibia, or shinbone, to the bottom of the femur, or thighbone. ( I ended up having the other knee done first because at the time it was in the most pain.

So, like other things in life your pain is a teacher, you can learn valuable things from it. Especially that the Lord is there for you and will help you through the pain of whatever you are going through in your life! If you have never thought about pain in that way, maybe you should take another look at it. Also, in taking a look at your pain, make sure that you let your doctors know if the pain doesn’t go away or it comes on suddenly – you know things like that.

 Recently a friend of mine was diagnosed with Hodgkin lymphoma and she is pregnant with twins. I mention this to you because the persistent pain in her back was what finally sent her to the doctor for more answers as to the why of her pain other than being pregnant. So don't be like me and live with your pain for many years when the Lord has helped the medical field excel in so many ways to help each of us with our pain. And the Lord will let you know if you should see a doctor or not -- if you are in doubt, pray about it.
An image of a shoreline with mountains in the background, paired with a quote by Elder M. Russell Ballard: “Balance your life with spiritual experiences.”

Have you ever thought about the butterfly -- as it is trying to come out of it’s cocoon? That little butterfly would probably love some help to get out of that cocoon,  because it has to struggle so much to get out. But  it is said that if you helped it – it might survive, but not for long I don’t think. You see the butterfly needs to beat its wings against that cocoon, not only to dry them, but to strengthen them, so that it’s wings will be strong enough for flight. it's been my experience that this is also true for baby chicks when they are hatching out of their eggs.

 I had a friend years ago who’s daughter was diagnosed with a virus called Epstein-Barr infection she struggled through this disease with bouts of depression and anxiety for her future. I wrote a poem for her about the butterfly and how it struggles, and I made her a mobile with butterflies out of lamination scraps and construction paper. She was pleased with the gift and kept it in her window to help her through her struggles.
A tan background with bold letters quoting Elder M. Russell Ballard: “Great things are brought about … through the efforts of many hands.”

Her mother would tell me how she was holding up each day. When she had difficult days and the sunlight would reflect off the laminated butterflies it would reminds her of the butterfly’s struggle to get out of its cocoon and of her struggle as well, and that she should never give up hope. In not giving up hope she would remember that Jesus never said that it would be easy, He only said that it would be worth it! Whatever difficulties, hardships, trials, situations or circumstances we may find ourselves in, we should never forget this -- that it ( the struggle) is worth it!!

I tell you this because you too can be the light or the lift for someone who is struggling. I have found that most of the time it doesn’t cost a lot to lift someone’s spirits or to help them through a difficult patch in the 'cocoons' of their life’s struggles. The Lord put us here to lift and support each other – so, just as I need someone to put on my shoes and socks during my recovery from surgery, or a ride to my chemotherapy or to tests when I am unable to do so, it is really very important, for you to be there for whom the Lord has placed you there for. Remember, each of us are His hands here on the earth. we are all going to the same place eventually, and wouldn't it be nice if we could be there for one another throughout our mortal journey? 
A faded background with a pink text overlay quoting Elder M. Russell Ballard: “Anxiously engaged in the service of the Lord.”

You never know just what a smile or a kind word can do for someone who is struggling in one way or another.  It is all a part of our mortal life’s mission to lift and support one another as we go along our way. so, is it simple, or is it a struggle?

I was reading this article by M. Russell Ballard of the Quorum of the Twelve and it kind of fits in with what I have been saying throughout this post about being in sinc with the Spirit so that we know how to lift those whom the Lord sends to us, but it goes more in depth about things we can do each day. I hope you enjoy it!
A quote from President Russell M. Nelson in an elaborate line frame: “A perfect body is not required to achieve one’s divine destiny.”
Keeping Life’s Demands in Balance
Of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles

My dear brothers and sisters, since last general conference, I have felt in my own life the power of priesthood blessings and the power of the faith and prayers of Church members. For many years, I have given blessings to others. I have fasted and prayed for their well-being and have exercised my faith for their recovery. Recently, during a serious illness, I was the recipient of such faith, prayers, and blessings. I thank you, brothers and sisters, for the prayers that you have offered in my behalf.
One of my colleagues said to me that some good would come from this illness. He suggested that it is good, on occasion, for everyone to face adversity, especially if it causes introspection that enables us to openly and honestly assess our lives. That is what I did.
The night before my surgery, my doctors talked about the possibility of cancer. When I was left alone, my mind filled with thoughts of my family and of my ministry. I found comfort in the ordinances of the gospel that bind me to my family if we are faithful. I realized that I needed to rearrange some of my priorities to accomplish the things that matter most to me.
An image of a rocky terrain at night, coupled with a quote by Elder M. Russell Ballard: “The same priesthood power that created worlds … should be part of our lives to … bless our families.”
Sometimes we need a personal crisis to reinforce in our minds what we really value and cherish. The scriptures are filled with examples of people facing crises before learning how to better serve God and others. Perhaps if you, too, search your hearts and courageously assess the priorities in your life, you may discover, as I did, that you need a better balance among your priorities.
All of us must come to an honest, open self-examination, an awareness within as to who and what we want to be.
As most of you know, coping with the complex and diverse challenges of everyday life, which is not an easy task, can upset the balance and harmony we seek. Many good people who care a great deal are trying very hard to maintain balance, but they sometimes feel overwhelmed and defeated.
A mother of four small children said: “There is no balance at all in my life. I am completely consumed in trying to raise my children. I hardly have time to think of anything else!”
A yellow graphic with a quote by President Russell M. Nelson: “Above all, do not be selfish! … Celebrate … each day together as a treasured gift from heaven.”
A young father, who felt the pressure of being the family provider, said: “My new business requires all of my time. I realize that I am neglecting my family and church duties, but if I can just get through one more year I will make enough money, and then things will settle down.”
A high school student said: “We hear so many contrasting views that it is hard to always know what is right and what is wrong.”
How often have we heard this one? “No one knows better than I do how important exercise is, but I just have no time in my day for exercising.”
A single parent said: “I find it next to impossible to accomplish all that I need to do to manage my home and lead my family. In fact, sometimes I think the world expects too much of me. Regardless of how hard I work, I never will live up to everyone’s expectations.”
Another mother of four remarked: “My struggle is between self-esteem, confidence, and feelings of self-worth versus guilt, depression, and discouragement for not doing everything I am told we must do to attain the celestial kingdom.”
"An image of a blue sky with clouds and a quote by Elder M. Russell Ballard: “It is impossible for us to fail … on the Lord’s errand.” "
Brothers and sisters, we all face these kinds of struggles from time to time. They are common human experiences. Many people have heavy demands upon them stemming from parental, family, employment, church, and civic responsibilities. Keeping everything in balance can be a real problem.
A periodic review of the covenants we have made with the Lord will help us with our priorities and with balance in our lives. This review will help us see where we need to repent and change our lives to ensure that we are worthy of the promises that accompany our covenants and sacred ordinances. Working out our own salvation requires good planning and a deliberate, valiant effort.
An orange background with text quoting Elder M. Russell Ballard: “Remove any of your fear with faith.”
I have a few suggestions that I hope will be valuable to those of you concerned with balancing life’s demands. These suggestions are very basic; their concepts can easily be overlooked if you are not careful. You will need a strong commitment and personal discipline to incorporate them into your life.
First, think about your life and set your priorities. Find some quiet time regularly to think deeply about where you are going and what you will need to do to get there. Jesus, our exemplar, often “withdrew himself into the wilderness, and prayed” (Luke 5:16). We need to do the same thing occasionally to rejuvenate ourselves spiritually as the Savior did. Write down the tasks you would like to accomplish each day. Keep foremost in mind the sacred covenants you have made with the Lord as you write down your daily schedules.
Second, set short-term goals that you can reach. Set goals that are well balanced—not too many nor too few, and not too high nor too low. Write down your attainable goals and work on them according to their importance. Pray for divine guidance in your goal setting.
A quote by Elder M. Russell Ballard beginning with “Exaltation is the goal” on a white background bordered by trees at sunset.
You recall that Alma said he would like to be an angel so he could “speak with the trump of God, … to shake the earth, and cry repentance unto every people!” (Alma 29:1). He then said, “But behold, I am a man, and do sin in my wish; for I ought to be content with the things which the Lord hath allotted unto me. …
“Why should I desire more than to perform the work to which I have been called?” (Alma 29:3, 6).
Third, everyone faces financial challenges in life. Through wise budgeting, control your real needs and measure them carefully against your many wants in life. Far too many individuals and families have incurred too much debt. Be careful of the many attractive offers to borrow money. It is much easier to borrow money than it is to pay it back. There are no shortcuts to financial security. There are no get-rich-quick schemes that work. Perhaps none need the principle of balance in their lives more than those who are driven toward accumulating “things” in this world.
A blue graphic coupled with a quote by President Russell M. Nelson: “The Book of Mormon is a gift from God.”
Do not trust your money to others without a thorough evaluation of any proposed investment. Our people have lost far too much money by trusting their assets to others. In my judgment, we never will have balance in our lives unless our finances are securely under control.
The prophet Jacob said to his people: “Wherefore, do not spend money for that which is of no worth, nor your labor for that which cannot satisfy. Hearken diligently unto me, and remember the words which I have spoken; and come unto the Holy One of Israel, and feast upon that which perisheth not, neither can be corrupted, and let your soul delight in fatness” (2 Ne. 9:51).
Brothers and sisters, remember to always pay a full tithing.
Fourth, stay close to your spouse, children, relatives, and friends. They will help you keep a balance in your life. In a recent study by the Church, adults in the United States were asked to identify a time when they were very happy and to describe the experience. They were also asked to describe a time when they were very unhappy. For most people, one thing that had made them the most happy or the most sad was their personal relationships with others. Much less important were their personal health, employment, money, and other material things. Build relationships with your family and friends through open and honest communication.
A good marriage and good family relationships can be maintained through gentle, loving, thoughtful communication. Remember that often a glance, a wink, a nod, or a touch will say more than words. A sense of humor and good listening are also vital parts of good communication.
A young man reading the Book of Mormon, with a quote by Elder M. Russell Ballard: “Privately studying, pondering, and communicating with your Heavenly Father can make an amazing difference in your lives. It will give increased success in your daily activities. It will bring increased alertness to your minds. It will give you comfort and rock-steady assurance when the storms of life descend upon you.”
Fifth, study the scriptures. They offer one of the best sources we have to keep in touch with the Spirit of the Lord. One of the ways I have gained my sure knowledge that Jesus is the Christ is through my study of the scriptures. President Ezra Taft Benson has called upon members of the Church to make the study of the Book of Mormon a daily habit and a lifetime pursuit. The Apostle Paul’s advice to Timothy is good counsel for each of us. He wrote: “From a child thou hast known the holy scriptures, which are able to make thee wise unto salvation through faith which is in Christ Jesus.
“All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness” (2 Tim. 3:15–16).
Sixth, many people, including me, have difficulty finding the time for sufficient rest, exercise, and relaxation. We must schedule time on our daily calendars for these activities if we are to enjoy a healthy and balanced life. Good physical appearance enhances our dignity and self-respect.
A quote by President Russell M. Nelson in a gold frame: “Each day is a day of decision.”
Seventh, the prophets have taught repeatedly that families should teach one another the gospel, preferably in a weekly family home evening. This family practice, if we are not very careful, can slowly drift away from us. We must not lose this special opportunity to “teach one another the doctrine of the kingdom” (D&C 88:77), which will lead families to eternal life.
Satan is always working to destroy our testimonies, but he will not have the power to tempt or disturb us beyond our strength to resist when we are studying the gospel and living its commandments.
My last suggestion is to pray often as individuals and as families. Parents need to exercise the discipline required to lead out and motivate children to join together for regular family prayers. Our youth can know the right decisions to make each day through constant, sincere prayer.
A black-and-white image of Elder M. Russell Ballard and his wife on their wedding day, combined with a quote by Elder Ballard: “The Lord will not let us down.”
The prophet Alma summarized the importance of prayer in these words: “But that ye would humble yourselves before the Lord, and call on his holy name, and watch and pray continually, that ye may not be tempted above that which ye can bear, and thus be led by the Holy Spirit, becoming humble, meek, submissive, patient, full of love and all long-suffering” (Alma 13:28). When I am in tune spiritually, I find that I can balance everything in my life much more easily.
I realize, brothers and sisters, that other suggestions could be added to these. However, I believe that when we focus on a few basic objectives, we are more likely to be able to manage the many demands that life makes on us. Remember, too much of anything in life can throw us off-balance. At the same time, too little of the important things can do the same thing. King Benjamin counseled “that all these things are done in wisdom and order” (Mosiah 4:27).
A tan and gray graphic with a quote by President Russell M. Nelson: “Study of the Book of Mormon is most rewarding when one focuses on its primary purpose.”
Often the lack of clear direction and goals can waste away our time and energy and contribute to imbalance in our lives. A life that gets out of balance is much like a car tire that is out of balance. It will make the operation of the car rough and unsafe. Tires in perfect balance can give a smooth and comfortable ride. So it is with life. The ride through mortality can be smoother for us when we strive to stay in balance. Our main goal should be to seek “immortality and eternal life” (Moses 1:39). With this as our goal, why not eliminate from our lives the things that clamor for and consume our thoughts, feelings, and energies without contributing to our reaching that goal?
Just a word to Church leaders: Be very careful that what you ask from members will help them attain eternal life. For Church members to be able to balance their lives, Church leaders must be sure they do not require so much from members that they have no time to accomplish their personal and family goals.
Not long ago, one of my children said, “Dad, sometimes I wonder if I will ever make it.” The answer I gave to her is the same as I would give to you if you have had similar feelings. Just do the very best you can each day. Do the basic things and, before you realize it, your life will be full of spiritual understanding that will confirm to you that your Heavenly Father loves you. When a person knows this, then life will be full of purpose and meaning, making balance easier to maintain.
Various photographs of missionaries combined with a quote by President Russell M. Nelson: “Missionaries … serve with the sole hope of making life better for other people.”
Live every day with joy in your heart, brothers and sisters. I humbly testify that life can be wonderful, in the name of Jesus Christ, amen.
I have to agree with Elder Ballard to live every day with joy in our hearts – and that life ca be wonderful each day. So, everyone have a great day and practice these eight steps –
First, think about your life and set your priorities; Second, set short-term goals that you can reach.; Third, wise budgeting; Fourth, stay close to your spouse, children, relatives, and friends; Fifth, study the scriptures.; Sixth, find the time for sufficient rest, exercise, and relaxation.; Seventh, the prophets have taught repeatedly that families should teach one another the gospel, preferably in a weekly family home evening.; Eighth, pray often as individuals and as families
until my next post – be happy!

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