Wednesday, January 29, 2020

Post # 167 – Please, Enjoy the Simple Things in Life!!!

Dear Family and Friends

I mentioned to you in earlier posts that I have been struggling with my lymphedema as well as with the neuropathy in my hands and feet. in doing so,  I have come to realize that you must enjoy doing the simplest of things in your life as you never know when those very simple things may become very difficult for you to do, if you can still do them at all

 I have a hard time with a few things that I need to do on a regular basis -- like buttoning buttons, zipping zippers, drinking from a cup—well, not actually drinking from a cup, but grasping the cup or glass well enough to actually hold it long enough to get it up to my mouth to drink from it😊, holding a cup that is full, filling a baby bottle, holding a pencil or a pen...

And then of course with a pencil and pen comes writing somewhat legibly, typing on my computer,  combing my hair, holding a fork and spoon, or using a knife, picking up things off the floor, putting on my socks, cooking, doing dishes, holding the phone up to my ear for more than a few minutes, tying  my shoes or the shoes of a small child -- 😊😊which I do many times during each day! 😊😊

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These are only a few of the simple things that I struggle with. There are of course also those things that I need and want to do weekly or occasionally like: taking the water during sacrament on Sunday, buttering a slice of bread, slicing a tomato or cucumber or an onion, cracking an egg, peeling an egg – you need to be able to do this to make deviled eggs you know😊

There are also things that I struggle with at work as welldoing arts and crafts with my students, doing puzzles with my grandchildren or my students, doing science experiments, using scissors, folding paper creations – known as origami😊 making play dough, using a can opener or a parry knife, cooking with my students and other fun stuff😊

Then there are the things that used to be very simple for me that I can hardly do any more I had sewn up all of the mat covers by hand in relatively short time a few years back, but now I cannot even thread my own needle let alone try to sew something by hand.

I attempted to hem a pair of pants and I kept thinking I had the needle in my hand but when I went to push it through the material, I had no needle. I could not feel that it was not in my fingers -- very frustrating for me. Oh, and we don’t need to talk about threading a needle😊

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I began making blankets for all of my children during my Chemotherapy treatments when I was first diagnosed. I was doing just fine the first year, I was able to complete one blanket for a king-sized long bed, one for a twin sized bed and one for a double bed and a baby blanket. I only had the time to work on these blankest during my treatments😊 In the beginning my treatments rook many hours each time, now it only takes two hours😊

With that being the only time, I worked on them and  when I was waiting for my appointments. I thought I did fairly well during that year. Since the diagnosis of the lymphedema and the neuropathy I can hardly hold a crochet hook without so much pain in my hands to grasp the hook and even then, I am not sure half of the time if I actually have the hook in my hands

Like I always say: “It could always be worse.” You never need to look very far to find someone worse off than you are you know😊 I have tried very hard to keep a positive attitude since my diagnosis with stage four breast cancer and I believe with the Lord's help I have done very well at maintaining that good attitude and good well-being overall. And I know without a shadow of doubt that I can do all things through the Lord who strengthens me. 😊

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 I am sure you know that is why I keep on trying to find a different way or ways to continue doing the things that I need to do and have to do as well as the things that I love to do. I am not telling all of you these things to be complaining you know.  I am only telling you these things to make you aware of the simple things in your lives😊.  

As well as to remind you that you should give thanks to God every day that you can do them.  Because you truly do not know if or when those very simple things may become struggles in your life as well as these things have become struggles in mine!

I am also sharing these things with you so that you can be aware and take precautions if you or a loved one is ever diagnosed with breast cancer. You need to be sure that you ask about the possibility and probability of you getting lymphedema or drug-induced neuropathy. If there is even a very slight chance of you getting one or both of these things, or if you already have one or both. You must be better and do better than I did to prepare for that possibility. 😊

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And if you have one or both of these things please be sure to take good care of yourself. And if you need something done and you simply cannot manage or figure out a new way of doing it. It is okay to ask for help. Asking for help is so much better than hurting yourself or becoming depressed you know😊 So, I give you my permission to ask away… even if you can do something but it is really very hard for you or it hurts very much to do it… ask for help. I promise you that there is no shame in asking for help😊

I found out too late about the exercises that I should have been doing from the time of my mastectomy that may have prevented or at least postponed my lymphedema. I did not think I was going to get it because it had been about fifteen months and there weren’t any signs.

Then one day I began feeling tingling in my hands and my feet – and the neuropathy was diagnosed. I didn’t seem very long after that when my arm and my hand began to swell up, yep, you guessed it, next was my diagnosis with lymphedema😊

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There is also the nutritional side of things as well that you must be aware of and practice after your surgery.  I did not know that there are certain foods that you should really avoid when you have lymphedema and there are certain foods that can help with your lymphedema, so it doesn't get so bad.

You don’t want to have a need for a specially made or custom -made sleeve if you can avoid it. It takes a lot longer for them to get made and shipped and they are so-o-o-o very expensive And I am sure that I mentioned about the compression sleeves that you must change out every six months as they lose their compression value.

Part of the compression is lost each time you launder your sleeve and normal wear and tearI just read where you may need to change out your sleeve and glove every four to six months Had I known this and did this earlier on, maybe my arm would not be as big as it is now

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Even though they may still feel like they are compressing your arm like they should be -- they are most likely not the sleeve only feels tight because your arm is swelling to fill in the looseness of the sleeve. You see as your sleeve stretches out so does your arm, filling in the distance so that your sleeve never feels looser. It continues to feel tight because your arm is filling up with fluid and getting bigger under the sleeve as it has lost its compression value.

I want each one of you to be better prepared than I was to face what may come ahead of you with your breast cancer diagnosis😊 I am finding the phrase that hindsight is always 20/20 to be very true indeed!!! I think you can just about always look back on any given situation and think "I wish I had known then what I know now", I might have made different choices! Right?

Surely some of you have felt like that at one point in your lives or another? If you are like me and have already been diagnosed and you are a ways down the road that’s okay, please don’t be too hard on yourselves😊 Just be sure that you start asking questions so that your situation does not get any worse than is already is And make sure that you follow your doctors and your physical therapist’s instructions😊

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 I am sure you know that is why I keep on trying to find a different way or ways to continue doing the things that I need to do and have to do as well as the things that I love to do. I am not telling all of you these things to be complaining you know.  I am only telling you these things to make you aware of the simple things in your lives😊.  

As well as to remind you that you should give thanks to God every day that you can do them.  Because you truly do not know if or when those very simple things may become struggles in your life as well as these things have become struggles in mine!

In doing so you are better able to keep on top of things much better than I have done oaky. Another thing that is very important for you to remember to do … that would be to trust in your Heavenly Father😊Remember that he is a parent too! He loves us enough that He allowed His Only Begotten Son, to be sacrificed to save all mankind (and woman kind too😊)

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Now I am a parent and I love each of my children more than life itself. I would gladly take upon me whatever hurt would come upon them even to my death. I cannot even imagine, of fathom the love that our Heavenly Father has for each one of us that He would allow what happened to our Savior, His Son, Jesus Christ to happen – for each one of us, so that we could someday return to live in heaven with Them and our family members throughout eternity and have the opportunity to have eternal families😊

Something else that you may want to think about – when you have absolutely nothing else to do😊 right? Is to think seriously about all of those things that are very simple for you to do right now and ask yourself “How might I do this differently if I needed to?”

Take for example when I had those mini strokes that left me unable to walk or talk for so long. I had to learn a new way to communicate, and since my right side was affected, I also had to learn to write left-handed for a long while. Its just little things like that, that can become very frustrating for you.

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I sincerely hope and pray that this post has not brought your spirit down, for surely that was not my intention when I began writing this post. I am only trying to make things a little bit easier for you in the long run you know😊 my thoughts were that if you had this information you could be better prepared and maybe you would not need to suffer through these same things as I have had to do since my diagnosis😊

I wanted to share this article with you on how lymphedema starts, so you know what to watch out for:

How Lymphedema Starts

So how does lymphedema start? The current thinking is that, in some people, the lymph finds other ways to get where it needs to go after the lymphatic system is disrupted by breast cancer treatments. We’re not sure how this happens, but the body finds a way to compensate. The system adapts to the change.

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In other people, the remaining lymph nodes and vessels can’t keep up with the tissues’ need to get rid of extra fluid, proteins, and waste. With fewer lymph nodes, too, the proteins and wastes do not get filtered out of the lymph as efficiently as they once did. Very gradually, waste and fluid build up in the tissues of the arm, hand, breast, chest, or trunk.

One or more of these areas may be affected. The result is typically mild lymphedema, which can get worse if it’s not treated. At first, you might notice that your arm or chest feels a little bit different — tingly, uncomfortable, achy, or “full”— or that your bra, sleeve, watch, or ring feels a little tight.

In people who develop lymphedema, symptoms typically appear within 3 years after surgery, although many cases appear 3-5 years after treatment. We don’t have enough longer-term studies to say for sure what the risk is after 5 years. However, there have been cases of lymphedema developing many years or even decades after treatment.

First symptoms are sometimes triggered by a specific event, such as overuse of or injury to the arm. If your lymphatic system is already having a hard time keeping up, such events can “tip” the body into lymphedema. For instance:

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  • Suppose you normally cook for two people but suddenly spend a holiday cooking for 20, or you tackle hours of intense yard work on a hot day. These activities send more blood pumping through your arm than usual. More blood means more fluid in the tissues, which also means more lymph entering the lymphatic system.

  • Let’s say that you get a cut, even a very small one, that allows bacteria to get into the hand or arm. The lymph drains to the underarm lymph nodes that are responsible for straining out the bacteria and setting your body’s immune system into action. But fewer nodes are now available to do this work, so the immune response is slower. The bacteria have the chance to start multiplying in the lymph fluid — a perfect environment because it’s filled with nutrients they can thrive on. The cut gets infected and the lymphatic system is even more overwhelmed. The lymph has so much debris in it that it starts to clog the system. The fluid can’t get where it needs to go and starts pooling in the tissue.

Kathryn Schmitz, Ph.D., MPH, professor in the division of clinical epidemiology at the University of Pennsylvania, offers this analogy: “If you’ve ever lived at the bottom of a hill, you’ve seen what happens to the storm drain during a rainstorm. Sticks, leaves, and other debris come out of the trees and they all move toward the drain. All of this stuff is trying to get into the system and it gets stuck. The street starts to flood not just with plain old water, but with junk-filled, dirty water. That’s a good way to understand the beginning stage of lymphedema.”
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The above information comes for the following site:

You can find out more information about lymphedema here:

Lymphedema Diagnosis and Treatment

I think that I shared this information in an earlier post, but just in case I did not you can find it here:

What Is Cancer-related Lymphedema? You can find this one here:

What You Should Know About Lymphedema.   You can find this one here:

This next one covers a great deal of information: Lymphedema- Symptoms of lymphedema, Causes of lymphedema, Diagnosing lymphedema

Stages of lymphedema, Managing and treating lymphedema, Reducing your risk of lymphedema as well as a pdf answering questions here:

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Remember the other thing that I have mentioned before in earlier post – my neuropathy. When it first started, I thought my hands and my feet were asleep, because I held them in one place too long. But when I paid closer attention it was an everyday occurrence. Not only were my hands and my feet tingling and feeling numb like, they were hurting—especially my hand with the lymphedema. You see, the lymphedema makes the symptoms worse in that hand☹ The physical therapist and the doctor say that is Normal😊

When it kept continuing day after day, I decided that I needed to ask the doctor about it. That’s when I found out about how the chemotherapy can sometimes cause neuropathy in some people. It is interesting to me how it does not affect everyone who takes the same medications, but then I remember that we are all different so it naturally could affect each person differently, right?

I also found out that peripheral neuropathy has many causes just like our different reactions to different things I guess😊 I thought I would share this information with you just in case you may have it or may know someone who may fit in one of these categories of these ten causes of Peripheral neuropathy:

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10 Causes of Peripheral Neuropathy

Our bodies contain a network of nerves that connect the whole body to the spinal cord and the brain. This nervous system allows us to touch, feel, and warns us of dangers such as extreme hot or cold. The network of nerves that allows us to feel is known collectively as the peripheral nervous system and contains a network of 43 pairs of nerves in total.

If this system is damaged or impeded in some way, symptoms can arise including numbness, pain, and weakness. In addition to damage caused by injuries, these symptoms can also be caused by inherited conditions or by lifestyle factors such as diet and alcohol consumption. When these symptoms are present in the peripheral nervous system, it is known medically as peripheral neuropathy. Here’s a look at some of the causes.

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Cause #1: Excessive Alcohol

Alcohol is enjoyed by people throughout much of the world. It helps us to wind down and have some fun, making it an important part of a night out for many people. As enjoyable as it can be though, alcohol is associated with risks, so it is important to treat it with some caution.

Drink alcohol in excessive amounts and you could develop a wide range of complications. One such complication is peripheral neuropathy, which can also be bought on indirectly if the patient does not consume a balanced diet due to their drinking habits. Excessive alcohol use also increases the chance of forming a dependence, which can destroy lives and cause permanent damage to many organs and systems in the body

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Cause #2: Medication

What we can do with medications now is quite impressive. They can treat a wide range of illnesses, reduce symptoms, and even cure diseases that were once thought to be incurable. They can help to provide a good quality of life to people who would otherwise have suffered and in some cases of disease they can also extend our lives.

As great as they can be, though, medications are not without their drawbacks. A lot of medication has side effects that ranges from being uncomfortable to potentially dangerous, so taking medications should always be treated with caution. One potential side effect of taking medications is peripheral neuropathy
Causes Of Peripheral Neuropathy

Cause #3: Hereditary

When we reproduce, we pass on important genetic information to our offspring. This information helps to determine pretty much everything we are as humans, including personality as well as physical characteristics. Unfortunately, parents can also pass on genetic information that causes complications in their children.

Peripheral neuropathy is one condition that can be a result of faulty genes being passed on by the parents. If you are diagnosed with the condition, there’s a good chance that you will be asked about such problems in the family to help the doctor pinpoint the cause. The good news is that such conditions are not always passed onto children.

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Cause #4: Vitamin Deficiencies

The importance of having a balanced diet is well-known. A balanced diet helps ensure that we get the full range of nutrients that we need in order to function as well as we should. Most of us are fortunate enough to have access to a diet that provides us with all the nutrients we need, including vitamins.

Not everybody eats a balanced diet though, and this can lead to complications caused by vitamin deficiencies. Some people also have specific vitamin requirements that are caused by complications within the body. There is a wide range of symptoms that can be caused by a lack of vitamins and peripheral neuropathy is one of them.

Causes Of Peripheral Neuropathy

Cause #5: Pressure On Nerves

The peripheral nerve runs throughout the body through a system of channels that give it the space it needs. These channels will often pass through soft tissues such as muscle, but they can also run through harder tissues such as tendon and bone. In many cases, the surrounding tissues will actually help protect the nerves, but these tissues can sometimes be problematic.

If the surrounding tissues are too close or pushed up against the nerve, the resulting pressure can impede the nerve’s ability function. This is a common cause of peripheral neuropathy; one common example of this pressure is carpal tunnel syndrome

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Cause #6: Autoimmune Diseases

Imagine if we didn’t have a natural defense system against infection and disease. We’d be reliant on drugs and chemicals to protect us and they would still be unlikely to come close to being as effective as the immune system. Our immune system does a great job of protecting us 24/7, but that does not mean it is perfect.

Not only is the immune system not able to deal with 100% of dangers, it can sometimes fight against us directly. The immune system can directly attack its own body in what is known as an autoimmune disease. This has a range of symptoms, one of which is peripheral neuropathy.

Causes Of Peripheral Neuropathy

Cause #7: Infections

If a pathogen manages to find a way into the body, it could potentially take hold and cause complications. Our immune system does a great job of fighting infections but it can be overwhelmed, and it is not effective against all pathogens. If an infection does take hold then we can begin to suffer a range of symptoms, some of which can be very unpleasant.

One possible symptom of an infection is peripheral neuropathy. Although many infections can be treated with antibiotics, some are very difficult to treat and should be taken very seriously. If you are suffering from signs of an infection you should arrange to see a doctor as soon as you can.

Causes Of Peripheral Neuropathy

Cause #8: Poisoning

The world we live in is full of compounds that can be very harmful to us. They can be on the surfaces we touch, in the air that we breathe and even in the food that we eat. Fortunately, though, such compounds are only usually present in very small amounts and are easily processed by our immune system. Should these compounds be allowed to accumulate, though, we can become very ill.

Poisonings are quite rare but can occur if you come into contact with the wrong substance and can occur if you eat the wrong foods. One possible symptom of poisoning is peripheral neuropathy; there are also other symptoms that can be dangerous, so you should seek medical attention if you suspect that you are suffering from poison.

Wow! If you eat the wrong foods. What are the wrong foods I wonder, to cause such a thing? Is it a combination of foods do you think? The Mayo clinic says the following about food poisoning:

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Food poisoning, also called foodborne illness, is illness caused by eating contaminated food. Infectious organisms — including bacteria, viruses and parasites — or their toxins are the most common causes of food poisoning.

Infectious organisms or their toxins can contaminate food at any point of processing or production. Contamination can also occur at home if food is incorrectly handled or cooked.

Food poisoning symptoms, which can start within hours of eating contaminated food, often include nausea, vomiting or diarrhea. Most often, food poisoning is mild and resolves without treatment. But some people need to go to the hospital.

Cause #9: Tumors

Every now and then we might find a lump or bump where there shouldn’t be one. These could well be tumors, which are abnormal growths of tissue in the body. Some tumors can be malignant so finding one can be a cause for alarm, although many tumors are really quite harmless to us.

Regardless of whether a tumor is malignant, it can cause various complications in the body. If the mass grows too large, it can begin to affect the other tissues and organs surrounding it. For example, if a tumor grows large enough near the peripheral nerve, the result can be peripheral neuropathy.

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Cause #10: Diabetes

Sugar helps to make food taste sweet and is found naturally in much of the food we eat. We still tend to add extra sugar to our foods though, as well as eating sugary processed foods, and this can lead to problems. In addition to contributing significantly to weight gain, excess sugar intake can also result in conditions such as diabetes.

Diabetes is a condition that prevents the patient from being able to self-regulate the amount of sugar that is flowing through their blood. Too much sugar in the blood can cause nerve damage, potentially leading to peripheral neuropathy. Diabetes is the most common cause of the condition

You may have already known about what I have shared today concerning lymphedema and peripheral neuropathy.  If this was the case, I hope it has been a good review for you. If not, I hope that my sharing these things today have enlightened your mind on these subjects.

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I am so very grateful for each of my trials. Sometimes we need our trials to force us to slow down and learn things, like how to find the good in every situation, and to rely fully on God (the acronym for that is FROG😊 (cool, huh?)!! I have found that when I do rely filly on Him, I am always blessed in one way or another😊

I know that my Heavenly Father and His Son, Jesus Christ truly love me. I want you to know that They love each one of you as well! Just picture a frog if that helps you to remember to rely fully on God, to put your complete trust in Him and in the Atonement of Jesus Christ😊 when you do, be sure to watch out for all the blessings that will come into your lives

Well, I guess you all know just where we are on our journey for today, Yes, you guessed it, we are at the end of our journey for today. I hope you will join me again for my next post😊 where we will continue learning and growing together😊

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 You know whether my posts are about lessons in the scriptures, lessons or experiences in my life, sharing a talk from General Conference, or sharing information with you about my journey with stage four breast cancer, it doesn’t matter at all😊

Why?  Because we are each learning and growing together and we are each finding our way to know our Heavenly Father and our Savior Jesus Christ better!!! That should be one of our most important of our short- term goals, with the long -term goal being eternal life with our Heavenly Father and His Son, our Savior, Jesus Christ. Remember that we are each one a child of God😊

Don’t forget to continue saying your prayers every day, at least morning and night. I always try to keep a prayer in my heart all day long, or at least off and on all day long😊 Some days my human side shouts far too loudly! Too loudly for me to hear my spirit’s whispering

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Remember to keep the commandments, continue studying your scriptures with me. We are studying the Book of Mormon this year, so if you have never had an opportunity to read it now is your chance. It is an amazing book of scripture like the Bible😊

The above list  contains some more of the simple things in our lives. I found it and just had to share it with you since it tied right in with my overall topic of this post Any time, anywhere that I am, I can read my scriptures and that pleases me😊 Please remember to be grateful for the many simple things in your lives. Until my next post be sure that you make it a great week!!!

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