Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Post # 205 -- Come, Follow Me -- Week # 18 -- May 4–10 -- Mosiah 11–17 -- “A Light … That Can Never Be Darkened”
Dear Family and Friends
I hope that each of you and your families have been able to manage
some fun stuff along with all of the studying and movie watching and
exercising.  I know here at our house dad and the kids have gone on
walks. The boys have been out on their bikes and their scooters
whenever the weather has been good:) 

Mosiah 16:9 - Latter-day Saint Scripture of the DayWe have gotten a bit creative each day to make it fun for the kids
as well as for ourselves:)  We recycled some of their toys so

they thought they were playing with new toys. Oh, how did we
manage this?

Well, ever since my children were small i have picked up
toys that weren't put away and sorted through their toys periodically,
Then I would box them up and put them in a closet for a few weeks
or a month or so. After a while I would have another box to trade out with the first one.
My children always had ‘new’ toys. Oh, i would sometimes hear one of them say something like, ‘i used to have a car like that one’ or ‘ you had one of those dolls before didn't you’?
Mosiah 16:9 - Latter-day Saint Scripture of the DayWe have enjoyed many board game sessions and backyard ‘I Spy’ sessions:) 
My granddaughter built a fire pit in our backyard and she has taught the boys
how to roast marshmallows. Oh yes, and of course she also taught them how
to make the perfect S’mores:) They were so tasty too!!
 I know this because even though I was not outside with them,
they each made sure that they brought me their toasted marshmallows
and their S’mores.  They did veRy well for a 4 and a 6 year old:) 
They sure were proud of their accomplishments:) 
So what have you and your families learned that was new to you or
something that you had not done in as long while? If you have not taught
your family members and friends something new, maybe it is
something that you can still plan to do together:)
Come Follow Me" Gospel Study Group Public Group | FacebookSince the ‘Stay-at-home’ order came about our being at home
has brought new creations from the Lego world of their imaginations
as well as the world of mine craft, though I cannot join in on this one
because it makes me nauseous to watch them moving so quickly
about in their houses and their worlds:(
Overall they just enjoyed the toys again and again throughout the years,
until they got older of course:) I guess what I'm saying is, whatever
works for your family and you can make it fun, do it together and enjoy it!!!
Oh, and we have had many screaming fits by our 1 year old:) she is tiny
but very opinionated shall we say and she lets us know her opinions very loudly!!!
During those moments we take a deep breath and let her voice her opinion and then we move on with a lot of love:) i believe once she has
a few more words under her belt there will be no stopping her:)
Oh my, but I am rambling now, for sure:) She just happened to come
screaming through:)  How about if we get right to this week’s lesson?
Book of mormon | EtsyAt the beginning of the week before you and your family members and friends
begin this week’s study ask your family and friends to keep the following
question in mind as they complete the scripture readings for this week:
If I were to pick one verse from Mosiah 11–17 to share with a loved one, it would be .
I love this next part, which was the first piece in this lesson in our
Come, Follow Me for Individuals and Families manual:
Abunadi's words caused a mighty change in at least one member of
King Noah’s court (see Mosiah 17:2–4). Read Mosiah 11–17 with a
prayer in your heart that you will receive impressions about how you can change.
Free September 2018 Ministering printables for Latter-Day Saints Relief Society including three quote images to text to your Sisters!  www.LovePrayTeach.com #LDS #LovePrayTeach #ReliefSociety #Ministering I felt like this was worth repeating or at least drawing our attention to,
I hope that you may feel the same way and share it with your family
members and friends:) now that i have shared that part with you we can '
move on the the next part of the lesson in the
Come Follow Me for Individuals and families manual:
Large fires can start from a single spark. Abinadi was only one man
testifying against a powerful king and his court.
His words were rejected for the most part, and he was sentenced to death. Yet his '
testimony of Jesus Christ, who is the “light … that can never be darkened” (Mosiah 16:9), sparked something inside the young priest Alma. And that spark of '
conversion slowly grew as Alma brought many others to repentance and
faith in Jesus Christ.
Revelation 3:20 - Latter-day Saint Scripture of the DayThe flames that killed Abinadi eventually died out, but the fire of faith that
his words created would have a lasting influence on the Nephites—and
on those who read his words today. Most of us will never face quite what
Abinadi did because of our testimonies, but we all have
moments when following Jesus Christ is a test of our courage and faith. Perhaps studying Abinadi’s testimony will fan the flames of testimony
and courage in your heart as well.

We can stand for truth, even when we stand alone.

Most of us will likely never have to worry about people threatening
to kill us because of our testimony of Jesus Christ or of the Book of
Mormon. We more likely will face some sort of opposition for our beliefs.  
Try the virtue of the word of God. It has a powerful effect upon ...As you and your family
members and friends study this week’s readings in Mosiah 11–13 and 17, be watching
out for any verse or verses that might give you and your
family members and friends some more courage to stand up
for the truth that you believe! 

What do you think gave Abinadi and Alma the courage that they
needed to be bold and share the truth in their circumstances? How do you
think that you and your '

family members and friends can stand up
for the truth and to be more steadfast in defending that truth? If you are
unsure the following Prophetic teachings may be helpful to you and your
family members and friends:)

Prophetic teachings about standing for truth.

President Russell M. Nelson taught: “True disciples of Jesus Christ
are willing to stand out, speak up, and be different from the people of
the world. … There is nothing easy or automatic about becoming such
powerful disciples. Our focus must be riveted on the Savior and His
gospel. It is mentally rigorous to strive to look unto Him in every thought.
But when we do, our doubts and fears flee” (“Drawing the Power of ''
Jesus Christ into Our Lives,” Ensign or Liahona, May 2017, 40–41).
Seemingly small things bring to pass great things - Latter-day ...President Thomas S. Monson said: “May we ever be courageous and
'prepared to stand for what we believe, and if we must stand alone in the ']
process, may we do so courageously, strengthened by the knowledge that
in reality we are never alone when we stand with our Father in Heaven”
(“Dare to Stand Alone,” Ensign or Liahona, Nov. 2011, 67).
President Gordon B. Hinckley taught: “Paul wrote to Timothy: ‘God
hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a '
sound mind. Be not thou therefore ashamed of the testimony of our Lord’
(2 Tim. 1:7–8). I wish that every member of this church would put those words where
he might see them every morning as he begins his day. They would give
us the courage to speak up, they would give us the faith to try, they would
strengthen our conviction of the Lord Jesus Christ” (Teachings of Presidents of the Church: Gordon B. Hinckley [2016], 338).
Alma 31:5 - Latter-day Saint Scripture of the DayYou know that there are many people all around us who are defending the
truth that they have. It might be a friend or a family member or a neighbor,
and of course there are many examples of people who defended the truth in
the scriptures. Now might be a good time to get out your poster board again:)

You could make a chart on your poster board beginning at the top by
writing the following: People Who Stood for Truth. Underneath this you and
your family members and friends could brainstorm
one with another and see who you can come up with to put on your list. 

Remember to include those examples from the scriptures as well as those from
your personal lives. Any person whom you  and your family members and
friends think are good examples of people who stood or stand for truth. If you
cannot think of anyone right off the bat, maybe you could begin with a
discussion about Abanadi or Alma. 

Inspirational {Interchangeable} Quote Printables at my3monsters.com
Since we are studying and learning about Abinadi this week it might be a good thing to discuss him with your family members and friends. You could ''
have your family members and friends share some things that they liked
about Abinadi as they learned about him during the week:)

What do you and your family members and friends feel inspired to do
because of these examples? If you wanted to include on your list next to
each person you could write down how that person has inspired you and
in what way you feel like they have helped you to be more courageous
about defending the truth.


I can stand for truth, even when I stand alone.

Imagine how discouraging it must have been for Abinadi to cry repentance
to a people who did not seem at all interested in changing their wicked ways.
His message was rejected again and again. Yet Abinadi never gave up.
So I've seen posts like this a lot on Pinterest lately and have really enjoyed reading talks others have suggested they always add to my scr...When have you felt like you were
standing alone in defense of the truth?
As you read Mosiah 11–13 and 17,
what do you learn that can help you be ready when the Lord needs you to
stand up for His gospel? What other principles do you learn from Abinadi’s example?

When we study God’s word, we need to apply our hearts to understanding.

Let’s read together the following verse Mosiah 12:29:
Mosiah 12:29 Book of Mormon
29 And again he said unto them: If ye teach the law of Moses why do ye not keep it?
Why do ye set your hearts upon riches? Why do ye commit whoredoms and spend
your strength with harlots, yea, and cause this people to commit sin, that
the Lord has cause to send me to prophesy against this people, yea, even a great evil against this people?

Gethsemane | 9 April 2020 | LDS DailyAfter you and your family members and friends have read through
this verse together, answer the following question: Why is it important to

both understand God’s law and “keep it”? Now may be a good time
to read through the following verses Mosiah 12:19–37 together and share any
thoughts or impressions that you get from these verses. 

Mosiah 12:19–37 Book of Mormon
19 And they began to question him, that they might cross him, that thereby

they might have wherewith to accuse him; but he answered them boldly, and
withstood all their questions, yea,

to their astonishment; for he did withstand them in all their questions, and did c
onfound them in all their words.
20 And it came to pass that one of them said unto him: What meaneth the words
which are written, and which have been
taught by our fathers, saying:
21 How beautiful upon the mountains are the feet of him that bringeth good tidings;
that publisheth peace; that bringeth good tidings
of good; that publisheth salvation; that saith unto Zion, Thy God reigneth;
Setting the Mood: Sense of Feel22 Thy watchmen shall lift up the voice; with the voice together shall they sing;

for they shall see eye to eye when the Lord shall bring again Zion;
23 Break forth into joy; sing together ye waste places of Jerusalem;

for the Lord hath comforted his people, he hath redeemed Jerusalem;
24 The Lord hath made bare his holy arm in the eyes of all the nations, and all t
he ends of the earth shall see '

the salvation of our God?
25 And now Abinadi said unto them: Are you priests, and pretend to teach this
people, and to understand the spirit of prophesying, and yet desire to know of
me what these things mean?
26 I say unto you, wo be unto you for perverting the ways of the Lord! For if ye
understand these things ye have not taught them; therefore, ye have perverted
the ways of the Lord.
27 Ye have not applied your hearts to understanding; therefore, ye have not
been wise. Therefore, what teach ye this people?
28 And they said: We teach the law of Moses.
✅🌞❤️ "No matter our circumstances, no matter our challenges or trials, there is something in each day to embrace and cherish. There is something in each day that can bring gratitude and joy if only we will see and appreciate it." - Dieter F. Uchtdorf  🌐Website: www.studyenglishgenius.com 🌐Russian website: ru.studyenglishgenius.com ✉️E-mail: info@studyenglishgenius.com 🌐Skype ID: geniusenglishacademy 📌Pinterest: www.pinterest.com/geniusenglish/   #PositiveThought #ThinkPositive29 And again he said unto them: If ye teach the law of Moses why do ye not
keep it? Why do ye set your hearts upon riches? Why do ye commit whoredoms
and spend your strength with harlots, yea, and cause this people to commit sin,
that the Lord has cause to send me to prophesy against this people, yea, even
a great evil against this people?
30 Know ye not that I speak the truth? Yea, ye know that I speak the truth;
and you ought to tremble before God.
31 And it shall come to pass that ye shall be smitten for your iniquities, for
ye have said that ye teach the law of Moses. And what know ye concerning
the law of Moses? Doth salvation come by the law of Moses? What say ye?
For the Control Freaks - The Honey Scoop32 And they answered and said that salvation did come by the law of Moses.
33 But now Abinadi said unto them: I know if ye keep the commandments of
God ye shall be saved; yea, if ye keep the commandments which the Lord
delivered unto Moses in the mount of Sinai, saying:
34 I am the Lord thy God, who hath brought thee out of the land of Egypt,
out of the house of bondage.
35 Thou shalt have no other God before me.
36 Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image, or any likeness of any
thing in heaven above, or things which are in the earth beneath.
37 Now Abinadi said unto them, Have ye done all this? I say unto you, Nay,
ye have not. And have ye taught this people that they should do all these
things? I say unto you, Nay, ye have not.

After much tribulation come the blessings #sharegoodness #BecauseHeLives #Christ #ldsconf #ldsdevo #lds #embarkAnd you could then talk  with your family members and friends about what
these verses suggest about how to make your gospel study more meaningful?
You could now review the following verses Mosiah 12:19–37and think about
what it means to apply our hearts to understanding God’s word?

Ask your family and friends to share the things that they do that helps them
apply their hearts to helping them understand and add more meaning to their
gospel study. Be sure that you share what helps you as well:) What do you
think Abinadi would say about the gospel study of you and your family
members  and friends?

What do you think that your family and friends can learn by contrasting the
attitudes and practices of Noah’s priests with the approach that we should
take to our gospel study? If you will read together through Mosiah 12:19–37, ask your family members and friends to be looking for the criticism that
Abinaddi mentioned about Noah’s priests.

We learn and grow and become stronger a  Instagram bookofmormon christ christian church churchofjesuschrist churchofjesuschristoflaterdaysaints churchofjesuschristoflatterdaysaints faith god happiness happy help hope inspiration inspirationalquotes jesus jesuschrist latterdaysaints lds ldsconf ldsgeneralconference ldsquotes lighttheworld mormon mormonmessages peace prayer savior sharegoodness thomassmonsonMake sure that your family members and friends know that effective gospel
study includes applying our hearts to understanding.i found the following
broadcast that may be beneficial for you and your family to help your
family study group to understand better what it means to ‘apply our hearts
to understanding God’s word.’

Elder Kim B. Clark - Of the Seventy -- Evening with a General Authority
• February 8, 2019 • Salt Lake City Tabernacle you can go here to read or
watch the broadcast:

Or you can go right to the bideo here: “Apply Your Hearts to Understanding”

Elder Kim B. Clark’s talk for the February 2019 address to CES religious educators.

25 LDS Quotes to Tape to Your Mirror ImmediatelyIDEAS FOR PERSONAL SCRIPTURE STUDY

I need to apply my heart to understanding God’s word.

King Noah’s priests were familiar with the word of God—they could quote
passages of scripture and claimed to teach the commandments. But those
commandments were “not written in [their] hearts,” and they had “not applied
[their] hearts to understanding” them (Mosiah 13:11; 12:27). As a result, their
lives remained unchanged.
"Nothing is going to startle us more when we pass through the veil to the other side than to realize how well we know our Father & how familiar his face is to us." --Ezra Taft BensonAs you read Mosiah 12:19–30, ponder what it means to apply your heart to
understanding God’s word. Does this inspire you to make any changes in the
way you approach learning the gospel?

Salvation comes through Jesus Christ and His Atonement.

In chapter 14 of Mosiah you will find a quite  moving prophecy which Abinadi
used to convince his very skeptical audience about the coming of the Messiah.
You and your family members and friends should review Mosiah 14 . searching
for what you can learn about the Savior and share this with one another.

You and your family members and friends could do this by reading a few
verses together and talking about what is in those verses  before moving on
to the next few verses. Don't forget to include the footnotes in your review as
they are usually most helpful. The footnotes always bring additional insight to
me as I am studying.

Happiness does not depend on what happens outside of you, but on what happens inside of you...  Harold B LeeIn this section we are going to be learning about Justice and mercy. Do you and
your family members and friends understand what it means when it says that
je4sus Crhist “satisfied the demands of justice?” which we find in Mosiah 15:9.
Mosiah 15:9 Book of Mormon
9 Having ascended into heaven, having the bowels of mercy; being filled with
compassion towards the children of men; standing betwixt them and justice;
having broken the bands of death, taken upon himself their iniquity and their
transgressions, having redeemed them, and satisfied the demands of justice.

If you were to begin by looking up and reading it together with your family
members and friends “Justice” and “Merciful, Mercy” in Guide to the Scriptures
(scriptures.ChurchofJesusChrist.org) or “Justice” and “Mercy” at

Faith is an action... #LiveitLoveitShareitLooking these up  could be most beneficial for you and your family members
and friends in getting a better understanding of these concepts. You could
even go a step further and make a chart on your poster board, writing down
a short definition down for each. 

I love looking things up in the Gospel Topics section because you can find so
much additional information which usually turns out to be very helpful:) i
have included just the overview of the topic Justice below, but you should
look up and study for yourself all of the additional information that is available
for this topic here: https://www.churchofjesuschrist.org/study/manual/gospel-

Justice Gospel Topics

Justice Overview

In scriptural terms, justice is the unchanging law that brings consequences for
actions. Because of the law of justice, we receive blessings when we obey
God’s commandments. The law of justice also demands that a penalty be paid
for every sin we commit.
Christian Quotes and Encouragement - Posts | Facebook
When the Savior carried out the Atonement, He took our sins upon Himself. He
was able to “answer the ends of the law” (2 Nephi 2:7) because He subjected
Himself to the penalty that the law required for our sins. In doing so, He
“satisfied the demands of justice” and extended mercy to everyone who repents
and follows Him (see Mosiah 15:9; Alma 34:14–16). Because He has paid the
price for our sins, we will not have to suffer that punishment if we repent
(see Doctrine and Covenants 19:15–20).

 Then you could read Mosiah 15:1–9 together. How did Jesus Christ satisfy the
demands of justice? How does He extend His mercy to us? The videos suggested
below use stories and analogies to describe the Savior’s mercy; watching one of
these videos might help you and your family members and friends to   think of
some other analogies  or stories that illustrate how Jesus Christ satisfied the
demands of justice.

love a little color...Videos about justice and mercy on ChurchofJesusChrist.org.

The Lord will sustain His servants in His work.

On the one hand, Abinadi’s experience gives multiple examples of how the Lord
supports His servants—you can find several such examples in Mosiah 13:1–9.
On the other hand, the Lord also allowed Abinadi to be persecuted, imprisoned,
and martyred for his testimony. What do you find in these verses that reveals
that Abinadi trusted the Lord? How does Abinadi’s example affect the way you
view your callings and responsibilities?

Jesus Christ suffered for me.

King Noah and his priests believed that salvation came through the law of Moses.
Abinadi wanted them to know that salvation comes through the Messiah,
Jesus Christ. In Mosiah 14–15, notice words and phrases that describe the Savior
and what He suffered for you. What verses help deepen your love and gratitude
toward Him?

The commandments should be written in our hearts.

You should think about the following questions and ask your family and friends
these questions during your family study session this week. What do you think
the following phrase means “written in [our] hearts' '? Why do you think it is
so important to have the commandments written in our hearts?
Do the right things NOW...

For this activity you will need to get out your poster board and get ready to make
a comparison chart with the help of your family members and friends:) okay, is
everybody in your family study group ready to begin? What we are going to do
here is to study the commandments that Abinadi taught which are found in
Mosiah 12:33–37 and 13:11–26

Then we will study/search Mosiah 11:1–7, 14–15  tzo learn about the sins
committed by King Noah and his people. Next we will contrast those
commandments with the sins that King Noah and his people were committing.
Make two columns on your poster board and put at the top of the first one:
‘Commandments Abinadi taught’ and on the other side write at the top:
‘Sins of King Noah’ 

After you and your family members and friends have finished searching the
above scripture passages fill in your chart with what you have found. How
does having the commandments “written in [our] hearts” differ from merely
being familiar with them? (Mosiah 13:11). How do we know if the
commandments are written in our hearts? What examples can we share?

How is Jesus Christ both the Father and the Son?

The trouble with most of our prayers... #LiveitLoveitShareitThese passages are sometimes confusing because it can seem that Abinadi is
teaching that Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ are the same Being, yet we
know that they are separate Beings. What did Abinadi mean? He taught that
God the Son—Jehovah—would be the Redeemer (see Mosiah 15:1), dwelling
in the flesh, becoming part man and part God (verses 2–3). He completely
subjected Himself to the will of God the Father (verses 5–9). Because of this,
Jesus Christ is both the Son of God and the perfect earthly representation of
God the Father (see John 14:6–10).
Abinadi continued by explaining that Jesus Christ is also the Father in the
sense that when we accept His redemption, we become “his seed”
(Mosiah 15:11–12). In other words, we become spiritually reborn through
Him (see Mosiah 5:7).
See also John 5:25–27; 8:28–29; 17:20–23; “The Father and the Son,”
Ensign, Apr. 2002, 12–18.
Great quote from President Monson. #youngwomen #printableWe will continue on with the following ideas for family scripture study and
family home evening from the Come, Follow Me for Individuals and Families:
As you read the scriptures with your family, the Spirit can help you know what
principles to emphasize and discuss in order to meet the needs of your family.
Here are some ideas.

Mosiah 11–13; 17

Abinadi and Alma are inspiring examples of staying loyal to the truth even
when doing so is unpopular. Members of your family may be facing social
pressure to compromise their standards. What can they learn from Abinadi
and Alma about standing for truth? The artwork accompanying this outline
could help your family visualize the account. After studying these chapters,
consider role-playing real-life scenarios so that your family members can
practice responding to pressure to compromise their standards. Or you
could share with each other experiences you’ve had standing for truth.

Mosiah 12:33–37; 13:11–24

What does it mean to have God’s commandments “written in [our] hearts”? (
Mosiah 13:11). Maybe you could write some ideas (or draw pictures of your i
deas) on a large heart-shaped paper. Why are the commandments precious to
us? How can we write them in our hearts?
Studying the scriptures can help us write the commandments in our hearts.

Mosiah 14

In this chapter you will find several words and phrases that describe Jesus Christ.
Maybe your family could list them as you find them. How do family members feel
about the Savior as we study these words and phrases?

Elder David A. BednarMosiah 15:26–27; 16:1–13

These verses describe what would happen to God’s children if Jesus had “not
come into the world” (Mosiah 16:6) or if they did not follow Him. What are
the good things that have happened because He came and atoned for us? See
also the video “Why We Need a Savior” (ChurchofJesusChrist.org).
For more ideas for teaching children, see this week’s outline in Come, Follow
Me—For Primary.
Suggested song: “I Will Be Valiant,” Children’s Songbook, 162.
I also wanted to include this from the bottom of the page of our Come,
Follow Me for Individuals and Families manual:
Improving Our Teaching
October 2013, "Personal Strength Through the Atonement of Christ"Use stories and examples to teach gospel principles. The Savior often taught gospel
principles using stories and parables. Think of examples and stories from your own life
that can make a gospel principle come alive for your family (see Teaching in the Savior’s Way, 22).
Do you and or your family members and friends ever feel or have you and or
your family members and friends felt like Abinaqdi? In that  you and or your
family members ever felt like your efforts to share the gospel were probably in vain??? 
I know from my own personal experience that you may never know if your efforts
have even been heard. But I believe however small your efforts may at least you
have planted the seed of the gospel in someone's life. 
I also believe that whatever they choose to do with it is entirely up to each one
of them just as it is up to each one of you and your family members and friends.
For this next week’s lesson we will be learning about the abundant fruit of
Abinadi’s efforts as found in our readings Mosiah 18–26 for next week . 
"Repentance is a divine gift, and there should be a smile on our faces when we speak of it. It points us to freedom, confidence, and peace." --D. Todd Christofferson | therunningmormon.comDon't forget to study with your family and friends. Encourage one another to
study the book of Mormon with us:) do you know just how amazing each one
of you are??? I am certain that each one of you have been working very hard with your family members and friends to stay strong during this time of uncertainty.
Please, do continue to study your scriptures every day and study the Book of
Mormon every day, it will make a difference in your life. Please continue to
pray every day for yourselves, for your family members and for your friend

and please pray for our world to heal from this worldwide pandemic,

I am grateful to each of you, my readers. I pray that you are all healthy and
doing well. I know that if our world was united with God and keeping His
Commandments we would all prosper. Be  safe, stay healthy, be happy, and
uplift and encourage one another. Until my next post, remember to make it
a good week:)

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