Monday, May 25, 2020

Post # 219 -- Part 4 -- Counsel from members 

of the Twelve Apostles -- Despite Temple Closures, 

Blessings Are Readily Available during 

COVID-19 Pandemic, Elder Bednar Says

Contributed By Sarah Jane Weaver, Church News editor
  • 20 APRIL 2020
Dear Family and Friends
I pray that each one of you are healthy and doing well. That you 
are continuing to keep safe practices during this COVID 19 -
pandemic. Just because we are able to go out and about doesn'
mean for us to be careless or re;ax our guard yet. We must be safe 
to protect ourselves and our families.

Today's post is another one in the series of counsel from the Quorum 
of the Twelve Apostles. Today’s topic is on temples and blessings.. 
 A topic very near and dear to my heart. I can't wait until a temple 
near us opens back up; then i will need to plan a temple trip and 
then go to the temple!!!!

Elder David A. Bednar of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles and Sister Susan Bednar 
at the Star Valley Wyoming Temple in Afton, Wyoming, on Saturday, October 29, 2016.
 Photo by Ravell Call, Deseret News.
  • ;;;; Press forward with faith, fortitude, courage, 
  • and the expectation that miracles will follow.
  • ;;;; Ponder covenants related to obedience, 
  • sacrifice, consecration, the spirit of gospel, 
  • and moral purity.
  • ;;;; Have a current temple recommend.
  • ;;;; Learn more about family history research, 
  • indexing, and how to prepare names.
“There can be an equivalent spiritual power 
in our own homes as we strive to remember the principles 
and patterns taught in the temple and live them.” —Elder 
David A. Bednar


It is in the temple that we remember who we really are and see ...
Editor’s note: This is part four in a series of counsel from members
 of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles during the COVID-19 
outbreak. Click on the following names to read counsel from 

As recorded in the Old Testament, Jehovah promised the 
children of Israel that as they carried the ark of the covenant—
the most sacred of their religious symbols—they would cross 
the River Jordan on dry land.

Most noteworthy in this episode, said Elder David A. Bednar, is 
that the “water did not part until their feet were wet.”

I think this is when we realize that the blessings
come after the trial of our faith.

I Love To See The Temple | Lds temples, Temple, Temple quotes lds

The moment recorded in Joshua 3 is one of those “great lessons 
of the past” that can be instructive to Latter-day Saints today 
facing the worldwide COVID-19 pandemic that has claimed
 thousands of lives, crippled the world economy, and isolated world 
populations, said the member of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles.

In response to the coronavirus crisis, Church leaders made many 
adaptations in order to be part of the solution to the pandemic—
including closing temples across the globe.

The temple “is a point of intersection between heaven and earth,” 
Elder Bednar said, adding that a person’s experiences in the temple
 help him or her see far beyond mortality.

Still, during this time when temple work is not being performed, 
blessings are readily available to Latter-day Saints, he said. Like 
the children of Israel who carried the ark of the covenant into the 
River Jordan knowing the waters would part, members must 
press forward with fortitude, courage, and the expectation that 
miracles will follow.

“If we will exercise the faith to press forward, then in the Lord’s 
The temple “is a point of intersection between heaven and earth,” 

You Are Never Lost 11x14 DIGITAL FILE | Temple quotes, Lds temples ...

I love what Elder Bednar said here.”The temple “is a point
of intersection between heaven and earth,” i love going to
the temple and I miss not being able to go. I am only able
to go once or twice a year.

I am truly grateful for my knowledge of eternal life as
this gives me an eternal perspective on things,, which
helps a lot during times of trials and tribulations. 

If you have not been to the temple in a while or not at
all, this would be an awesome goal for you to go to the
temple. Whether we have been to the temple or not,
we can still exercise faith to press forward, then in the
wait on the Lord, believing that He will part the waters.
Just as He did for the children of Israel.

Lds Temple Quotes. QuotesGram

Honor Covenants

Elder Bednar, chairman of the Church’s Temple and Family 
History Executive Council, spoke to the Church News via a
 videoconference call weeks after the First Presidency
 issued a March 25 statement suspending temple work 
worldwide in response to the coronavirus crisis.

During this season of closed temples, members of The Church
 of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints can focus on “what we 
learn and the Spirit that we feel in the temple,” said Elder Bednar.
“Obviously, the Spirit is not available only in the house of the 
Lord,” he said. “If we are honoring the covenants, then we can 
have that same Spirit with us always.”

Without the perspective of the gospel, many challenges, many of 
the hardships of life “would be unbearable,” said Elder Bednar.
 “But because we can recognize the scope of eternity and see 
beyond the grave, then we can fresh courage take and continue 
to press forward.”

Free LDS Quote Art - TempleMinded | Lds quotes, Art quotes, Quotes

The covenants and ordinances administered in the holy temples 
are a great source of hope because they “focus on the Savior, 
His mission, and what He has made possible for us.” No one 
would choose to experience the COVID-19 pandemic, “but it 
is upon us.”''

You may be feeling like this counsel about the temple
may not apply to you but there are things in Elder
Bednar’s counsel that can apply to you.

You can focus on the Savior no matter who or where
you are, right? So, together we can all focus on the
Savior. We can focus on His mission. And we can
focus on what He has made possible for each
one of us.

Pin by Joyce Hunter on I am a member of the Church of Jesus Christ ...

“With the eternal perspective that the restored gospel provides 
and the grace that comes from the Savior’s Atonement, we can 
learn lessons from the adversity of mortality that prepare us for
 the blessings of eternity,” he said. “We have to pray. We have to 
seek. We have to ask. We have to have eyes to see and ears to
 hear. But we can be blessed in remarkable ways to learn lessons 
that will bless us now and forever.” 

You may not have an eternal perspective if you are not
a member of the  Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day
Saints and that’s alright. You may not know about our
temples and that too is alright.

There are still things from Elder Bednar’s counsel.
We can all pray. We should all pray, especially now!

So if you have not had the pattern of prayer in your
past, now is a very good time to begin!!! We can all
seek the Lord, Jesus Christ.

We all must have eyes to see and ears to hear. Again,
if this has not been a practice in your life, now is
the time to begin!!!!

This is my goal in life, to one day enter the temple righteously n ...

Observe Patterns

Elder Bednar said one purpose of the temple is “to observe the 
patterns and to learn the principles that should be evident in 
our own homes.”

It surely is true, he said, that Latter-day Saints go to the temple
 and have magnificent spiritual experiences. “But more 
importantly, we should return to our homes from the temple 
and bring with us what we have learned and implement and 
apply those teachings. There can be an equivalent spiritual
 power in our own homes as we strive to remember the 
principles and patterns taught in the temple and live them.”

If you have not been to the temple, and prayer and
scripture study has not been a practice in your home.
There is no time like the present to begin to
implement some changes in your homes.

You can begin your prayer and scripture study
almost immediately. That way you can follow Elder
Bednar’s counsel about taking what you have
learned and implement and apply those teachings
that you have learned from your scripture study,

Elder David A. Bednar of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles and his wife, 
Sister Susan Bednar, walk from the Rome Italy Temple on Monday, January 
14, 2019. Photo by Ravell Call, Deseret News.
Elder David A. Bednar of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles answers a 
question during a press conference in the Rome Italy Temple Visitors’ Center 
on Monday, January 14, 2019. Photo by Ravell Call, Deseret News.

Quoting the late Elder Neal A. Maxwell of the Quorum of the 
Twelve Apostles, Elder Bednar said as Latter-day Saints “pass 
through our holy temples,” they must also “let the holy temples
 [to] pass through them” (“Settle This in Your Hearts,” Ensign,
 Nov. 1992).

“In a season when we have temporarily suspended temples’ 
operations, it is a choice opportunity to invite the covenants and 
ordinances to pass through us,” the Apostle said. “The lessons 
learned in our previous temple experiences are not recalled only 
when we are in the temple.” 

Those teachings “are in our minds, hopefully in our hearts. And 
we can have access to those learnings and those memories

Temple Quotes. QuotesGram

Petition the Lord

Elder Bednar said every individual has times in his or her life when 
“prayers become more earnest and more meaningful.” Often 
members petition the Lord in prayer in the temple.

“That is a powerful experience,” he said. “But the Lord is aware of 
our circumstances and our situations. And He will not give any 
less credence to an earnest sincere prayer offered in a family room 
or kneeling at the side of a bed for this period of time. He will look 
on us with great mercy and great compassion.”

That includes anyone wanting to enter the temple to receive
living ordinances—including temple weddings and sealings. 
“I cannot imagine the sense of disappointment and even 
heartache,” Elder Bednar said. “But the day will come. This 
is a temporary interruption.”

Journey to Higher Ground Free 4x5 Printable Available | Lds quotes ...

With the temples closed we can still petition the
Lord in earnest prayer , Elder Bednar says that
the Lord “will look on us with great mercy and
great compassion,” we can pray any time, in any
place and for any reason. We must remember
that this is only a temporary interruption in
our lives.

Those whose temple weddings have been disrupted will, 
through their own spiritual preparation and prayer, know 
how to proceed, he said. “Every individual and each couple
 can know what needs to be done,” he said. “They should 
be patient and wait upon the Lord. And He will whisper to 
them by the power of His Spirit in simple ways, and they 
will know what to do.”
Elder David A. Bednar of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles smiles during a press 
conference in the Rome Italy Temple Visitors’ Center on Monday, January 14, 2019.
 Photo by Ravell Call, Deseret News.

Hold a Temple Recommend

Every individual should have a current temple recommend 
during this time, he added.

“The importance of having a temple recommend is not just 
an operational element of being a member of the Savior’s 
restored Church,” he said. 

President Howard W. Hunter called the temple “the great 
symbol of [our] membership” because the temple is the 
“supernal setting for [our] most sacred covenants” (“The 
Great Symbol of Our Membership,” Ensign, Oct. 1994).

Said Elder Bednar, “We should always be worthy of and 
carry with usw a valid temple recommend.”

Lds Temple Quotes. QuotesGram

I have tried to keep my temple recommend up to
date, ever since I received my first one.
If you have a temple recommend, be sure that
you check it periodically. I let mine laps one time 
and barely caught it right before my temple trip. 

You should also make sure that you have your
temple recommend with you when you are
leaving for the temple, I forgot mine one time
and I spent my time on the temple grounds and
in the annex while my granddaughter was inside
the temple.

President Dallin H. Oaks, First Counselor in the First Presidency, right, greets Elder 
David A. Bednar of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles and his wife, Sister Susan 
Bednar, as they prepare to walk through the Oakland California Temple on Saturday, 
June 15, 2019. Photo by Steve Griffin, Deseret News.

This season of suspended operations can help members with
 ready access to temples appreciate those Latter-day Saints who 
ride on buses or boats for days to reach the temple. Some faithful 
members may visit a temple only once or twice in their lives.

“We would not choose this present set of circumstances,” he said. 
“But given that they are upon us, it will help us have eyes to see
 things we have never seen before and ears to hear things that we 
have never heard before. Our appreciation should be greatly 
increased, because often those of us who live close to temples
 can become casual and take them for granted.

We might take this time to remember our covenants
we made in the temple. We can learn more about the
temples in our area. We can learn about those early
Latter-day Saints who struggled to cross the plains,
to leave winter quarters, to learn of others who 
want to go to the temple but cannot afford the long
trip to reach the temple closest to them,
Blessings Lds Temple Quotes. QuotesGram

This is a season “where we can focus on having the blessings 
of temple covenants and ordinances pass through us,” he 

Members can focus on and ponder covenants related to 
obedience, sacrifice, consecration, the spirit of gospel, and 
moral purity. “That powerful spirit is not restricted to the 
house of the Lord. If we are honoring the covenants, then
 we can have that same spirit with us always.” Additionally, 
said Elder Bednar, is the fact that temples “are nourished 
by names.”

“For people who live very fast-paced and hectic lives, this
 is a marvelous opportunity to learn more about family 
history research, indexing, and how to prepare many, many 
names for the day when the temple doors will open again. 
So this is a chance to increase our understanding of family 
history work—and to do more of that sacred work.”

Now this is something that we can all do. We can
do family history work. We can make a family tree
with our family members. We can all do indexing.
If you are unfamiliar with these terms you can go
here to learn more about family history and indexing;

Elder David A. Bednar of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles and his wife, Sister Susan 
Bednar, speak during a fireside at BYU–Idaho in Rexburg on Sunday, September 22, 
2019. Photo by Jeffrey D. Allred, Deseret News.

Press Forward

Elder Bednar said the Lord has prepared the Church for times 
like this. “No unhallowed hand can stop this work from 
progressing, and no pandemic will stop this work from 
progressing either,” he said. “In the midst of all of the 
challenges we face now dealing with this virus, the work goes

Elder Bruce R. McConkie, he said, once compared the Church
 to a wagon train. In spite of difficult, rough terrain and rivers 
that must be crossed, “the caravan moves on” (“The Caravan
 Moves On,” Ensign, Nov. 1984).

10 Beautiful Quotes On The Temple From President Russell M. Nelson
Elder Bednar added: “Are there temporary setbacks? Yes. Is 
there discouragement and disappointment? Yes. But ‘the 
caravan moves on.’”

The world will get through this pandemic, he said. “We do not
 know how long it will take, but we will overcome. And we may
 not resume our previous pattern of life exactly as we knew it, 
but many of those adaptations and changes will be very positive.
“The kingdom of God continues to move forward, and especially 
in the temples.”

President RussellM . Nelson has emphasized since becoming 
the 17th President of the Church that the temple—not the 
building but the ordinances and covenants—is the focus of all 
that Latter-day Saints do in coming unto Christ, said Elder
latter day saint &lighthouses on Instagram: “#templeslds #temples ...
President Nelson announced at the conclusion of general 
conference in April that the Church will build eight new temples
 in nations across the globe. With these announcements, the 
Church has 168 dedicated temples, with 15 under construction
 and another 42 announced.

Recalling the invitation for all Latter-day Saints to hold an active 
temple recommend, pray, and remember their temple covenants, 
Elder Bednar promised Church members that if they press forward
 with faith, the “waters will part” and temple work for both the living 
and the dead will resume.

“More temples will be announced in future conferences,” he said. 
“The caravan moves on.”
Blessings Lds Temple Quotes. QuotesGram
We are here at the end of this counsel from Elder
Bednar.  We should all remember what he said about
this pandemic: “The world will get through this
pandemic, he said. “We do not know how long it will
take, but we will overcome. And we may not resume
our previous pattern of life exactly as we knew it,
but many of those adaptations and changes will be
very positive.” These are words of encouragement
 and hope for each of us. 

I  challenge each one of you to set a goal to do your
family history work, this is something that we can
continue to do even after this pandemic is over. And
if you have not tried indexing, please give it a try,
doing this work is so important. You are helping many
people through indexing.

Body Is A Temple Quotes. QuotesGram

I hope you will give indexing a try. Please remember
who you are. You are each a child of God,  Stay safe
and keep following the COVID 19 regulations for your
local area. 

Do all you can to keep the spread of this virus to a 
minimum. Until my next post, keep praying. Keep 
studying the Book of Mormon with me and all of our 
cyber study buddies out there in cyberspace. Don't 

forget to have a great week
I Love To See The Temple | Lds temples, Lds, Heaven on earth

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