Sunday, May 24, 2020

Post # 217 -- Part 2 -- Counsel from members 

of the Twelve Apostles“Shelter in Place” Spiritually

and Physically, Elder Holland Says as

Isolation Orders Continue around the World

Contributed By Sarah Jane Weaver, Church News editor
  • 1 APRIL 2020
Dear Family and Friends
I pray that each of you are healthy and doing well during 
these times of uncertainty. I wanted to share the second
in the series  of counsel from the Members of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles, today's counsel comes from
Jeffrey R. Holland. Let’s see what he has to teach us today. 

I left the date on the top of the page of the date this'
counsel was given. As I share it with you today in my post
today, my thought is to remind each one of you that this
counsel is still good for us to follow, even though we are no
longer in a shelter in place mode, at least  for most of us.
Elder Jeffrey R. Holland speaks during a meeting at the Hyde Park Chapel of The Church 
of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in London on Thursday, April 12, 2018. Photo by Ravell 
Call, Deseret News.
  • The pandemic presents a “precious opportunity
 to demonstrate faith.”
  • Provide, care for, and reach out to another while 
maintaining physical distance guidelines.
  • Be “positive and optimistic,” doing what you can, 
and trust the Lord for the rest.
“Such times invite us to look into our soul and 
see if we like what we see there.” —Elder Jeffrey R. Holland


Editor’s note: This is part two in a series of counsel from 
members of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles during the 
COVID-19 outbreak. Click on the following names to read 
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The continuing and growing COVID-19 pandemic is an opportunity
 for soul-searching and self-examination, the kind of personal 
reflection that refines faith, strengthens character, and “increases 
our humility before the Lord,” said Elder Jeffrey R. Holland.
“This is a rare time of enforced solitude when we don’t have a lot 
of trivia or superficial busyness distracting us from considering the
 truly important things in life,” said the member of the Quorum of the
 Twelve Apostles. “Such times invite us to look into our soul and see 
if we like what we see there.”

When was the last time you looked into your soul to see
if you like what you see there? Did you like what you saw
staring back at you? If not, now is the perfect time for
another look, as well as for making a plan for how you can
improve the image you saw there? What changes will you
make? Where will you begin? Where will I begin?
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Elder Holland spoke to the Church News on March 28 as millions of 
Latter-day Saints worldwide respond to government mandates aimed 
to flatten the spread of the coronavirus that has caused illness and 
death, stifled economies, closed schools, and curtailed daily routines 
across the globe. In response to the pandemic, Church leaders have
suspended meetings, closed temples, and transported thousands of 
missionaries to their home countries.

The result is a “kind of mandatory Sabbath—a time when we step away 
from our normal routine, from life as usual, and consider our dependence 
on God and the blessings from Him we so often take for granted,” said 
Elder Holland.

Quoting a favorite British phrase, he reassured the Church News 
audience that “things are going to ‘come right.’ They are undoubtedly 
on their way to ‘coming right’ already. But we owe it to our Father in 
Heaven to be a little more grateful, a little more thankful, and a little 
more inclined to remember how many problems are resolved because 
of God, angels, covenants, promises, and prayer.”
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Did you hear that? /Problems are solved because of God, angels.
Covenant  promises, and prayer,” So what part of this are we to
do? I know that i can do my best to keep the promises that i
made with the Lord and i can pray, 

“Shelter in Place”

“The opportunity to respond to trouble and turmoil with ever-greater 
faith is documented over and over again in scripture—where the love 
of God, the sacrifice of Christ, and their many manifestations of mercy
 are the great constants when we face adversity of one kind or 
another,” said Elder Holland.

This present pandemic presents a “precious opportunity to 
demonstrate faith,” he said. “Often those opportunities seem rare. 
In our modern age we don’t have to worry about parting the Red 
Sea, because we have engineers that can build a bridge over it. 
We need some reminders from time to time that those beautifully 
engineered bridges can collapse, so to speak. This pandemic is
 just such a collapse.”

Are you and your family members and friends demonstrating
faith? What are you doing to strengthen your faith? How are
you helping one another to strengthen your faith? What do
you need to do to strengthen your faith if you feel that it
isn't strong enough?

Elder Jeffrey R. Holland of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles speaks at the Stirling 
Smith Art Gallery and Museum in Stirling, Scotland, on July 5, 2018. Photo by Simon
 D. Jones.
As millions across the world face “shelter-in-place” orders, Elder 
Holland noted that the term has both spiritual and physical
 implications. He said the verses in Psalm 61:1–4 summarize the 
opportunity Latter-day Saints have to look to the Lord for shelter:
“Hear my cry, O God; attend unto my prayer.

“From the end of the earth will I cry unto thee, when my heart
 is overwhelmed: lead me to the rock that is higher than I.

“For thou hast been a shelter for me, and a strong tower from
 the enemy.

“I will abide in thy tabernacle for ever: I will trust in the covert of 
thy wings.”

That is “shelter at its best,” Elder Holland said, noting that society 
should also be obedient to the governmental directives regarding 
temporal sheltering as well.
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“The Lord is our ultimate shelter,” he explained. “He is our tower. 
He lifts us out of troubled waters and places us on the rock of our 
Redeemer. He covers us with His wings, poetically speaking.”
Pausing to reflect on this verse of scripture, Elder Holland said 
quietly, “We are always talking about not having enough time to
 think about such things,” said Elder Holland. “Well, we have 
some time now.”

What a great thing to remember, that “the Lord is our
ultimate shelter.” He is where we should turn to when we
need sheltering, He is where we should turn when we are in
need of counsel and guidance, we can receive this through
the promoting of the Holy Ghost ads well as from His
Prophets and his counselors the Quorum of the Twelve
Apostles and those whom He has called.
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With that time, members can be “immersed in things of the 
soul that we always want to address, and know very well that 
we should, but sometimes in the hubbub of daily life don’t seize
 the opportunity to do.”

Lamenting the pace of our modern era, Elder Holland recalled, 
“Ralph Waldo Emerson said once, ‘Things are in the saddle 
and ride mankind.’”

“Let’s realize this is one of the times we can take the saddle off 
our backs, a time when not quite so many demands are made 
and we can address edifying, eternally important things.”

What are the things that are eternally important that you
have been able to address and edify during this time of
Shelter at home time? Have you taken the time to count
your many blessings? I told my son, who is going through
some tough times right now that he should begin a journal
to keep track of how many blessings he has in his life. In
doing this he can stay focused on the positive things in his
life rather than to focus on everything else that is coming  his way.
Elder Jeffrey R. Holland of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles greets members in 
Harare, Zimbabwe, on April 17, 2018, as part of the global ministry tour.

“Things of the Heart”

One of those things is looking to the needs of others, said Elder 
Holland. Members can find joy as they share the “things of the 
heart”—provide, care for, and reach out to another in ways that
 are consistent with the physical distance we are supposed to 
maintain. “It is a tremendously joyful thing to lift somebody 
else spiritually.”

Through ministering, the Lord makes sure every individual is 
cared for. At a time when physical contact is limited, members 
can rely on technology such as social media, email, Skype, and 
FaceTime, he said. “We ought to dedicate a certain part of our
day to communicating with people who need a boost. Of course, 
we get a boost from doing that, so everyone is ‘lifted up,’ as the 
Savior said He was sent to earth to do.”

I agree with Elder Holland in the  that I have had a few
opportunities to reach out to people through texting i  have
also been able to uplift others and drop off things that they
were in need of but could not leave their home to get them.
I believe serving others in these small and simple ways are
important for us to continue even after COVID 19 is over.

Elder Jeffrey R. Holland of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles speaks during a multistake 
conference at the Gallagher Convention Center, near Johannesburg, South Africa, on 
Sunday, November 10, 2019.

Elder Holland said he is trying to take advantage of his reduced 
travel schedule by sending notes or making phone calls, “doing 
the unexpected—but much-appreciated and sometimes truly
 needed—thing to brighten someone’s day,” he said.

There “is no particular merit in wringing our hands about the 
visit we cannot make or the face-to-face presence we cannot 
create,” he warned. “Let’s do the best we can.”

Latter-day Saints should lead the way in being “positive and 
optimistic, doing the things they can do and trusting the Lord 
for the rest.” 

Have you each been staying positive and optimistic during
this pandemic we are in? No matter what your circumstances
you can still find something to be positive about. It
sometimes takes a bit of searching, but you can always find
the blessings that the Lord has blessed us with. If you are 
having trouble staying positive, counting your blessings is a
very good thing for you to do.

Elder Jeffrey R. Holland speaks to missionaries from the Johannesburg and Botswana 
missions and the Johannesburg MTC in a Latter-day Saint meetinghouse in 
Johannesburg, South Africa, on Monday, November 11, 2019.

As the Prophet Joseph Smith said in Liberty Jail, “Let us 
cheerfully do all things that lie in our power; and then may we 
stand still, with the utmost assurance, to see the salvation of 
God, and for his arm to be revealed” (Doctrine and Covenants 

Elder Holland said this time of not being able to be with the 
Saints across the globe and with his Brethren “is a tremendous 
loss” for him personally.

“I am an Irish backslapper,” he said. “I really do love people. So 
I do miss being with the members.”
President Russell M. Nelson of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, left, 
and Elder Jeffrey R. Holland of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles stand together at 
the BYU Jerusalem Center in Jerusalem on Saturday, April 14, 2018. Photo by Jeffrey 
D. Allred, Deseret News.

The other side of the coin, he added, “is how rewarding it has
been for me to have a little more quiet time” to “do a little more 
searching of my own soul rather than somebody else’s.”
When we are engaged in society, a person’s mind is often 
consumed with matters of current affairs and chatty conversation,
he said.

“But when we’re alone, those are times of character assessment. 
That’s when you think about who you really are and what really 
matters.” It is “a sobering exercise to be quiet, to be alone with 
yourself. The obvious question then is, Do you like the company 
you are keeping when you are the only one in the room?”

I love that dont you? “Do you like the company you are
keeping when you are the only one in the room?” male sure
that you are answering this question honestly. That way you
can make the necessary changes so that you will like the person you find when you are the only one in the room. You
know it is possible to change and to better yourself. When
you do decide to make those changes to improve yourself
be sure to invite the Lord into your plans as He will
guide you.

Elder Jeffrey R. Holland of the Quorum of the Twelve teaches from the scriptures 
during a large group interactive session of the 2015 Seminar for New Mission 
Presidents. Photo courtesy of the Deseret News.

“A Lot to Be Encouraged About”

Elder Holland said Latter-day Saints can learn much from looking 
back to past turmoil. One such time in the Church was “much more 
wrenching than anything we are facing now.”

Latter-day Saints in both Kirtland, Ohio, and Jackson County, 
Missouri, were suffering great persecution. Apostasy was beginning
 in the former location and mobs had driven the Saints from their 
homes in the latter. In both places, the members had lost homes, 
farms, livestock, and personal possessions.

In that wretched circumstance, the Lord sent a message to them in 
a revelation given to Joseph Smith in Kirtland on December 16–17, 

“Therefore, let your hearts be comforted concerning Zion; for 
all flesh is in mine hands; be still and know that I am God.
“Zion shall not be moved out of her place. . . .

“They . . . shall . . . come to their inheritances, they and their 
children, with songs of everlasting joy” (Doctrine and

“Songs of everlasting joy” in the middle of such tribulation? 
“Yes! And why not? There is a lot to be joyful about as we 
refine our faith, trust more in the Lord, and see the miracle 
of His deliverance,” said Elder Holland.

This is so true you know? I believe  that singing a cheerful
song or hymn vsn does a lot for you! Just as a smile can take
away a frown, singing can help lift you and fill your heart full
of joy, i know that many of you may struggle with depression
or other medical things that nat keep you down, but take heart, nnd trust in the Lord Jesus Christ and in His
Atonement. He can give you great peace.

Elder Jeffrey R. Holland of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles and Sister Patricia 
Holland arrive at Parliament, London, England, on July 2.

There are repeated declarations in the scriptures where we 
have the Lord’s promises He “will be with us in all of our 
circumstances—good, bad, and otherwise.” For example,
Alma said, “I have been supported under trials . . . of every 
kind, yea, and in all manner of afflictions . . . I do put my trust
 in him, and he will still deliver me” (Alma 36:27).

That reassurance can be a source of hope and encouragement,
said Elder Holland. “Whatever else happens, we will never be
 separated from the Savior’s love and His companionship, even 
if we don’t recognize it at the time.”

Again i have to agree with Elder Holland. “Whatever else
happens, we will never be separated from the Savior’s love
and His companionship, even if we don’t recognize it at the
time.” The Lord will always love us no matter what!
Whenever there is any separation from the Lord it is us
who have moved or changed things. The Lord  is always 
there for each one of us, no matter what!! We must do
whatever we need to do to stay close to the lord.
“The Spirit is not blocked by a virus or by national boundaries or 
by medical forecasts.” There are “gifts from heaven that are not 
limited by trouble in the land or illness in the air. . . .
“He who created this marvelous world in which we live can say 
to any of the elements in it, ‘This far and no farther.’ That is what
 He will say to this blight we are facing. In the presence of His
 majesty, even subatomic-sized creations must bend—if only 
figuratively—and each in its own way ‘confess’ that Jesus is 
the Christ, the Son of God, the great Redeemer of all. Under 
the direction of His Father, the Savior is in charge of the
 destiny of this world. We are in very sure and loving hands.”'
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Wow! Isn't that a good truth to hold onto?” ,,, Under the
direction of His Father, the Savior is in charge of the
destiny of this world. We are in very sure and loving hands.”
I believe that we are indeed in very sure and loving hands.
In the hands of our Savior Jesus Christ!

Please always remember that you're in good hands,
your Heavenly Father has given His Son Jesus
Christ complete charge over this world. He is
always there for each one of us. You and your
family and friends can feel His loving arms about
you when you pray, please hold on to your Savior 
Jesus Chrlst who loved you ,,, each one of you
more than anyone of us can imagine!!! 
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Continue praying, every morning and evening.
Continue studying the Book of Mormon with me
and all of our cyber study buddies out there in cyberspace! If you have not noticed a change in
you and your family members and friends since 
you have been studying the Book of Mormon
with me? Keep reading you will find more peace
in your homes and less contention.

Remember who you are and who you are meant
to become. The Lord can make more of us than
we can make of ourselves if we let Him.
Continue with your family home evenings. And 
remember to have fun with your family'
members and friends and stay safe. Until my
next post, please make it a great week!!!
How I Liken the Scriptures to Myself – Mira's LDS 12-Step Musings

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