Thursday, May 14, 2020

Post # 211 -- United in Accomplishing God’s Work

Dear Family and Friends

It’s time to share with each of you another wonderful
talk from our Historic General Conference which we had
the first week in April. We celebrated the commemoration
of the 200th year since the restoration of the Church of
Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints began.
In the eyes of Christ, each soul is of infinite worth. No one is ...

This is a very important event in our church and to our
church members. As a member of the Church of Jesus
Christ of Latter-day Saints I am so grateful to the
Prophet Joseph Smith for his faithfulness in completing
the work that the Lord had for him to do. 

The following talk given by Sister Bingham helps each of
us to realize that we must work together to accomplish
God’s work. We must work together to keep our families
together and strong. Our family needs to work together
to stay together, to build good relationships with one
another and to always love each other.
49 Best Dieter F. Uchtdorf Quotes images | Quotes, Lds quotes ...

Even though this talk was given to the members of the
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, i believe
there are are a lot of things within her talk that anyone
can apply to themselves and their family if they choose
to do so. It is a choice we must make for ourselves to
follow the counsel given at the April 2020
general conference:) 

United in Accomplishing God’s Work 

By Jean B. Bingham

Relief Society General President
The most effective way to fulfill our divine potential is to work
together, blessed by the power and authority of the priesthood.
9 Best Ronald A. Rasband Quotes images | Quotes, Church quotes ...
Dear wonderful sisters and brothers, it is a delight to be with you. Wherever
you are listening, I extend hugs to my sisters and heartfelt handshakes to my
brothers. We are united in the work of the Lord.
When we think of Adam and Eve, often our first thought is of their idyllic life
in the Garden of Eden. I imagine that the weather was always perfect—not too
hot and not too cold—and that abundant, delicious fruits and vegetables grew
within reach so they could eat whenever they liked. Since this was a new
world for them, there was much to discover, so every day was interesting as
they interacted with the animal life and explored their beautiful surroundings.
They also were given commandments to obey and had different ways of
approaching those instructions, which caused some initial anxiety and
confusion.1 But as they made decisions that changed their lives forever,
they learned to work together and became united in accomplishing the
purposes God had for them—and for all of His children.
A Powerful Quote from Each April 2020 General Conference Talk ...
Now picture this same couple in mortality. They had to labor for their food,
some of the animals considered them food, and there were difficult challenges
that could be overcome only as they counseled and prayed together. I imagine
there were at least a few times they had differing opinions about how to
approach those challenges. However, through the Fall, they had learned that
it was essential to act in unity and love. In the tutoring they received from
divine sources, they were taught the plan of salvation and the principles of
the gospel of Jesus Christ that make the plan operable. Because they
understood that their earthly purpose and eternal goal were identical,
they found satisfaction and success in learning to labor in love and
righteousness together.
As children were born to them, Adam and Eve taught their family what they
had learned from heavenly messengers. They were focused on helping their
children also understand and embrace those principles that would make
them happy in this life, as well as prepared to return to their heavenly
parents after having increased their abilities and proved their obedience
to God. In the process, Adam and Eve learned to appreciate their
differing strengths and supported one another in their eternally
significant work.2
Put yourself in a position to begin having experiences with God ...
As centuries and then millennia came and went, the clarity of men’s and
women’s inspired and interdependent contributions became clouded with
misinformation and misunderstandings. During the time between that
marvelous beginning in the Garden of Eden and now, the adversary has
been quite successful in his goal to divide men and women in his attempts
to conquer our souls. Lucifer knows that if he can damage the unity men
and women feel, if he can confuse us about our divine worth and covenant
responsibilities, he will succeed in destroying families, which are the
essential units of eternity.
Satan incites comparison as a tool to create feelings of being superior or
inferior, hiding the eternal truth that men’s and women’s innate differences
are God given and equally valued. He has attempted to demean women’s
contributions both to the family and in civil society, thereby decreasing their
uplifting influence for good. His goal has been to foster a power struggle
rather than a celebration of the unique contributions of men and women
that complement one another and contribute to unity.
A Powerful Quote from Each April 2020 General Conference Talk ...
So, over the years and around the globe, a full understanding of the divinely
interdependent and yet differing contributions and responsibilities of
women and men largely disappeared. Females in many societies became
subservient to males rather than side-by-side partners, their activities limited
to a narrow scope. Spiritual progress slowed to a trickle during those dark
times; indeed, little spiritual light could penetrate minds and hearts steeped
in traditions of dominance.
And then the light of the restored gospel shone “above the brightness of
the sun”3 when God the Father and His Son, Jesus Christ, appeared to
the boy Joseph Smith early in the spring of 1820 in that hallowed woodland
in upstate New York. That event began a modern outpouring of revelation
from heaven. One of the first elements of Christ’s original Church to be
restored was the authority of the priesthood of God. As the Restoration
continued to unfold, men and women began to realize anew the importance
and potential of working as partners, authorized and directed in this sacred
labor by Him.
Four Ways The Shame Culture Is Corrupting Mormon Culture
In 1842, when the women of the fledgling Church wanted to form an official
group to help in the work, President Joseph Smith felt inspired to organize
them “under the priesthood after the pattern of the priesthood.”4 He said,
“I now turn the key to you in the name of God … —this is the beginning of
better days.”5 And since that key was turned, educational, political, and
economic opportunities for women have begun to gradually expand

throughout the world.6
This new Church organization for women, named the Relief Society,
was unlike other women’s societies of the day because it was established
by a prophet who acted with priesthood authority to give women authority,
sacred responsibilities, and official positions within the structure of the
Church, not apart from it.7
2016 LDS Women's Conference FREE Printable Quotes | Relief society ...
From the Prophet Joseph Smith’s day to ours, the ongoing restoration of
all things has brought enlightenment on the necessity of the authority and
power of the priesthood in helping both men and women accomplish their
divinely appointed responsibilities. Recently we have been taught that
women who are set apart under the direction of one holding priesthood
keys operate with priesthood authority in their callings.8
In October 2019, President Russell M. Nelson taught that women who are
endowed in the temple have priesthood power in their lives and in their
homes as they keep those sacred covenants they made with God.9 He
explained that “the heavens are just as open to women who are endowed
with God’s power flowing from their priesthood covenants as they are to
men who bear the priesthood.” And he encouraged every sister to “draw
liberally upon the Savior’s power to help your family and others you love.”10
So what does that mean for you and me? How does understanding
priesthood authority and power change our lives? One of the keys is to
understand that when women and men work together, we accomplish
a great deal more than we do working separately.11 Our roles are
complementary rather than competitive. Although women are not
ordained to a priesthood office, as noted previously women are blessed
with priesthood power as they keep their covenants, and they operate
with priesthood authority when they are set apart to a calling.

Pres Nelson Quote | Riverside California StakeOn a lovely August day, I was privileged to sit down with President
Russell M. Nelson in the reconstructed home of Joseph and Emma
Smith in Harmony, Pennsylvania, near where the Aaronic Priesthood
was restored in these latter days. In our conversation, President Nelson
talked about the important role women played in the Restoration.
President Nelson: “One of the most important aspects that I am reminded
of when I come to this restoration of the priesthood site is the important
role that women played in the Restoration.
“When Joseph first started to translate the Book of Mormon, who did the
writing? Well, he did a little, but not much. Emma stepped in.

“And then I think of how Joseph went into the woods to pray near their
home in Palmyra, New York. Where did he go? He went to the Sacred
Grove. Why did he go there? Because that’s where Mother went when
she wanted to pray.

Daily Thought from Modern Prophets: Elder Quentin L. Cook on ...
“Those are just two of the women who had key roles in the restoration of
the priesthood and in the Restoration of the Church. No doubt, we could
say our wives are just as important today as they were then. Of course
they are.”
Like Emma and Lucy and Joseph, we are most effective when we are
willing to learn from one another and are united in our goal to become
disciples of Jesus Christ and help others along that path.
We are taught that “priesthood blesses the lives of God’s children in
innumerable ways. … In [Church] callings, temple ordinances, family
relationships, and quiet, individual ministry, Latter-day Saint women and
men go forward with priesthood power and authority. This
interdependence of men and women in accomplishing God’s work
through His power is central to the gospel of Jesus Christ restored
through the Prophet Joseph Smith.”12
Unity is essential to the divine work we are privileged and called to do,
but it doesn’t just happen. It takes effort and time to really counsel
together—to listen to one another, understand others’ viewpoints, and share
experiences—but the process results in more inspired decisions. Whether at
home or in our Church responsibilities, the most effective way to fulfill our
divine potential is to work together, blessed by the power and authority of
the priesthood in our differing yet complementary roles.
October 2011, "The Power of Scripture" ...
What does that partnership look like in the lives of covenant women today?
Let me share an example.
Alison and John had a partnership that was unique. They rode a tandem
bicycle in races short and long. To successfully compete on that vehicle,
the two riders must be in harmony. They have to lean in the same
direction at the right time. One cannot dominate the other, but they must
communicate clearly and each do his or her part. The captain, in front, has
control over when to brake and when to stand. The stoker, in the back,
needs to pay attention to what is going on and be ready to give extra power
if they lag behind a little or to ease up if they get too close to other cyclists.
They must support one another to make progress and achieve their goal.
Alison explained: “For the first little while, the person in the captain
position would say ‘Stand’ when we needed to stand and ‘Braking’
when we needed to stop pedaling. After a while, the person who was
the stoker learned to tell when the captain was about to stand or brake,
and no words needed to be said. We learned to be in tune to how each
other was doing and could tell when one was struggling and [then]
the other tried to pick up the slack. It’s really all about trust and
working together.”13

Daily Thought from Modern Prophets: President Henry B. Eyring on ...John and Alison were united not only as they pedaled their bicycle, but they
were united in their marriage as well. Each desired the happiness of the other
more than his or her own; each looked for the good in one another and
worked to overcome the not-so-great in him or herself. They took turns
leading and took turns giving more when one partner was struggling. Each
valued the other’s contributions and found better answers to their challenges
as they combined their talents and resources. They are truly bound to one
another through Christlike love.
Becoming more in tune with the divine pattern of working together in
unity is critical in this day of “me first” messages that surround us.
Women do possess distinctive, divine gifts14 and are given unique
responsibilities, but those are not more—or less—important than men’s
gifts and responsibilities. All are designed and needed to bring about ]
Heavenly Father’s divine plan to give each of His children the best
opportunity to fulfill his or her divine potential.
Today, “we need women who have the courage and vision of our Mother
Eve”15 to unite with their brethren in bringing souls unto Christ.16 Men
need to become true partners rather than assume they are solely
responsible or act as “pretend” partners while women carry out much of
the work. Women need to be willing to “step forward [and] take [their]
rightful and needful place”17 as partners rather than thinking they need
to do it all by themselves or wait to be told what to do.18
Difficult days are Ahead | Gospel quotes, Lds quotes, Prophet quotes
Seeing women as vital participants is not about creating parity but about
understanding doctrinal truth. Rather than establishing a program to bring
that about, we can actively work to value women as God does: as essential
partners in the work of salvation and exaltation.
Are we ready? Will we strive to overcome cultural bias and instead embrace
divine patterns and practices based on foundational doctrine? President
Russell M. Nelson invites us to “walk arm in arm in this sacred work …
[to] help prepare the world for the Second Coming of the Lord.”19
As we do, we will learn to value each individual’s contributions and
increase the effectiveness with which we fulfill our divine roles. We will feel
greater joy than we have ever experienced.
May each of us choose to become united in the Lord’s inspired way to help
His work go forward. In the name of our beloved Savior, Jesus Christ, amen.
If you want to listen to this talk you can do so here:
The following information was dated May 10,
2020 so I thought I would share it with each of
you in the hopes that it might be helpful for you:
12 Memes of the Greatest Jeffrey R. Holland Quotes of All-Time

Running Essential Errands

Grocery Shopping, Take-Out, Banking, Getting Gas, and Doctor Visits
Date: 5/10/20 Audience: Community Settings
As communities across the United States take steps to slow the spread of
COVID-19 by limiting close contact, people are facing new challenges and
questions about how to meet basic household needs, such as buying
groceries and medicine, and completing banking activities. The following
information provides advice about how to meet these household needs in
a safe and healthy manner.

Shopping for food and other household essentials

Stay home if sick
Order online or use curbside pickup
Protect yourself while shopping
  • Stay at least 6 feet away from others while shopping and in lines.
  • Cover your mouth and nose with a cloth face covering when you have
  • to go out in public.

  • When you do have to visit in person, go during hours when fewer people
  • will be there (for example, early morning or late night).
  • If you are at higher risk for severe illness, find out if the store has special
  • hours for people at higher risk.
  • lds #holland #lastdays: | Holland quotes, Church quotes, Gospel quotes
  • If they do, try to shop during those hours. People at higher risk for severe
  • illness include adults 65 or older and people of any age who have serious
  • underlying medical conditions.
  • Disinfect the shopping cart, use disinfecting wipes if available.
  • Do not touch your eyes, nose, or mouth.If possible, use touchless
  • payment (pay without touching money, a card, or a keypad). If you must
  • handle money, a card, or use a keypad, use hand sanitizer right after paying.
  • Use hand sanitizer.After leaving the store, use hand sanitizer.
  • At home
  • When you get home, wash your hands with soap and water for at least 20
  • seconds.
  • Follow food safety guidelines: clean, separate, cook, chill.
  • There is no evidence that food or food packaging play a significant role in
  • spreading the virus in the United States.
  • Accepting deliveries and takeout orders. Limit in person contact if possible
  • Pay online or on the phone when you order (if possible). Accept deliveries
  • without in-person contact whenever possible.
  • We cannot change the doctrine of God. President Russell M. Nelson ...
  • Ask for deliveries to be left in a safe spot outside your house (such as your
  • front porch or lobby), with no person-to-person interaction. Otherwise, stay
  • at least 6 feet away from the delivery person. Wash your hands or use hand
  • sanitizer after accepting deliveries or collecting mail
  • After receiving your delivery or bringing home your takeout food, wash your
  • hands with soap and water for 20 seconds. If soap and water are not
  • available, use a hand sanitizer with at least 60% alcohol.
  • After collecting mail from a post office or home mailbox, wash your hands
  • with soap and water for at least 20 seconds or use a hand sanitizer with at
  • least 60% alcohol.


Bank online whenever possible If you must visit the bank, use the drive-through
ATM if one is available. Clean the ATM keyboard with a disinfecting wipe,
  • if available, before you use it.When you are done, use a hand sanitizer
  • with at least 60% alcohol. Wash your hands with soap and water for at
  • least 20 seconds when you get home.
  • LDS_Believer on Twitter: ""In coming days, it will not be possible ...

Getting gasoline

Use disinfecting wipes on handles or buttons before you touch them. Use
disinfecting wipes on handles and buttons before you touch them (if available).
  • After fueling, use a hand sanitizer with at least 60% alcohol.
  • Wash your hands for at least 20 seconds when you get home or
  • somewhere with soap and water.

Going to the doctor or getting medicine

Talk to your doctor online, by phone, or e-mail. Use telemedicine, if available,
or communicate with your doctor or nurse by phone or e-mail.
  • Talk to your doctor about rescheduling procedures that are not urgently
  • needed.If you must visit in-person, protect yourself and others.
  • If you think you have COVID-19, notify the doctor or healthcare provider
  • before your visit and follow their instructions.
Jeffrey R. Holland, Apostle, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter ...
  • Cover your mouth and nose with a cloth face covering when you have
  • to go out in public.Do not touch your eyes, nose, or mouth.
  • Stay at least 6 feet away from others while inside and in lines. When
  • paying, use touchless payment methods if possible. If you cannot use
  • touchless payment, sanitize your hands after paying with card, cash,
  • or check. Wash your hands with soap and water for at least 20
  • seconds when you get home.

Limit in-person visits to the pharmacy
  • Plan to order and pick up all your prescriptions at the same time. If
  • possible, call prescription orders in ahead of time. Use drive-thru
  • windows, curbside services (wait in your car until the prescription is
  • ready), mail-order, or other delivery services. Do the same for pet medicine.
  • Check with your doctor and pharmacist to see if you can get a larger
  • supply of your medicines so you do not have to visit the pharmacy as often.
  • More Holiness Give Me ✨ (@lds_moreholinessgiveme) Art: The Lord ...
If you or a member of your household has signs of COVID-19, call your doctor
first, instead of going to the office or the emergency department.
Call 911 if you believe it is an emergency. See also: What to do if you are sick.

I pray that each one of you are having a wonderful day and that each of
you are healthy and doing well. Please continue to take precautions as
our world begins to return to somewhat of a normal life again, remember
that the virus is still out there so please careful everyone.

Remember that with the Lord’s help we can do all things:) Put your faith
and trust in your Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Please continue to say
your prayers at least morning and night. Please, do continue to study
your scriptures every day and also continue to study  the Book of
Mormon with me and all of our cyber study buddies:) until my next post,
stay safe, and make it a great week with your family members and friends!!

Quotes The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints | Lds ...

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