Sunday, May 31, 2020

Post # 222 -- Part 5 -- Counsel from members

of the Twelve Apostles -- Revelation Guided

“an Interlocking Pattern of Strength” That

Now Sustains the Church during COVID-19,

Elder Cook Says

Contributed By Sarah Jane Weaver, Church News editor
  • 30 APRIL 2020
Elder Quentin L. Cook greets Latter-day Saints gathered at a local meetinghouse on January
15, 2020, as the Taal Volcano continues to spew ash south of Manila, Philippine
  • Through inspired leaders, the Lord prepared His
  • Church both temporally and spiritually for
  • changing and challenging times.
  • Each of us can have a home that is a
  • sanctuary of faith.
“We will look back on this as a foundational
time of preparation and not just something we had to
endure.” —Elder Quentin L. Cook
Editor’s note: This is part five in a series of counsel from members
of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles during the COVID-19
outbreak. Click on the following names to read counsel from
As the Lord has hastened His work in recent years, revelation has
guided the creation and implementation of new initiatives and
directives, said Elder Quentin L. Cook of the Quorum of the Twelve
Daily LDS Talks - Posts | FacebookApostles. Those inspired efforts now form “an interlocking pattern
of strength” that sustains and supports members of The Church of
Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints facing the COVID-19 global pandemic.
“Each of us, in our current circumstances, can have a home that is a
sanctuary of faith,” said Elder Cook.  
So, do you feel as if your home is  a sanctuary of faith? If not
what can you do to make it become a sanctuary of faith?
Friends of the Brampton Ontario Stake - Posts | Facebook
The chairman of the Church’s Priesthood and Family Executive
Council, Elder Cook spoke to the Church News via
videoconferencing weeks after the First Presidency suspended
meetings, closed temples, and transported thousands of
missionaries to their home countries in response to the
coronavirus crisis.
North Salt Lake Legacy Stake News - Publications | FacebookAcross the globe, COVID-19 has caused illness and death, stifled
economies, closed schools, prompted government mandates, and
curtailed daily routines. 
Amid this uncertainty, Latter-day Saints are showing optimism and
strength as they worship in their homes. “I am very grateful for
what I see in the members of the Church and their faithfulness,” said Elder Cook. “My heart fills with gratitude for the wonderful way
they are reacting in stressful times—for the way they are watching
out for others, staying close to others through technology, and
striving to prepare themselves for future blessings.”
Elder Quentin L. Cook speaks during the Sunday afternoon session of the 190th Annual
General Conference on April 5, 2020.
Elder Quentin L. Cook of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles and his wife, Sister Mary
G. Cook, finish a tour of the newly renovated Oakland California Temple of The Church
of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, in Oakland, California, on Monday, May 6, 2019. Photo by Kristin Murphy, Deseret News.
Elder Quentin L. Cook of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles and his wife, Sister Mary
Cook, stand in front of the Baton Rouge Louisiana Temple after its rededication on
Sunday, November 17, 2019.
“This time,” he said, “is foundational and will allow the Church to
grow in the future and touch more lives and do more of the work
of salvation than ever before. We will look back on this as a
foundational time of preparation and not just something we had
to endure.”

Administrative Principles

Creative LDS Quotes - Posts | FacebookIn difficult times, Latter-day Saint leaders center on sacred doctrine
and ordinances that guide the administration of the Lord’s Church,
explained Elder Cook.  
“The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints focuses on divinely
appointed responsibilities to assist members as they progress on the
covenant path toward eternal life,” said Elder Cook, quoting
Administrative Principles in Challenging Times,” a document released by the First Presidency on April 16. “To help accomplish this
divine purpose,” according to the statement, “the Church and its
Creative LDS Quotes - Posts | Facebookleaders provide priesthood authority and keys, covenants and
ordinances, and prophetic direction. The Church invites all people to come unto Jesus Christ and faithfully obey His commandments.”
The scriptures are clear that challenging times are a part of this
dispensation, according to the document. “Amid difficult
circumstances, the Church will proclaim fundamental principles and
administer needed ordinances to bless Heavenly Father’s children.
2615 Best LDS - Teachings of the Apostles images in 2020 | Lds ...Whatever the time or circumstances, certain things are essential in
the Lord’s Church. These include sacred doctrine and ordinances.”
In times of pandemic or natural disaster, the Church will respond to government orders to take needed actions. “We will always be good
global citizens who honor, obey, and sustain the law,” Elder Cook
Along with our commitment to be good global citizens,” the
document continues, “we respectfully assert that reasonable accommodations be extended to all people of faith as they strive to
participate in rites that are foundational to their faith.”

“Interlocking Pattern of Strength”

2615 Best LDS - Teachings of the Apostles images in 2020 | Lds ...Through inspired leaders, the Lord prepared His Church both
temporally and spiritually for changing and challenging times,
said Elder Cook.
New initiatives and directives that provide the “interlocking pattern of
strength” include the following: improving Sabbath-day observance,
introducing gospel teachings that emulate the Savior, making
changes to Melchizedek Priesthood quorums, shifting from home and
visiting teaching to ministering, expanding responsibilities of elders
quorums and Relief Societies, instituting an integrated curriculum,
and developing the Children and Youth program.
As the Lord has hastened His work in recent years, revelation has guided the creation and
implementation of new initiatives and directives for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
Sabbath observance: In 2015, Church leaders asked members
worldwide to elevate their Sunday observance. We said, ‘It isn’t
enough to send your children to Church and expect the Church to
provide all of their spiritual knowledge.’ They need Sabbath days
Creative LDS Quotes - Publications | Facebook where they are being spiritual fed in their home. Those homes
need to be sanctuaries of faith,” Elder Cook said.
Are your homes places where your family members and friends
are being spiritually fed? If not, what will you do to make sure
that your home becomes a place where your family members
and friends will be spiritually fed in the coming days?
strengthened teaching and curriculum used at home, he added.
Ministering: The shift to ministering moved the Church from a
“highly regimented” home teaching program to a “more flexible
Daily LDS Talks - Posts | Facebookministering effort.” At a time when Latter-day Saints no longer
have the ability to actually enter the homes of ward and
community members, they are prepared to “keep close and
attentive watch over them and extend love.”
“Our ministering is very much needed, with people being so
isolated,” said Elder Cook, emphasizing that the shift from
monthly visits to Christlike service has “more significance now.” 
How ia your ministering to others going? Are you able to minister
to those around you? Your neighbors, family members and friends?
It can be as simple as sending a text to say hello, or how are you
Friends of the Brampton Ontario Stake - Posts | Facebookdoing today? A phone call is always nice, though i have had some
sisters say that they prefer a message sent in the mail:)
Dispersing responsibilities: Strengthening Melchizedek Priesthood
quorums and Relief Societies is another change that reveals inspired
foresight, he said. During this time of crisis, important responsibilities
are “widely dispersed among leaders and not just with the bishop.”
This “blesses the Church and blesses the people in a wonderful way.”
2615 Best LDS - Teachings of the Apostles images in 2020 | Lds ...Our ward has been using the living app for group communication
and I think it world very well. If you are not a member of the
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints you might try the
Zoom app. I know that there are other free apps out there but
as i have said before, i am not very tech savvy.
Integrated curriculum: Just a few years ago, parents and their
children studied different curricula. “Now we are all on the same
page,” said Elder Cook. “Families that are worshipping together
are on exactly the same curriculum. That is a tremendous blessing
and support to them.”
This really has been a huge blessing and convenience for us as a
family. Even though my children and grandchildren are not active
in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, i can still
share the appropriate messages for any age group because they
are all studying the same thing and there are many resources
Daily LDS Talks - Posts | Facebookfor the Come, Follow Me program on line which are easily
accessible to anyone. So, if you are not a member of the Church
you can still study along with us:)
Children and Youth: In addition to the Come, Follow Me curriculum,
the new Children and Youth program will help young men and young
women stay on the covenant path, especially during this time when
they are not meeting together regularly. The home has a significant
role to play in this “less structured, more inspired” approach, he said.
“Families can help the youth obtain the goals that they have chosen,”
2615 Best LDS - Teachings of the Apostles images in 2020 | Lds ... said Elder Cook. “Now would be a good time while families and youth
are spending more time at home together.”
Pondering these inspired, interlocking efforts reveals their great
blessings, he added. These and other changes prepared Latter-day
Saints for “this particular time when we are not able to do what we
were used to doing,” he said.
While more changes will come in future years, Elder Cook said the fundamental objective of all the Church does will remain the same—
strengthening faith of each member of the Church in Heavenly
Father and Jesus Christ and His Atonement.
Elder Quentin L. Cook, of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles, talks to members of the media outside of the newly renovated Oakland California Temple, of The Church of Jesus Christ of
Latter-day Saints, in Oakland, California, on Monday, May 6, 2019. Photo by Kristin Murphy,
Deseret News.

Additional Inspired Tools

Elder Cook spoke of two additional inspired tools made available
to Latter-day Saints as individuals and families are responding to the coronavirus crisis—the Book of Mormon Videos series and the
Book of Mormon Videos: These marvelous videos have been
provided to the membership at this unique time. Elder Cook noted
that as he and his wife, Sister Mary Cook, have studied the Book
of Mormon in the last few months, they have loved watching the
Creative LDS Quotes - Publications | Facebookvideos. After a lifetime of reading and studying the Book of
Mormon, they are finding additional spiritual feelings and insights
from the videos.
I love these videos. If you and your family members and
friends have not had the opportunity to watch there videos,
please take a few minutes out of your day to watch them. You
President Russell M. Nelson of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints waves a handkerchief after a devotional at Estadio Cementos Progreso stadium in Guatemala City on
Saturday, August 24, 2019. Sister Wendy Nelson, Elder Quentin L. Cook of Quorum of the
Twelve Apostles, and his wife, Sister Mary Cook, look at the choir. Photo by Jeffrey D.
Allred, Deseret News.
Creative LDS Quotes - Posts | FacebookThe videos were created by members of exceptional skill and
sensitivity who deeply understand our doctrine. “They have made
sure that every scene is in accordance with the scriptures.”
Saints: Elder Cook noted that during this time, when there is much
that cannot be done, many Church members are reading the first
two volumes of Saints. The comprehensive history was written
using the extensive research and documentation that is available
in our day, he said.
2615 Best LDS - Teachings of the Apostles images in 2020 | Lds ...“The Joseph Smith Papers Project has allowed us to have accurate
detail and great confidence in the Prophet Joseph and early Church
history,” he said.
The recently released volume 2 details a pioneering period of
persecution and challenges—a time not so different in terms of the
challenges that we experience today, he said. For example, during
the so-called Utah War in 1858 the members had scattered across
Daily LDS Talks - Home | FacebookSouthern Utah valleys. “As the Saints returned [to the Salt Lake
Valley], they found their houses, farms, and public works in disarray. Many wards had stopped functioning. Most Relief Societies and
Sunday Schools had disbanded altogether.” In that same year, a
financial crisis crippled the economy. “Tens of thousands of people
lost their jobs in cities across the United States, Canada, and
Europe” (Saints: No Unhallowed Hand [2020], 284–86).
2615 Best LDS - Teachings of the Apostles images in 2020 | Lds ... I just received this book in the mail, can't wait to read it. I
have it online, but i like to hold a real book every now and again
when i can. I struggle holding things due to the neuropathy in
my hands but i like to read a real book when my hands allow
me too!
Early Church members endured challenges that are, in many ways,
“much more difficult than we are facing at this time,” he said. “To
realize that faithful, righteous people have experienced incredible
difficulties and challenges should give us the courage and the faith
that we can go through challenging times and be blessed—and, at the same time, bless others.”
President Russell M. Nelson of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and his wife,
Sister Wendy Nelson, right, along with Elder Quentin L. Cook of the Quorum of the Twelve
Apostles and his wife, Sister Mary G. Cook, say goodbye at the end of a Latin America ministry
tour devotional in Quito, Ecuador, on Monday, August 26, 2019. Photo by Ravell Call,
Deseret News.

“Courage to Go Forward”

Daily LDS Talks - Home | FacebookElder Cook said that on occasion senior Church leaders discuss
what “impedes our awakening unto God.” Sometimes they conclude
it is being overcome by the world or the natural man or because of
ignorance of the gospel, he said. Other times it is a feeling of
self-sufficiency or the opposite sense of hopelessness or worthlessness. Sometimes it is transgression.
Many times it is “a failure to appreciate that the [Savior’s]
Atonement overcomes the unfairness of life and poor decisions of
those who exercise their agency and inflict harm on others,” he
Creative LDS Quotes - Posts | Facebooksaid. “Now most of us are spending considerable time at home
and have a chance to think about awakening unto God. Perhaps
recent events can be a spiritual alarm clock focusing us on those
things that matter most. If so, it will be a great blessing in this period to concentrate on things that we can perfect in our lives and
how we can bless the lives of others as we awaken to God and
move along the covenant path.”
I pray that each of you are using this time at home with your
family to come closer to your Heavenly Father and His Son
Jesus Christ. I believe that when crazy things happen it is
Daily LDS Talks - Home | Facebookperfectly natural to either curse God or decide that it is time
to come closer to Him. I pray that each of you have chosen to
do the latter and are working your way closer to Him and His
Son Jesus Christ every day!
Elder Cook said the adjustments impacting Latter-day Saint worship
are temporary. “In due time, temples will open and we will be able to
gather as congregations and continue the work of salvation. All the
things that are necessary to accomplish the Lord’s plan—will
continue and bless His people. We will joyfully participate together
in the ways that have blessed our lives in the past.
“I testify that we have a loving Heavenly Father and His Beloved
Son, Jesus Christ, who give us daily the strength and courage to go forward in difficult times.”
Elder David A. Bednar and Elder Quentin L. Cook of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles talk
prior to the Saturday afternoon session of the 189th Semiannual General Conference of The
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in the Conference Center in Salt Lake City on
Saturday, October 5, 2019. Photo by Jeffrey D. Allred, Deseret News.
2615 Best LDS - Teachings of the Apostles images in 2020 | Lds ...We are at the end of this wonderful counsel from part 5
of this series. I hope that you and your family members and friends are able to use this counsel for the good of
your family study group and that you will share it with
others for their benefit as well:)
Remember to be cautious as you are getting back to a
more normal way of life amid COVID 19. Remember
that the safety of you and your family members and
friends may depend upon the safety measure that you
are taking each and every day!
Please remember who you are!!! YOU ARE A CHILD OF GOD!!! You are each one either a son or a daughter of
Daily LDS Talks - Home | Facebook a loving Heavenly Father. Your Heavenly Father is
mindful of your situation and He is there for you!
Remember your Savior, Jesus Christ and His Atonement and all that His Atonement can do for you!
Please remember to continue in prayer daily, at least
morning and evening and keep a prayer in your heart
throughout the day. Remember to study your scriptures
with your family members and friends as well as
individually. Remember your Heavenly Father is only a
prayer away and He and His Son, Jesus Christ are waiting.

Creative LDS Quotes - Posts | FacebookThey are waiting to hear from you and your family
members and friends in prayer. They are waiting to speak
to you through the power of the Holy Ghost. They are
waiting to speak to you through messages from Their
chosen prophets, apostles and counselors. They are
waiting to speak to you through the scriptures.

I will be sharing the further counsel from the Twelve
Apostles in future posts. I believe there is something
in their messages of hope for each of you and your
family members and friends so please read through
each of these messages of counsel prayerfully. Until
my next post, please continue studying the Book of
Mormon with me:)
2615 Best LDS - Teachings of the Apostles images in 2020 | Lds ...

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