Sunday, May 24, 2020

Post # 216 -- Come, Follow Me -- Week # 21 --
May 25–31 -- Mosiah 29–Alma 4 --“They Were Steadfast
and Immovable”

Dear Family and Friends

Gee guys are you all getting used to everyone wearing
their masks now? I hope and pray each day that we will
soon see an end to this pandemic. I know that in our
little corner of the world right now the numbers of the
COVID 19 cases keeps climbing. A lot of these have to
do with the meat packing plants all around us. I'm not
just sure why this is the case but it sure seems to be so.

In this next week we will be studying the last chapter
of Mosiah and the first four chapters of Alma. This
first section comes to you directly from our Come,
Follow Me for Individuals and Families:
Be steadfast and immovable, always abounding in good works. (With ...

Reading the scriptures invites revelation. Be open to the messages the
Lord wants to give you.
Some might see King Mosiah’s proposal to replace kings with elected
judges as merely wise political reform. But to the Nephites, especially
those who lived under wicked King Noah, this change had spiritual
significance too.

They had seen how an unrighteous king had caused “iniquity” and
“great destruction” among his people (Mosiah 29:17), and they
were “exceedingly anxious” to be free from such influence. This
change would allow them to be responsible for their own
righteousness and “answer for [their] own sins” (Mosiah 29:38; see

Be steadfast and immovable | Lds quotes, Mormon quotes, Scripture ...

Of course, the end of the reign of kings did not mean the end of
problems in Nephite society. Cunning people like Nehor and Amlici
promoted false ideas, nonbelievers persecuted the Saints, and many
members of the Church became prideful and fell away. Yet “the
humble followers of God” remained “steadfast and immovable”
despite what happened around them (Alma 1:25). And because of
the change enacted by Mosiah, they could “cast in their voices” to
influence their society for good (Alma 2:6).

Alma 1:26 Book of Mormon
26 And when the priests left their labor to impart the word of God unto the people,
the people also left their labors to hear the word of God. And when the priest had
imparted unto them the word of God they all returned again diligently unto their
labors; and the priest, not esteeming himself above his hearers, for the preacher
was no better than the hearer, neither was the teacher any better than the
learner; and thus they were all equal, and they did all labor, every man
according to his strength.

Book of Mormon: Day 157: Steadfast and Immovable -

In this verse of scripture we learn a bit about how
things were during Alma’s time on this earth. It
teaches us that the the preacher was no better than the hearer,
neither was the teacher any better than the learner; and thus they were
all equal, and they did all labor, every man according to his strength.”  

According  to this verse the preachers or the teachers
were no better than the learners and they all supported
themselves by working diligently.I have experienced this
in my life since joining the Church of Jesus Christ of
Latter-day Saints. I learned through my own personal
experience as a teacher and leader in the Church that
the Lord qualifies those whom He calls.

Prior to this I had gone to quite a  few different
churches and oftentimes I found this not to be true.
The ministers were paid to preach and the teachers
were paid to teach and we as the learners were often
put in our place so to speak. If you disagreed with their
teaching and or preaching you were made to feel like
your opinions didnt count, like you didn't know anything
about it.
TRIALS - “How do you remain “steadfast and immovable” (Alma 1:25 ...
Did you or your family members and friends happen to
find some parallels between the events in yours or their
lives and those that are described in this week’s readings
as found in Mosiah 29–Alma 4
If you and they have noticed a few parallels now might be
a good time to have a discussion about these parallels and
search through our readings in these chapters to find
some examples. 
After you have finished your search you and your family
members and friends could share those parallels that you
and or they have found in these chapters  with one another.
Make sure to emphasize the parallels to events in your/
their life today,
Sure & Steadfast | & www ...

We can be a positive influence in our


Do you feel like it would be helpful for you and your
family members and friends to have a discussion about
how you /they could influence our society for the good.
You may want to ask your family members and friends to
think about some things that you / they are facing in your
community today. 

Then it may benefit you and your family members and
friends to get out a piece of your poster board and make
a list:) Yes, a list, Lists are good  for learning and especially
for review of things at a later time. When you have a visual
to look at as you study it helps most of us to remember
thighs better. 

This is because we can pull up that visual in our mind when
we review our topic later on.Okay, but this list will need
two columns. So maybe it will be a chart instead of just a
list. In thinking about this a bit more you may need three
columns.Now, the first list will be titled Today’s Issues. 

LDS General Conference 2014 Quotes | Steadfast and immovable | Lds ...

The second list will be titled  Nephites Issues. In the
third column you might want to write down the parallels
between the events you are having and those that the
Nephite were having in their day. So you might title the
third list Today/Then. 

After you have finished making your list of the things
that you are facing in your community today then it is
time to check out what the Nephites were facing in
their day!
You may want to avoid ny detailed discussions with your
family members and friends to keep stresses down to a

To find out what the issues Nephites  were facing in
their day and what they did to manage their issues, what
could you do? . You and your family members and friends
could search through Alma 2:1–7. This might be a review
for you and your family  members but this will be a good

Book of Mormon Archives - Page 7 of 26 - Latter-day Saint ...

Alma 2:1–7 Book of Mormon
1 And it came to pass in the commencement of the fifth year of their
reign there began to be a contention among the people; for a certain
man, being called Amlici, he being a very cunning man, yea, a wise
man as to the wisdom of the world, he being after the order of the man
that slew Gideon by the sword, who was executed according to the law—
2 Now this Amlici had, by his cunning, drawn away much people after
him; even so much that they began to be very powerful; and they began
to endeavor to establish Amlici to be a king over the people.
3 Now this was alarming to the people of the church, and also to all those
who had not been drawn away after the persuasions of Amlici; for they
knew that according to their law that such things must be established by
the voice of the people.
4 Therefore, if it were possible that Amlici should gain the voice of the
people, he, being a wicked man, would deprive them of their rights and
privileges of the church; for it was his intent to destroy the church of God.
5 And it came to pass that the people assembled themselves together
throughout all the land, every man according to his mind, whether it were
for or against Amlici, in separate bodies, having much dispute and
wonderful contentions one with another.
6 And thus they did assemble themselves together to cast in their voices concerning the matter; and they were laid before the judges.
7 And it came to pass that the voice of the people came against Amlici, that he was not made king over the people.

Book of Mormon: Day 157: Steadfast and Immovable -

Then  you could ask your family members and friends
the following questions:  What might have happened if
“the people of the church” had not made their voices
heard? What else do we learn about being good citizens
from this account, from Mosiah 29:26–27, and from the
following story : 

“Make your influence felt.”

Soon after Sister Belle S. Spafford was called as Relief Society
General President in 1945, Relief Society leaders were invited to
attend a meeting of a prominent national women’s council. Relief
Society general leaders had been members of this council for many
years, but they felt they had recently been treated poorly by the
council. After discussion with her counselors, Sister Spafford
recommended to President George Albert Smith, the President of
the Church, that the Relief Society should terminate its membership
in the council.
Jesus is my Anchor | Lds quotes, Church quotes, Girls camp

As they discussed the recommendation, Sister Spafford said,
“You know, President Smith, we don’t get anything from the
She later recounted:
“The President looked at me with surprise. He said, ‘Sister
Spafford, do you always think in terms of what you get? Don’t
you think it is well at times to think in terms of what you have
to give? I believe,’ he continued, ‘that Mormon women have
something to give to the women of the world, and that they may
also learn from them. Rather than have you terminate your
membership, I suggest that you take several of your ablest board
members and go back to this meeting.’
“Then he said with emphasis, ‘Make your influence felt’” (Belle
S. Spafford, A Woman’s Reach [1974], 96–97).
Sister Spafford obeyed this counsel. She served for many years in
the council and was eventually elected as one of its leaders.
LDS Scripture of the Day, Author at Latter-day Saint Scripture of ...

So, how can you and your family members and friends
make your influence felt? You might want to consider
having your family members and friends think together
of something that you and they can do together to
make your/ their influence felt in your community. 

Then you and your family members and friends could
decide on something that you will do together to
influence your community on one of the issues on your
chart. This next section comes to you directly from
our Come, Follow Me for Individuals and Families:

Ideas for Personal Scripture


I can be a positive influence in my community.

Just five years into the reign of the judges, a crisis arose that would
test Mosiah’s declaration that the voice of the people would usually
choose what was right (see Mosiah 29:26).
Debunking The CES Letter - LDS Christian
The issue involved religious freedom: a man named Amlici
sought to “deprive [the people] of their rights and privileges
of the church” (Alma 2:4). Have you noticed religious rights
being threatened in your nation or community? What do you
learn from the way the Nephites responded to this threat?
(see Alma 2:1–7).

Posts tagged as #lds | Picbabun
There are likely many important issues facing your community. How can you, like the Nephites, make sure that your voice is
included in “the voice of the people”? Perhaps you live in a place
where the voice of the people has limited influence on the
government; if so, are there other ways you can be a positive
influence in your community?

We can recognize and reject false teachings.

Read the following scripture passages with your family
members and friends: Mosiah 19:1–8; 20:15–22; 22:1–9; and

After you have finished your readings it will be time for
a little review. Get out your poster board and make a chart.
At the top you can make two columns. The first column you can title: Gideon;s inspiring characteristics. A good
example of this is found in verse 9, when Gideon heard the
false teaching of Nehor he withstood Nehor “with the
words of God.” 

LDS Scripture of the Day, Author at Latter-day Saint Scripture of ...

You and your family members and friends can make a
list of Gideon;s inspiring Characteristics on your
poster board that you have found in your review. In
the second column you could make a list of Nehor's
false teachings. You and your family members may
have noticed during your review of these scripture

You could be the one to share an example of Gideon
resisting Nehor which could very well be inspiring to
your family members and friends. Some scriptures of
Gideon refuting the teachings of Nehor can be found
in  Alma 1:3–6.  

Alma 1:3–6 Book of Mormon
3 And he had gone about among the people, preaching to them that
which he termed to be the word of God, bearing down against the
church; declaring unto the people that every priest and teacher ought
to become popular; and they ought not to labor with their hands, but
that they ought to be supported by the people.
4 And he also testified unto the people that all mankind should be
saved at the last day, and that they need not fear nor tremble, but that
they might lift up their heads and rejoice; for the Lord had created all men, and had also redeemed all men; and, in the end, all men should
have eternal life.
5 And it came to pass that he did teach these things so much that many did believe on his words, even so many that they began to
support him and give him money.
6 And he began to be lifted up in the pride of his heart, and to wear
very costly apparel, yea, and even began to establish a church after
the manner of his preaching.


After you and your family members and friends have
shared what you / they have found about Nehor you
might want more information to add to your chart about Gideon and Nehor. To do this you and your family members and friends could search through the
following scripture passages:

Scriptures that refute Nehor’s false teachings.

Rise Up & Move Forward Inspirational Quote Photo Print |

Now , after you and your family members and friends
have searched through these passages you could share
with one another what scriptures you have found and
add that information to your chart and then you could
ask your family members and friends the following
question:” How can we be more like Gideon in our defense of
the truth?

You know if we are truthful to ourselves we can
recognize that Nehor’s false teachings which are
described in Alma 1:3–6 can help each one of us to
recognize the tactics that the adversary uses to
deceive us. One example might be how the adversary
often hides his lies within the truth. 

You might consider having your family members and
friends search the following scripture passage
Alma 1:3–4  to identify the lies that Satan told and
those truths that he used to make the lies appealing? 

Let the Holy Spirit Lead You to that "Aha!" Moment | Holy spirit ...

Now, when you are finished with your search and have
shared your findings you can ask your family members
and friends the following questions: What are some lies
mixed with truth that deceive people today? How can
we help our families and loved ones distinguish between
truth and error?

Do you remember what I said about how music can
influence us and our homes? So now could be a very good
time to sing or read a hymn about humility. One like,
Be Thou Humble” (Hymns, no. 130). 

After reading or singing this hymn or another one about
humility you and your family members and friends could
discuss how the message  of the hymn differs from the
message that Nehor sends to the people as found in

Trust in God…Let Him Guide Your Path – joaniesprayers
You could also teach your family members and friends
about the contrast of what Nehor taught about the
gospel teachers with Aoma and other Church leaders
taught and exemplified as found in Alma 1:26; 4:15–20

Then ask your family members and friends the following
questions: What was Nehor’s motivation? How was it
different from Alma’s? Encourage class members to
ponder their own motivations for serving in the Church. 

What does Alma 1:26 suggest about our responsibility
as learners? This next section comes to you directly
from our Come, Follow Me for Individuals and Families:

Ideas for Personal Scripture


Book of Mormon Archives - Page 7 of 26 - Latter-day Saint ...

I can recognize and reject false doctrine.

Although Nehor eventually confessed that what he taught
was false, his teachings continued to influence the Nephites
for many years (see Alma 1:15–16; 2:1–2; 14:14–18; 15:15;
21:4; 24:28). Why might people have found Nehor’s teachings
enticing? As you read Alma 1:2–4, see if you can identify the
falsehoods in Nehor’s teachings; you’ll probably notice that
they’re taught alongside partial truths.
Gideon withstood Nehor “with the words of God” (Alma 1:7, 9).
Can you think of scriptures that refute Nehor’s falsehoods? Here
are some examples, but there are many others: Matthew 7:21–23;
How can these scriptures help you refute falsehoods taught today?
Counting the ways the Book of Mormon brings peace to the soul is ...

Another way to approach your study of Alma 1 is to compare
Nehor and his followers (verses 3–9, 16–20) with “the people
of God” (verses 25–30; see also 2 Nephi 26:29–31). How can
you be more like the people of God? Do you notice any
“priestcraft” in your own service?

Pride can cause us to “fail in [our] progress.”

You and your family members and friends as you have
read through  and are now discussing Alma 1 and Alma 4
which can help you to understand just how pride affects
both individuals and the Church. For this next activity
you could if you have enough family members and friends
divide into two groups. If not you could work together.

March 2015 Visiting Teaching Printables

You might ask the first group to learn about the state if
the Church as it is described in 
Alma 1:19–30. The second group will be learning about the
state of the Church a few years latter, which you will
find described in Alma 4:6–15. Like i said before, if you do
not have enough family members and friends for groups
you can do it all together,

You and your family members and friends could read
together the first passage Alma 1:19- 30. Then you could
read together the second passage Alma 4:6-15, You could
then share with one another what the Church and its
members were like according to the verses which you have
read together.

The next thing to do is to have a discussion with your
family members  and friends about what you have learned
about the effects of pride on the Church and its members
and the blessings of humility. You could make it fun by
maybe drawing pictures or having a short dramatization
about what you have learned. 

familyHomeEvening Instagram posts -

And now for the finishing question in this section to ask
your family members and friends What lessons do these
accounts hold for us today? This next section comes to
you directly from our Come, Follow Me for Individuals
and Families:

Ideas for Personal Scripture


True disciples of Jesus Christ do not set

their hearts upon riches.

Chapters 1 and 4 of Alma both describe periods when the Church
prospered, but Church members responded to that prosperity
differently in each case. What differences do you notice? Based
on what you find, how would you describe the attitude that
“humble followers of God” (Alma 4:15) have toward riches and
prosperity? What do you feel inspired to change about your own
Jesus Christ | Gospel Doctrine

The “word of God” and “pure testimony”

can change hearts.

There are so many people in the world who can relate
only too well what Alma felt when he was “Very
sorrowful” as it says in Alma 4:15 which is about the
wickedness and afflictions of his people.  

Possibly you and ‘or your family members and friends
could think about a loved one they are worried about
and keep that person in your mind as you read together the following verses: Alma 4:12–20

After you and your family members and friends have read through these verses  to prompt a discussion you
might ask the following questions: What brought joy to
the people in their difficult circumstances? What does
the phrase “the Spirit of the Lord did not fail him”
mean to you? (Alma 4:15). 

What sacrifices did Alma make to help his people, and
what sacrifices are we sometimes asked to make? What
examples have we seen of the power of “pure testimony”?
(Alma 4:19). How can we share our testimonies without
lecturing or being judgmental? 

Royal's Ramblings

You might find it beneficial to have your family and
friends get out their journals and write a message of
their testimony to their loved ones. They might even
benefit from having a discussion of what a “pure
testimony: is. You could have this discussion after
they have written their message of their testimony.

The video “Apostle Testimony Montage”
( has some excellent
examples.  After you have viewed the video you might consider asking the following questions: 

How do these testimonies, or others we have heard,
“stir [us] up in remembrance of [our] duty”?
(Alma 4:19). How do these testimonies help us
overcome pride and contention? This next section
comes to you directly from our Come, Follow Me for
Individuals and Families:

16 Paradigm Shifting Quotes On Patience From President Uchtdorf

Ideas for Personal Scripture


The “word of God” and “pure testimony”

can change hearts.

What made Alma “very sorrowful” (Alma 4:15) in Alma 4?
Some might say that the office of chief judge would have put
Alma in the best position to solve the problems he saw among his people. But Alma felt there was a better way. What impresses
you about his approach to helping his people? Your study may
inspire thoughts about how you can righteously influence those
around you; if so, act on those thoughts.
And now we will be moving on to ideas for family
scripture study and family home evening which comes
directly from the Come, Follow Me for Individuals
and Families manual:


Ideas for Family Scripture Study

and Family Home Evening

As you read the scriptures with your family, the Spirit can help
you know what principles to emphasize and discuss in order to
meet the needs of your family. Here are some ideas.

Alma 1:19–25

Your family might benefit from identifying the different ways
Church members responded to persecution in these verses.
Maybe you could practice ways to respond appropriately when
others attack our beliefs. The Religious Freedom Videos might help.
Come Follow Me: Taking Upon the Name of Christ (With images ...

Alma 3:4

What message did the Amlicites want to communicate when
they “set [a] mark upon themselves”? (see Alma 3:4, 13). What
messages might we send—intentionally or unintentionally—with
our appearance? This might be a good time to review “Dress and
Appearance” in For the Strength of Youth (2011), 6–8.

Alma 4:2–3

What things or experiences have “awakened [us] to a remembrance
of [our] duty” toward God? (Alma 4:3). Maybe it would be effective
to share these verses after waking your family in the morning. You
might then discuss how the challenges of waking up physically help
us understand the challenges of waking up spiritually.
teachlikeachicken Instagram posts -

Alma 4:10–11

How can we avoid being a “stumbling-block to those who [do]
not belong to the church”? (Alma 4:10). It might also be useful
to talk about how we can make sure the actions of others,
particularly fellow Church members, do not become stumbling
blocks for our spiritual progress.

Alma 4:19

To help your family understand the power of testimony, you could ask them to think of a time when hearing someone’s
testimony affected them deeply. Why might Alma have chosen
to use testimony and the word of God to touch the hearts of the
people? (see also Alma 31:5). Why is this more effective than
other methods people might use to persuade others to change?
Are there people whose faith we could strengthen by sharing
our testimonies with them?
For more ideas for teaching children, see this week’s outline
in Come, Follow Me—For Primary.
Suggested song: “Testimony,” Hymns, no. 137.
Full of Purpose, Heart and Mind: Mosiah 7:33 (Applying the ...

Our readings for this upcoming week in Alma 5–7 you 
and your family members and friends will read Alma’s
“pure testimony” and you will see its effects on the
people of Alma as found in Alma 4:19
Well guys here we are at the end of this week’s lesson.
I truly enjoyed sharing it with each one of you and I do
hope that I have shared with you something that has
upliftd you in some small way. And these lessons that we
have learned from Alma are priceless! Only as long as we can apply those teachings to our lives and live them
every day in our lives.
immovable Instagram posts -
With this in mind i want to share the section at the
bottom of this lesson in the Come, Follow Me for
individuals and Families manual about this. It is called
Likening the scriptures to yourself. So how will each
one of you do this? How are you going to live the
teachings you have learned from this lesson
Improving Personal Study
Liken the scriptures to yourself. Consider how the stories and
teachings of the scriptures apply to your life. For example, you
might find parallels between today’s world and the societal
problems the Nephites faced in Alma 1–4.
You might even ask yourself:  how will what i am
learning build faith in Christ, repent, make and keep
covenants with God and receive the Holy Ghost?”
How will I be able to help my family members and
friends build faith in Christ, repent, make and keep
covenants with God and receive the Holy Ghost?
churchofjesuschristoflatterdaysaints Инстаграм фото
I guess i have rambled on enough for today so i will
close this post with a prayer that each one of you can
' be at peace in our world of uncertainty. I hope that
each one of you can hold onto the hope which is on Jesus Christ. He is the only one who can give us this
peace we seek in our lives. I have this peace in my life
and I never want to be without it.

I hope and pray that each one of you are now getting
acclimated to this next phase of the COVID 19.
Please be safe and remember who you are!!! You are
each one a child of God. Remember the lessons that
Alma has taught us this week. Until  my next post
please stay safe and make it a great week!!!
thecrazylady – Page 10 – Willa Michele's Gift

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