Sunday, May 17, 2020

Post # 213 -- Come, Follow Me -- Week # 20 -- May 18–24 -- Mosiah 25–28 -- “They Were Called the People of God”

Dear Family and Friends
I pray that each one of you are doing your best to stay safe. To continue
to stay healthy and well by observing and practicing the safety
precautions advised by the CDC. From my own personal experience I know
how hard it can be to wear a mask during your time away from your home.

I also realize just how important those masks can be for our health and
wellbeing, please wear your masks and practice your health safety, if not
for you then do it for the benefit of your family members and friends.
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I hope and pray that you have been enjoying my posts while you have
been at home with our family members and friends, hopefully they
have been beneficial to some of you. My family members and I have
certainly been enjoying our time together!! 

You probably already know this but one of the best ways that we as
parents and teachers , to teach our children, our family members and
our friends about the scriptures we study is for each one of us to live
the principles which are taught each week in our study.

 I believe that if our children, family members and our friends see us
living those principles which are taught each week they will be more
likely to embrace those principles simply because you are living them:)

As you probably also know that in living the principles taught each
week this sallows even invites the Holy Ghost to give you some i
nspiration as to the things which are most pertinent
for you to teach to and share with your children and your family
members and your friends with each week’s study.

When you choose to follow Christ, you choose to be changed. -Ezra ...

Speaking of each week’s study. This week we are studying from
Mosiah chapters 25 - 28. If you do not have your own copy of the
Book of Mormon you can read these chapters  beginning with

Or if you would like to read from the actual book you could request
your own copy of the Book of Mormon from the missionaries here:
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You may have noticed that you have family  members who  may be struggling to have consistent personal scripture study. You might
even be struggling yourself with your own personal scripture study
and maybe you struggle like me with your family scripture study. 
Then again maybe you have mastered your own personal and family
scripture study and therefore would be happy to share with others
how it is working for you and your family members. This would be great! 
Cowboy Salsa (aka Cowboy Caviar) | Recipe | Prophet quotes, Lds ...
Don't be afraid to share what is working for you because you may
just be the answer to someone else’s prayers when you share with
them,  the following comes to you directly from the Come, Follow
Me for Individuals and Families manual: 
After “the voice of the Lord came to [Alma],” he wrote down the things the
Lord told him “that he might have them” (Mosiah 26:14, 33). How will you
follow Alma’s example?
Mosiah 26:14, 33 Book of Mormon
14 And it came to pass that after he had poured out his whole soul to God, the
voice of the Lord came to him, saying:
33 And it came to pass when Alma had heard these words he wrote them down
that he might have them, and that he might judge the people of that church
according to the commandments of God.

I always like to share with you directly from the manual which we
are studying from so that if you do not have the manual you can still
keep up with the lessons and if you do have a manual you can follow
along with me. This next section also comes from the Come, Follow
Me for Individuals and Families manual:
Ministry of Angels: Short Story by Jeffrey R. Holland | Spiritual ...

After nearly three generations of living in separate lands, the Nephites were
one people again. Limhi’s people, Alma’s people, and Mosiah’s people—even
the people of Zarahemla, who were not descended from Nephi—were now all
“numbered with the Nephites” (Mosiah 25:13). 
Mosiah 25:13 Book of Mormon
13 And now all the people of Zarahemla were numbered with the Nephites, and
this because the kingdom had been conferred upon none but those who were
descendants of Nephi.
Many of them also wanted to become members of the Church that Alma had
established. So all those who “were desirous to take upon them the name of
Christ” were baptized, “and they were called the people of God” (Mosiah
Mosiah 25:23–24 Book of Mormon
23 And now there were seven churches in the land of Zarahemla. And it came
to pass that whosoever were desirous to take upon them the name of Christ, or
of God, they did join the churches of God;
24 And they were called the people of God. And the Lord did pour out his Spirit
upon them, and they were blessed, and prospered in the land.

Free General Conference Quote Art Printables – October 2019
After years of conflict and captivity, it seemed that the Nephies would finally
enjoy a period of peace.
But before long, unbelievers began persecuting the Saints. What made this
especially heartbreaking was that many of these unbelievers were the
believers’ own children—the “rising generation” (Mosiah 26:1),
including the sons of Mosiah and one son of Alma. 
Mosiah 26:1 Book of Mormon
1 Now it came to pass that there were many of the rising generation that
could not understand the words of king Benjamin, being little children
at the time he spake unto his people; and they did not believe the
tradition of their fathers.

Then a miracle happened, and the account of that miracle has given hope
to anguished parents for generations. But the story of Alma’s conversion
is not just for parents of wayward children. True conversion is a miracle
that, in one way or another, needs to happen in all of us.
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From  this introduction or summary if you will, I believe that the
story of Alma the Younger was written and preserved by the Lord
for each one of us! Oh, for those of you who are not members of
the Church of Jesus Christ, we call him Alma the Younger to
separate him from his father Alma.
I believe that the story of Alma the Younger was written and
preserved by the hand of God so that we could all learn from his
account about repentance and forgiveness. I found confirmation
of this thought of mine here in verse 19 of chapter 28 in Mosiah.
19 And this account shall be written hereafter; for behold, it is expedient that all people should know the things which are written in this account.

God freely forgives those who repent.

As I have mentioned before these chapters are focused on
repentance and forgiveness. One thing you might consider as a way
to explore these two themes is to make a chart on your poster
board with Repentance on one side and Forgiveness on the other
side at the top of your poster board. It might look something like
the following:
Key quotes from the April 2020 Latter-day Saint General Conference ...

After you have made your chart you and your family members and
friends could first make a list under each heading the things that
come to the minds of you and your family members and friends when
you and/or they think about these two topics. 

The second thing you sand your family members and  friends could do
would be to search through the following passages: Mosiah 26:22–24,
You and your family members and friends would be looking for words
and phrases that teach you and/or them about these two topics of 
repentance and forgiveness. 

The third thing you and your family members and friends could do is
to add words or phrases you and/or they have found in these
passages to the list on your poster board about these two topics.
How does God feel about those who repent and seek forgiveness?

I myself have often wondered if my repentance was good enough to
be forgiven. I am sure that there are others of you who have felt
the same way. You may even have some of your family members and
friends who do or have felt this way. 
Free General Conference Quote Art Printables – April 2018 in 2020 ...
One thing that you can do to help your family members and friends
is to ask them to imagine that you and/or they are themselves 
Alma the Elder, this is the father of Alma the Younger. Imagine
that a member of the church in Zarahemla has asked you Alma the
Elder how to obtain forgiveness of his/or/ her sins. 
What did Alma learn from the Lord in Mosiah 26:15–31 that could
help this Church member? (see also Moroni 6:8; Doctrine and
Moroni 6:8 Book of Mormon
8 But as oft as they repented and sought forgiveness, with real intent,
they were forgiven.
Doctrine and Covenants 58:42–43 Doctrine and Covenants
42 Behold, he who has repented of his sins, the same is forgiven, and I, the Lord, remember them no more.
43 By this ye may know if a man repenteth of his sins—behold, he will
confess them and forsake them.

This statement from President Henry B. Eyring could also help: “If
you have felt the influence of the Holy Ghost today, you may take it as evidence that the Atonement is working in your life” (“Gifts
of the Spirit for Hard Times,” Ensign, June 2007, 23).
25 Compelling Meme Quotes about the Power of the Book of Mormon
June 2007
If you have felt the influence of the Holy Ghost today, you may take it as
evidence that the Atonement is working in your life. For that reason and
many others, you would do well to put yourself in places and in tasks that
invite the promptings of the Holy Ghost. Feeling the influence of the Holy
Ghost works both ways: the Holy Ghost only dwells in a clean temple,
and the reception of the Holy Ghost cleanses us through the Atonement
of Jesus Christ. You can pray with faith to know what to do to be cleansed
and thus qualified for the companionship of the Holy Ghost and the service
of the Lord. And with that companionship you will be strengthened against
temptation and empowered to detect deception.

This is a very good article or talk to read if you want to learn more
about the gifts of the Spirit and how to qualify for them. You will gain
much from your study of it.
This next section also comes from the Come, Follow Me for Individuals
and Families manual:

Ideas for Personal Scripture Study

I am responsible for my own faith and testimony.

Those who heard King Benjamin’s sermon experienced a marvelous conversion
(see Mosiah 5:1–7), but conversion is a personal experience that cannot be
passed along like an inheritance to one’s children. We all must experience our
own conversion to the gospel of Jesus Christ. As you read in Mosiah 26:1–6
about “the rising generation” of unbelieving Nephites, note the consequences
of their unbelief. You might also think about people whom you wish you could
bring to Christ. While you can’t give them your conversion, the Spirit may
whisper things you can do to help them find faith. As you read in Mosiah 25–28
about how Alma and other Church members helped the rising generation,
additional thoughts might come to you.
Missionary Quote LDS Ezra Benson God Make a Lot More of Their | Etsy

God’s faithful servants seek to do His will.

Sometimes we might think that a Church leader like Alma always knows the
right thing to do. In Mosiah 26 we read of a problem in the Church that Alma
had never dealt with, and “he feared that he should do wrong in the sight of
God” (Mosiah 26:13). What did Alma do in this situation? (see Mosiah 26:13–14,
33–34, 38–39). What does Alma’s experience suggest about how you might
approach difficult problems in your family or your Church service?
It might also be interesting to list the truths that God revealed to Alma, found in
Mosiah 26:15–32. Notice that some of these truths were not in direct response to
Alma’s question. What does this suggest to you about prayer and receiving
personal revelation?

God hears our prayers and will answer them according to His will.

I can somewhat relate to Alma the Elder as all of my children have
strayed from the church. None of them are active in the church. I
don't think that they are actively trying to destroy the Lord’s church,
they have chosen not to participate. 
25 Compelling Meme Quotes about the Power of the Book of Mormon

Alma’s son Alma the Younger was seeking to destroy the church, he
was “rebelling against God” as we find in Mosiah 27:11
Mosiah 27:11 Book of Mormon
11 And as I said unto you, as they were going about rebelling against God,
behold, the angel of the Lord appeared unto them; and he descended as it
were in a cloud; and he spake as it were with a voice of thunder, which
caused the earth to shake upon which they stood;

Maybe you and your family members and friends might wasr to  discuss
how you and or they could use the account found in Mosiah 27:8–24 that
could  give hope to someone, you and or your family members and friends 
who may have a wayward family member. 
You do this with the understanding that we, none of us can demand a
miracle or override someone else’s agency. I know from personal
experience that this can be very frustrating. Especially when you see
them using their agency to make choices that you can see are not for
their best interest in the long run. 

25 Compelling Meme Quotes about the Power of the Book of Mormon
So, what can we appropriately pray for when a loved one goes astray?
Let's check out Alma 6:6 for answers.
Alma 6:6 Book of Mormon
6 Nevertheless the children of God were commanded that they should gather
themselves together oft, and join in fasting and mighty prayer in behalf of the
welfare of the souls of those who knew not God.

Ideas for Personal Scripture Study

All men and women must be born again.

It was obvious that Alma the Younger needed a spiritual rebirth, for he and the
sons of Mosiah were “the very vilest of sinners,” who went about “to destroy the
church of God” (Mosiah 28:4; 27:10). But soon after his conversion, Alma
testified that conversion is available—and essential—for everyone: “Marvel not,”
he said, “that all mankind … must be born again” (Mosiah 27:25; italics added).
That, of course, includes you.
As you read about Alma’s experience, found in Mosiah 27:8–37, you might try
putting yourself in his place. You aren’t trying to destroy the Church, but you can
surely think of things about yourself that need to change. Who, like Alma’s father,
is supporting you and praying for you “with much faith”? What experiences have
helped “convince [you] of the power and authority of God”? (Mosiah 27:14). What
“great things” has the Lord done for you or your family that you should “
remember”? (Mosiah 27:16). What do you learn from Alma the Younger’s words
and actions about what it means to be born again? Questions like these might help
you evaluate your progress in the process of being born again.14 Quotes by Dale G. Renlund; Unwavering Commitment to Jesus ...

See also Mosiah 5:6–9; Alma 36; “Conversion,” Gospel Topics,

All men and women must be born again.

Before my baptism I had often wondered just what it meant to be
born again. Different churches had differing opinions about it. If
you and/or any of your family members and friends have felt this
way here are a few questions that might help you and your family
members and friends to learn about being born again: What does it
mean to be spiritually reborn? The following is from the Bible
Dictionary, under “Conversion”. 


Denotes changing one’s views, in a conscious acceptance of the will of
God (Acts 3:19). If followed by continued faith in the Lord Jesus Christ,
repentance, baptism in water for the remission of sins, and the reception
of the Holy Ghost by the laying on of hands, conversion will become
complete and will change a natural man into a sanctified, born again,
purified person—a new creature in Christ Jesus (see 2 Cor. 5:17). Complete
conversion comes after many trials and much testing (see Luke 22:32; D&C
112:12–13). To labor for the conversion of one’s self and others is a noble
14 Quotes by Dale G. Renlund; Unwavering Commitment to Jesus ...

How do we strive to act toward others when we are spiritually reborn?
To help class members answer these questions, you could invite them
to search Mosiah 27:22–28:4 for signs that Alma and the sons of
Mosiah had been spiritually reborn.
As you have most likely learned that each of us has our own conversion
story. i know that i have mine:) it is just like  Alma said, “all mankind …
must be born again” that we find in Mosiah 27:25.  
Mosiah 27:25 Book of Mormon
25 And the Lord said unto me: Marvel not that all mankind, yea, men and
women, all nations, kindreds, tongues and people, must be born again;
yea, born of God, changed from their carnal and fallen state, to a state of
righteousness, being redeemed of God, becoming his sons and daughters;
It might be helpful for you and your family members and friends to 
Maybe a few share your conversion stories, share about how you were
converted to the gospel of Jesus Christ.  It may have been through
some powerful spiritual events in yours and/ or their lives or it may
have been simply through a gradual, and sometimes even an imperceptible
process that may be recognized only in and through hindsight. 
Conscientiously preparing for and worthily making these covenants ...
It could be very helpful for you and your family members and friends
to write down yours and/or their conversion stories. This should be
something that you review every now and again,  the reason for this
is because your conversion story r should be ongoing. With this in
mind you may want to write it down in a special journal where you can
add to it your ongoing experiences of conversion.

Besides Alma there have been others throughout the scriptures who
have used the metaphor of being born again to describe the mighty
change that the gospel of Jesus Christ brings into our lives. Elder
David A. Bednar compared this change to a cucumber becoming a
pickle in the following:

Conversion and pickles.

Elder David A. Bednar shared the following analogy comparing spiritual
rebirth to pickling cucumbers:
“A pickle is a cucumber that has been transformed according to a specific
recipe and series of steps. The first steps in the process of changing a
cucumber into a pickle are preparing and cleaning. …
Four Ways The Shame Culture Is Corrupting Mormon Culture
“The next steps in this process of change are immersing and saturating the
cucumbers in salt brine for an extended period of time. … Cucumbers can
only become pickles if they are totally and completely immersed in the brine
for the prescribed time period. The curing process gradually alters the
composition of the cucumber and produces the transparent appearance and
distinctive taste of a pickle. An occasional sprinkle of or dip in the brine
cannot produce the necessary transformation. Rather, steady, sustained, and
complete immersion is required for the desired change to occur.
“The final step in the process requires the sealing of the cured pickles in jars
that have been sterilized and purified. The pickles are packed in canning jars,
covered with boiling hot brine, and processed in a boiling-water-bath canner.
All impurities must be removed from both the pickles and the bottles so the
finished product can be protected and preserved. …
“Just as a cucumber must be prepared and cleaned before it can be changed
into a pickle, so you and I can be prepared with ‘the words of faith and of good doctrine’ (1 Timothy 4:6) and initially cleansed through the ordinances and covenants administered by the authority of the Aaronic Priesthood. …
25 Compelling Meme Quotes about the Power of the Book of Mormon
“Just as a cucumber is transformed into a pickle as it is immersed in and
saturated with salt brine, so you and I are born again as we are absorbed by
and in the gospel of Jesus Christ. … This phase of the transformation process
requires time, persistence, and patience. …
“The boiling-water-bath procedure enables the pickles to be both protected and
preserved over a long period of time. In a similar way, we progressively become
purified and sanctified as you and I are washed in the blood of the Lamb, are
born rsion?again, and receive the ordinances and honor the covenants that are
administered by the authority of the Melchizedek Priesthood” (“Ye Must Be
Born Again,” Ensign or Liahona, May 2007, 19–21).

You might want to consider a sort of object lesson here by bringing
in a pickle sand a vivimber to your lessin for your family members
and friends to see. You might ask them what these comparisons
teach them about conversion? You could also ask your family members
and friends why birth is a good analogy for what  happened to Alma
and the sons of Mosiah, as found in  Mosiah 27:23–28:7.
With Faith Come Trials Of Faith,... - President Russell M. Nelson ...

A lifelong process.

Elder D. Todd Christofferson taught: “Being born again, unlike our physical
birth, is more a process than an event. And engaging in that process is the
central purpose of mortality” (“Born Again,” Ensign or Liahona, May 2008, 78).

Ideas for Personal Scripture Study

God hears my prayers and will answer them according to His will.

Maybe you know a parent in Alma the Elder’s situation, whose son or daughter
is making destructive choices. Or maybe you are that parent. What do you find
in Mosiah 27:14, 19–24 that gives you hope? How might these verses influence
your prayers in behalf of others?

Ideas for Family Scripture Study and Family Home Evening

As you read the scriptures with your family, the Spirit can help you know what
principles to emphasize and discuss in order to meet the needs of your family.
Here are some ideas.
Sugardoodle.Net - Faith-Based Ideas

Mosiah 25:5–11

How did Mosiah’s people feel after he read to them the records of Zeniff’s people
and Alma’s people? Has your family kept any records you could read from? Maybe
you could add to your records or start keeping your own. What would you include that might help your family (including future generations) be “filled with
exceedingly great joy” and learn about “the immediate goodness of God”?

Mosiah 25:16

Why was it important for Limhi’s people to remember that the Lord had delivered
them out of captivity? What has the Lord done for us that we should remember?

Mosiah 26:29–31; 27:35

According to these verses, what must a person do to receive forgiveness?
Four Ways The Shame Culture Is Corrupting Mormon Culture

Mosiah 27:21–24

As you read these verses, consider someone your family could pray and fast for.

Mosiah 27–28

To help your family visualize the accounts in these chapters, you might invite
them to draw pictures of the people involved and use the pictures to retell the
story. Or they might enjoy acting out the story; how could they portray the
change that Alma and the sons of Mosiah experienced?
For more ideas for teaching children, see this week’s outline in Come, Follow
Me—For Primary.
Suggested song: “Help Me, Dear Father,” Children’s Songbook, 99.
The chapters for next week Mosiah 29–Alma 4, as you are reading
be watching for what the people of Nephi were given that helped
them?  What can we learn from their experiences as we try to
influence our communities for good?,
October 2019 General Conference Free Quote Printables - Teepee Girl
Well, here we are again at the end of this lesson and today’s post.
I pray that our study has been enlightening as well as uplifting for
each one of you. I found quite a few reminders in the lesson today,
oh, but we have so very much to learn don't we? 
I do hope that you are each one, keeping up with the ever changing
rules on the CDC website and looking under your states health
department for your area as to what you and your family members
and friends need to be doing to keep safe and protected from this nasty virus, the COVID 19.
Please do remember who you are!!! You are a child of God!1!! Please
keep your faith in Jesus Christ. Continue to say your prayers at least
morning and evening. Please continue to study the Book of Mormon
with me and our cyber study buddies out there in cyberspace. Until
my next post, please stay safe and healthy and make it a great week!3 Nephi 17:11,21-22 - Latter-day Saint Scripture of the Day

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