Thursday, May 7, 2020

Post # 206 -- Happy Mother’s Day

Dear Family and Friends today’s post i wanted to share some
quotes about and for all of the mothers out there in cyberspace:)

I hope and pray that all of you mothers out there in cyberspace
have a wonderful and happy mother’s day. Just so you all know
this wish includes any sister who loves and cares for children.
You do not need to bear children to be a mother or to have a
mother heart!

I hope that you have enjoyed the quotes that I have shared with
each of you today. Remember just who you are. You are a child
of God, a daughter of Heavenly Father who loves you more than
you know. Fully rely oh Him! Put your trust in Him!

Continue to talk to Him in prayer. Ask Him to help you carry your
burdens, it has been my experience that only He can make them
light enough to bear. Please continue studying the Book of Mormon
with me and all of oour cyber study buddies:) Until  my next post,
please make it a great week!!!

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