Tuesday, June 2, 2020

Post # 223 -- Walk With Christ -- Day # 1-- Join the Journey 
Also some Great Come, Follow Me -- Resources

Dear Family and Friends 

I have been thinking about just how important it is for each one of us to be studying our scriptures each day. I know that I have been sharing the
lessons from the Come, Follow Me for Individuals and Families with you. I wondered if you maybe wanted to take the journey with me to Walk with Christ.

Walk in the footsteps of Christ (With images) | Church quotes ...

This is something that i mentioned in my last post I think. When i thought about it a little bit more the thought came to me that you and your family members and friends might like to take this journey as well. I think that coming closer to
Christ will be beneficial to each one of us:)

Our Prophet President Russel M. Nelson has given each one of us the following promise about studying our scriptures, specifically the Book
of Mormon:

“My dear brothers and sisters, I promise that as you prayerfully 
study the Book of Mormon every day, you will make better 
decisions—every day. I promise that as you ponder what you 
study, the windows of heaven will open, and you will receive 
answers to your own questions and direction for your own life. 
I promise that as you daily immerse yourself in the Book of 
Mormon, you can be immunized against the evils of the day, 
even the gripping plague of pornography and other 
mind-numbing addictions” 

President Russell M. Nelson

Your Lifeguard Walks on Water | Walk on water, Lifeguard quotes ...

Since we are already studying the Book of Mormon this
promise applies to each one of us. I wanted to share
this promise with you as it gives me encouragement to
continue each day with my personal study of the Book
of Mormon and other scriptures as well. I thought
that you and your family members and friends will be
 encouraged as well:)

I believe that we need to be continually coming unto
Christ. Learning about Him is a very good way to do
this. That is why I want each of you to take this
journey with me -- let us walk with Christ together
each day for the next 10 days or ten weeks or 
however long it takes us to get through each day’s challenge and activities.

Pin on Inspirational Quotes

The following comes directly from the church
website to walk with Christ:

Get to Know Jesus Christ by Following 

in His Footsteps

You’re invited to take a joyful journey with the Walk 
With Christ email experience. Every few days, you’ll 
receive an email that details an event from the life of 
Jesus Christ, as well as a brief activity you can do to help 
live the principles Jesus taught. There are ten emails total. 
With each new day, you’ll get a chance to feel closer to 
Jesus Christ and have a better understanding of the joy 
and peace He can bring to your life.

LUKE 4:1-14
The Judean Desert
The Setting:
Welcome to the Walk with Christ email experience. Across 
these  ten emails, we’ll be taking a journey of reflection and 
celebration  as we retrieve Jesus’s footstep together. To 
begin His ministry, Jesus spent 40 days in a lonely stretch
of desert that reaches east of Jerusalem unto the banks of 
the Dead Sea. He spent His time immersed in fasting and 
prayer, as He reflected upon the great work He was about 
to perform on behalf of all humanity.

FREE Digital Download I Peace in Christ Scripture Art<br/>

The Invitation:
Over the next two days, you’re invited to set aside some 
time to be by yourself to prepare mentally and spiritually 
for what lies ahead. Even `15 minutes of thoughtful 
reflection can help bring peace and purpose to your heart.

The only place that I can find in my home for quiet is in
the bathroom. I’m afraid that it wasn't even for 15
minutes.  We have 2 bathrooms but we currently only
have one shower to use for 10 busy bodies. I think next
time i will try the car.  I know that it can be hard to find
even 15 minutes to be by yourself, especially when you

have children:)

Book of Mormon Jesus: Mormons Rejoice in Christ

The Judean Desert

Luke 4:1–14
Jesus was around 30 years old when He began His ministry 
among the people of Jerusalem. But before any preaching in 
front of crowds, calling His Apostles, or teaching parables, He 
first took some time to be by Himself in the Judean wilderness.
 He spent 40 days in the lonely stretch of desert that reached 
east of Jerusalem to the banks of the Dead Sea. For Jesus, 
this was a time of personal growth, reflection, and 
communication with His Father as He was embarking on the 
difficult journey to perform the redemptive work His Father had 
sent Him to do on behalf of all humanity, after which He 
"departed into Galilee" (Matthew 4:12).

The Invitation

Take Time to Refresh Through Reflection.
God can help you prepare for upcoming challenges and 
achieve your goals. Over the next two days you’re invited to 
set aside some time to be by yourself  and prepare yourself 
mentally and spiritually for an important incoming event in 
your life. You don't have to take 40 days; even 15 minutes of
 thoughtful reflection can help bring peace and purpose to 
your heart. 

Daily walk with Jesus Christ #LDSConf #saviorjesuschrist (With ...

Questions to Ponder
  1. How does Jesus Christ’s example teach us to prepare 
for challenges and or opportunities? 
  1. What upcoming events or goals  in your life do you need 
to prepare for?
  1. As you took time to reflect, what impressions came to you?

Scriptures About Overcoming Challenges
God Will Help You:  
“For I the Lord God will hold thy right hand, saying unto thee, 
Fear not, for I will help thee.” --- Isaiah 41:13

Trials Teach Patience: 
“And not only so, but we glory in tribulations also; knowing 
that tribulation worketh patience. And patience, experience; 
and experience, hope. And hope maketh not ashamed; 
because the love of God is shed abroad in our hearts by 
the Holy Ghost which is given unto us.”  ---- Romans 5:3-5

12 Misconceptions Mormons Want to Clear Up Right Now | Jesus ...

Trust in God:
“Trust in the Lord with all thine heart, and lean not unto thine 
own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him and he 
shall direct thy paths.” --- Proverbs 3:5-6

An Invitation to Come Unto Christ
Each one of us have come from different circumstances, but 
each of us have also been invited to come closer to Jesus 
Christ and to learn more of HIs teachings. 

Below are three videos for you and your family members
and friends to watch together.
An Invitation to Come Unto Christ

Understanding the Atonement of Christ - LDS.net (With images ...

Because of Him
Having Courage And Trusting the Lord

Maps and Depictions

This is the map as found in Googls Maps of the Judean
Desert and the areas around it where Jesus Christ walked:

Free General Conference Quote Art Printables – October 2018

Luke 4:1–14
1 And Jesus being full of the Holy Ghost returned from Jordan, and 
was led by the Spirit into the wilderness,
2 Being forty days tempted of the devil. And in those days he did eat 
nothing: and when they were ended, he afterward hungered.
3 And the devil said unto him, If thou be the Son of God, command 
this stone that it be made bread.
4 And Jesus answered him, saying, It is written, That man shall not
 live by bread alone, but by every word of God.
5 And the devil, taking him up into an high mountain, shewed unto 
him all the kingdoms of the world in a moment of time.
6 And the devil said unto him, All this power will I give thee, and the
 glory of them: for that is delivered unto me; and to whomsoever I 
will I give it.
7 If thou therefore wilt worship me, all shall be thine.
8 And Jesus answered and said unto him, Get thee behind me,
Satan: for it is written, Thou shalt worship the Lord thy God, and him
 only shalt thou serve.
9 And he brought him to Jerusalem, and set him on a pinnacle of the
 temple, and said unto him, If thou be the Son of God, cast thyself 
down from hence:

Discipleship—Picture Quotes

10 For it is written, He shall give his angels charge over thee, to 
keep thee:
11 And in their hands they shall bear thee up, lest at any time thou 
dash thy foot against a stone.
12 And Jesus answering said unto him, It is said, Thou shalt not 
tempt the Lord thy God.
13 And when the devil had ended all the temptation, he departed 
from him for a season.
14 And Jesus returned in the power of the Spirit into Galilee: and 
there went out a fame of him through all region round about.

Well, that completes Day 1 --- Walk With Christ. What
do you think? I kind of thought that you might enjoy it
as well:) Now let’s move on to another subject that i
have been thinking about lately.  It may also
 have been on some of your minds too, a way to put what
we learned in our lesson all together into a family home
evening lesson, so...

 I have been looking for resources for Family Home
Evenings that may supplement our Come, Follow Me --
Book of Mormon lessons that I have been sharing with
you. I was actually trying to find some help for the
Come. Follow Me lessons  for family home evenings that I could share with my grandchildren.

10 Joyful Quotes from Elder Dieter F. Uchtdorf | LDS Daily

 When  I found these family home evening lessons I
knew that they would work great from my
grandchildren who live a couple hours from me. I can
very easily send them the link or even copy the 
lessons and send them down to them in the mail. In
doing this they would actually have the lessons in
their hands ready to use:)

I wanted to share them with you. This first resource
is from the living scriptures. You can print out the
lessons and there is a video available as well You can
give hem your email and then you will receive an email
from them with a lesson that you can use for either
as a preview for the upcoming lesson or as a review
of the past lesson. 

Russell M. Nelson quote from Worldwide Devotional for Young Adults ...

This quote is directly from the lds living website: These
lessons are perfect for: Family Home Evening at the beginning of the
week, to recap the following Sunday or to enhance your family scripture 

I thought you might enjoy these two quotes from
Boyd.K. Packer and Joy B. Jones. Below you will find
additional resources for you.  
If  you wish to go deeper into any of the lessons that
I am sharing with you.

34 Inspiring Quotes from 17 General Relief Society Presidents ...

Additional Resources

These resources can be found in the Gospel Library

Come, Follow Me —For Individuals

and Families

You can adapt any activities from this resource for use in your 
Sunday School class. If class members have used these activities
in their personal or family scripture study, encourage them to 
share their experiences and insights.

Church Magazines

The New Era, Ensign, and Liahona magazines provide articles 
and other features that can supplement the principles that you 
are teaching from Come, Follow Me—For Sunday School.
The [Savior's] Atonement leaves no tracks, no traces. What it ...

Hymns and Children’s Songbook

Sacred music invites the Spirit and teaches doctrine in a 
memorable way. In addition to the print versions of 
Hymns and Children’s Songbook, you can find recordings
 of many hymns and children’s songs at 
music.ChurchofJesusChrist.org and in the Sacred Music 
and media library apps.

Media Library

Artwork, videos, and other media can help those you teach 
visualize the doctrine and stories found in the Book of 
 browse the Church’s collection of media resources, 
including the Book of Mormon Videos collection, which 
depicts events in the Book of Mormon. The media library
 is also available as a mobile app.

We Must Cherish One Another" Free Printable Download (With images ...

Gospel Art

Artwork can help those you teach visualize the doctrine and
 stories found in the Book of Mormon. Many images that you
 can use in class are found in the Gospel Art Book, at medialibrary.ChurchofJesusChrist.org, and in the media 
library app.

Seminary and Institute Manuals

Seminary and institute manuals provide historical 
background and doctrinal commentary for principles found 
in the scriptures. They may also inspire teaching ideas for 
Sunday School classes.

Gospel Topics

At topics.ChurchofJesusChrist.org you can find basic information 
about a variety of gospel topics, along with links to helpful 
resources such as related general conference messages, articles,
scriptures, and videos. You can also find Gospel Topics Essays
which offer in-depth answers to doctrinal and historical questions.

Personal revelation is a powerful, persuasive antidote to ...

True to the Faith

This resource provides simple explanations of gospel topics, 
listed in alphabetical order.

Preach My Gospel

This guide for missionaries provides an overview of the basic 
principles of the gospel.

For the Strength of Youth

This resource outlines Church standards that can help us remain 
worthy of the Lord’s blessings. Consider referring to it often,
 especially if you are teaching youth.

Teaching in the Savior’s Way

This resource can help you learn about and apply principles
of Christlike teaching. These principles are discussed and 
practiced in teacher council meetings.

General Conference April 2019 Quotes-Free Printables - Ministering ...

The following site has a list of links for each lesson
that you can go to for help with each lesson here”
As you study the Come, Follow Me curriculum for 2020, you may
 appreciate the resources available on this page. Below you will 
find each lesson in the course of study, along with the scriptures 
covered in those lessons. (If you click the scripture references,
 you will find they are links to the 
ChurchofJesusChrist.org scriptures.) If you click on the down
 arrow on the lesson line, you will see links to the official lesson 
materials and links to articles, videos, KnoWhys, podcasts, maps,
 timelines and charts related to the topics of the lesson on the 
Church, Interpreter Foundation, Interpreter: a Journal of 
Latter-day Saint Faith and Scholarship and other related 
websites. We will be updating this page with links to all of our 
new materials specifically tailored to the new course of study.

At lds living you can go to the following link here:
Or go directly to the lesson helps here: https://www.ldsliving.

The Love Of Christ Lds Quotes. QuotesGram

They have some pretty neat object lessons her and
much more for you to check out here:

1. For a list of over 100 wonderful online Come, Follow Me 
resources, click the link below:

week right here on Melanie’s Library. They are perfect for 
families with teenagers, singles, empty nesters, or for your
own personal study. Along with the Come, Follow Me Daily 
Study Guides you can receive a weekly FHE outline 
delivered right to your inbox. Simply, sign up below.

Free Christian Testimony Cliparts, Download Free Clip Art, Free ...

This next site is focused on lessons for the young

Here at Third Hour we want to give you as many resources and 
as much content as we can to help you find your 
gospel-learning groove. We have resources that dive into the
 Book of Mormon topics we’re studying this year, quizzes, 
inspirational memes, charts, coloring pages, and all sorts of 
stuff you’ll want to check out. The best part is, it’s totally 
FREE. Check it out and good luck with your home-centered

Well dear folks, that about wraps it up for today’s post.
I hope that i have shared something with you that has
been at least somewhat beneficial and uplifting for
each one of you and your family members and friends.
I pray that all is well with you and all those you love,
that you are all healthy and doing well:)

12 Scriptures Worth Your Time to Memorize in 2017 {Printables}

Please remember that it is ultimately our Heavenly Father and His Son Jesus Christ who are in control of
the world. Try not to worry too much about this
pandemic that we are in the middle of right now.
Please come unto Christ, He is the true source of
peace and joy. He and His Father know us and love us

It is only through Jesus Christ and His Atonement that
we can be strengthened when we have none left. It is
through the Atonement of Jesus Christ that we can
receive enabling power that we need to get through
our trials.  The Atonement of Jesus Christ is necessary
for our eternal salvation!~

5230bb82fd9e4a76ae8b5c2030017426.jpg 639×624 pixels (With images ...

Remember that you are a child of God. He knows you
individually and personally. He blesses each one of us
and He will provide for our needs. He is there for you
and for me, He is only a prayer away. You cam speak to
Him any time, any where, and for any reason. Sometimes
I just thank Him for all my blessings!!!!

I know just how hard it can be to reach out to the Lord
after you have once gone down a wrongly chosen path.
How hard it is to break away from thee addiction that
has become your boss. You have to have it you can not
get through a single day with out it.` i have been where
you are. You can make the necessary changes in your life:) …

 10 Joyful Quotes from Elder Dieter F. Uchtdorf | LDS Daily
But you cant do it alone. You need the saving grace and 
forgiveness that only your Savior can give to you through
His Atonement. Please get to know Your Savior and mine
through this email program Walk With Christ. He will be
your strength when you have none. He will lift you from
where you are up to Him! Put your trust in Him!

If you are not depressed or filled with some other
ailment that is afflicting you at this time, then maybe
you can be there to help lift another of your family
members and/ or friends:) The Lord has put us where
we are so that we can help one another. It is my prayer
that we can each d better at looking out for and helping
one another.

Let our hearts and hands be stretched out in compassion toward ...

Remember each of us are His hands and we can work miracles with His help. Let us look around us and pray to
know who we can serve today:) If you are at the bottom
of the well, so to speak, look up, reach up and pray to ask
the Lord to help lift you up out of your pit and up onto
safe ground:) Until my next post, please be safe:)

Love that last line. | Gospel quotes

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