Sunday, June 7, 2020

Post # 225 -- Part 6 -- Counsel from members of the

Twelve Apostles -- Being single amid COVID-19:

Elder Christofferson asks members to ‘consider

what it means to belong’

Dear Family and Friends

Have you been listening to or watching the news about
the protests that are going on around us? This is surely
unsettling news at the least. Our Savior said that we should
love one another as He has loved us. I am afraid that this is
not exactly what He had in mind. 
10 Joyful Quotes from Elder Dieter F. Uchtdorf | LDS Daily

What about the command for us to control our passions. I
think this would apply to our anger and aggression as well.

I believe that it is anger that is causing these people to
respond to the protests in a negative way, which in turn 
has caused agitation and even death.  I am quite certain
that our Savior would have us making better choices and
wanting us to resolve those things in a more peaceful way.
We all belong to the family of God, should we 
not treat each other better?

In this post I am sharing the sixth part from the Counsel
from the members of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles.
Today’s counsel comes to us from Elder Christofferson
who asks the members of the Church of Latter-day Saints
what it means to belong?
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I think this is  a question that can
be asked of all of us members of the Church 
or not. What does it mean to you to belong?

To belong to a family, a community, a church, a group,
a team, a partnership, what does it mean to each one of you
to belong to one or more of these groups? In our family to
belong is to love and care for one another, to help all
those who need help and to include everyone in all of
our activities and events. 

To be there for one another no matter what. To forgive
one another for wrongdoings. You know that we can become
family even though we are not born into that family. What 
then is a family, you ask? How can we become a family that 
we are not born into?
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints on | Church quotes ...

We become a family when we love one another above
ourselves. When we put others' needs above our own.
So you do not necessarily need to be born into a family
to become a beloved family member. That’s the way we
have always felt in our home and were able to welcome
all of our foster children into our family. 

As well as all of the single men working with my husband
who did not have a family for the holidays or for
the weekend. We just move over and make room.

In doing this our family just keeps growing and growing,
we may loose touch over the years but they are never
forgotten for the good memories that we have 
made while they were with us.

We must choose with our agency to obey in faith that the promised ...

 Updated: 6 MAY 2020 -- 11:56 AM MDT
    Editor’s note: This is part six in a series of counsel from members
    of the Quorum the Twelve Apostles during the COVID-19 outbreak.

The COVID-19 pandemic has created “a great season of 
opportunity” for members of The Church of Jesus Christ of 
Latter-day Saints to “contemplate belonging,” said 

Now is a time that requires “a constant consciousness of the 
well-being of those around you,” said the member of the 
Quorum of the Twelve Apostles.

This especially includes those who are single or who don’t have 
traditional family networks to sustain them in this period of 
illness and death, stifled economies, and oft-altered daily routines.

26 Quotes by Gerrit W. Gong; “Covenant Belonging” | Spiritual Crusade

Speaking to the Church News via video-conferencing weeks 
after the First Presidency suspended meetings, closed temples
countries in response to the COVID-19 pandemic,

Elder Christofferson reflected on those dealing with present 

challenges alone.

“There is a lot we can do for each other,” he said.\\
As the human race deals with social distancing, travel 
restrictions and uncertain access to the necessities of life and 
financial security, individuals and families worldwide share 
similar concerns for their safety and well-being, he said. “We 
all wonder, ‘Am I going to have what I need? … Am I going to
 have access to medical care, if I need it?”

And single adults face additional challenges, he said.
In a Church context, they may have less access to priesthood 
blessings and less access to ordinances, particularly the 
sacrament. And they have “a greater challenge in dealing with 
isolation,” he added.
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“In all of this, we have to be more sensitive to the isolation and 
other challenges that single adults face, more than most of us 
do — especially single parents, who are carrying such a huge

load. It is incumbent on us to give some added attention to 

creating a sense of inclusion, to be thoughtful about the help 
that they might need.” 

I have tried to meet the needs of my families in my class
even though many of their children are no longer coming
to class because of the COVID 19.

I have reached our to those who respond back as well as 
those who don't, just checking in on you and your family.
i wonder,  if there is anything that you need? 
Printable LDS General Conference Quotes: October 2016 - My ...

I am not always sure how they feel about me checking
on them, but it makes me feel better to check.
Who knows maybe there will come 
a time when they do need something that I can provide:) 


The organization of the Lord’s Church has provided Relief 
Societies and priesthood quorums to look out and care for one 
another — in good and hard times, said Elder Christofferson.
“Consider what it means to belong, what it feels like. There is a 
lot we can do for one another if we have a sense of belonging 
and brotherhood and sisterhood.”

You know I truly love this aspect about our Church.
We are all truly brothers and sisters.
They have become my Ward family and I live 
each of them just as I do my own family at home.
We look out for one another’s needs. 
Lds General Conference Quotes Tree. QuotesGram

As  we are prompted by the Holy Spirit, we can 
accomplish great things. As you may know many hands
make light of the world that needs to be done.
I am sure that you have seen this 
as it has happened since this pandemic began.

Challenging times like these create specific opportunities when 
Relief Society and priesthood quorums “can come into their own
 and provide what they are uniquely organized to do.”

In spite of social distancing, quorums and Relief Societies should 
look for “creative interactions” to help their members — including 
single members — feel this sense of belonging.

I am in a unique position as I am the coordinator
for the missionary meal calendar of our ward.
I try to make sure that our missionaries 
that are serving in our area are well fed while
they are here. Personally, I try to fill in as their
mother’s would if they were here.
Printable LDS General Conference Quotes: October 2016 - My ...
As a mother I know that it would make me feel better
knowing that my child who is serving the Lord far
from home in most cases, is being fed  and
watched out for by the members of the ward where
they are serving. I am not the greatest at this
because I do get busy and I do forget,

Though I do try hard to make sure that the
missionaries have a good hot meal as often as I can
manage it for them:) These young people give
 up to two years of their lives to serve the Lord and work
hard to share the gospel with all those they meet.
The least I can do is to feed them or
 make sure that someone else takes the
opportunity to feed them:)
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Personal revelation can guide these interactions, he added.
Quoting President Russell M. Nelson’s Sunday morning 
general conference address, Elder Christofferson said efforts 
need to be “ever more intentional.”

“President Nelson said, ‘I renew my plea for you to do whatever 
it takes to increase your spiritual capacity to receive personal 
revelation.’ That is powerful.”

When the Lord describes the law of consecration, He talks 
about “every man seeking the interest of his neighbor” 
(Doctrine and Covenants 82:19), Elder Christofferson said. 

“That’s the underlying philosophy, or sense that there needs to 
be in a quorum or in a Relief Society and a family.”
That “constant consciousness of another’s welfare” represents
 a “coming to Zion or establishing Zion.”
Pin by Beaus and Belles on I Belong to the Church of Jesus Christ ...

This is countercultural in today’s world, where there is a natural 
tendency to look inward and question, “What about me? What 
do I need? How am I going to be happy?” said 
Elder Christofferson.

Turning outward to others is the concept behind ministering, 
“that it is higher and holier than simply fulfilling an assignment 
or checking off a visit box.”

He called for Latter-day Saints to “reorient ourselves a little 
more toward one another and the well-being of one another.”

While leaders can provide some opportunities for that, it also 
has to “be something that surfaces within us, without 
assignment,” he added.
Printable LDS General Conference Quotes: October 2016 - My ...

“It is a natural way of living and thinking. It is a matter of 
growing in our awareness of each other.”

Challenges of solitude

Elder Christofferson said forced solitude can lead to loneliness 
and can have negative physical and mental health 

The apostle suggests the following advice for single adults 
wondering how to deal with the challenges of solitude:
Serve: Looking outside of oneself can lessen isolation, he said. 
Look at community opportunities, some of which can be found 
on the Church-sponsored website “Find a way 
to contribute. Look for a chance to help, to be kind.”

There are things that can be done online, or there are ways to 
safely don a mask, gloves and other protective gear and offer
 community service, he explained. Many in the Utah community,
 for example, are participating in Project Protect and sewing 
masks for local frontline medical care providers.
Key quotes from the October 2019 Latter-day Saint general ...

Work: “If you have the opportunity to work from home, do it.” If 
work is not an option now, “plan for ways to further your career.” 
Perhaps take online courses.

“Once things open up again you will be grateful you took the time,
 while you had the time, to look at career options and career 
growth. Just because things are on hold for the moment doesn’t 
mean we can’t prepare for what could be in the future.”

Interact. Call someone, he said. Find ways “to interact as human
 beings, as brothers and sisters.”
“Just call to talk. You don’t need a particular message or request, 
just converse,” he said.
                  Now is a time that requires “a constant consciousness of 
                  the well-being of those around you.”
Fulfill the assignment to serve as a ministering brother or sister. 
Organize a study group online or find one in which to participate. 
Be creative. “Find things that are uplifting and things that are fun.”

Key quotes from the October 2019 Latter-day Saint general ...
Look for missionary and family history opportunities: In current 
circumstances, some may be a little more open to thinking about 
religion than in the past, he said. Share the gospel with them. 

Help the full-time missionaries find those they can teach. Take 

advantage of extra time to learn about family history and teach 
others to do the same.

Read: “I suppose everyone has a list of books they want to read 
and have not been able to get to,” he said, noting that he enjoys 
biographies. Look for things that are ennobling and feed your soul.
 “Some entertainment as seasoning is also very good.”

Exercise: “This is something I would recommend to anyone, but 
especially someone who is isolated. Go on a walk, inside or 

21 of Our Favorite Quotes from President Nelson | LDS Living
Develop spiritually: This is a key time for personal spiritual 
development, to “feast on the words of Christ,” said Elder 

“We have a little more quiet time,” he said. “This is the time to 
learn to ‘hear Him.’”

The prophet has asked Latter-day Saints to develop increased 
capacity to recognize and receive personal revelation.

“It takes discipline — and intentionality. Take personal 
responsibility for that. As Brigham Young said, we can be ‘as 
clay in the hands of the potter.’”

Hold on: For those who are waiting to receive the sacrament, 
attend the temple or gather often with others, Elder 
Christofferson promised the current situations will change. “We 
won’t be without these things forever,” he said.
21 of Our Favorite Quotes from President Nelson | LDS Living

‘None of us are forgotten’

During the 1918 global influenza epidemic, George Goates was 
a farmer who raised sugar beets in Lehi, Utah, said Elder 
Christofferson. As George began a slow and difficult harvest, the
 flu claimed four members of his family in the course of six days. 

At the end of the terrible interlude of building caskets, he headed
 back to the beet field — past his neighbor’s fields that had 
already been harvested.

On the way to his fields, he watched wagon-load after 
wagon-load of beets being hauled to the factory, driven by 
neighborhooding farmers. It wasn’t until George arrived at his 
fields, seeing them now harvested, that he learned the beets 
were his.
21 of Our Favorite Quotes from President Nelson | LDS Living

As he wept, “he looked up to heaven and said, ‘Thank you, 
Father, for the elders of our ward.’”

Every member of the Lord’s Church ought to feel like there 
are a lot of people supportive and mindful of him or her even 
in unanticipated matters, said Elder Christofferson. 

Sometimes single Latter-day Saints feel that “nobody has 
their back.”
But for the Lord, “none of us are forgotten,” he added.
President M. Russell Ballard, acting president of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, and Elder D. Todd Christofferson, of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles, wave to attendees after a devotional in Worcester, Massachusetts, on Sunday, Oct. 20, 2019.President M. Russell Ballard, acting president of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, and Elder D. Todd Christofferson, of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles, wave to attendees after a devotional in Worcester, Massachusetts, on Sunday, Oct. 20, 2019. Credit: Jeffrey D. Allred, Deseret News
“Nobody can say, ‘The Lord is not looking for me.’ … No one
 can say that.”

Elder Christofferson recalled a time in his life when an ongoing 
challenge over an extended period turned his focus to the Lord.
The current pandemic — or any hardship — can “turn us more 
to Him,” the apostle said.
21 of Our Favorite Quotes from President Nelson | LDS Living

In return, the Lord has promised His children peace. “You don’t 
know how it’s going to work out or what is going to happen or 
how you are going to do it, but it will. And you can be at peace.”

Alma, in speaking to his son Helaman, said: “I do know that 
whosoever shall put their trust in God shall be supported in their 
trials and their troubles and their afflictions and shall be lifted up
 at the last day” (Alma 36:3).

Elder Christofferson said those promises also apply “to the here
 and now.”
That is also his message. “God will support you if you will turn 
to Him. No one is excluded from this promise.”

That will sustain Latter-day Saints in this great season of 
opportunity as they are conscious of others and produce a 
harvest of souls, including their own. Ministering alongside the 
Savior — and in His way — “will help bring all, including the
 lonely, safely in.”
21 of Our Favorite Quotes from President Nelson | LDS Living

So, in review, what counsel have we gained from
Elder Christofferson today? You may have found more,
but the following may be a good beginning for
a discussion with your family and friends;

At the very beginning of his counsel Elder
Christofferson reminded each of us that this
COVID 19 pandemic has in fact created an 
opening for great opportunities for each one of us.
He said specifically for the members of
The Church of Jesus Christ of 
Latter-day Saints to consider belonging.

 I believe all of us, members of the Church or not,
have an opportunity for us to think about belonging.
Printable LDS General Conference Quotes: October 2016 - My ...
Where we belong and to be aware of others who may
feel as though they do not have a place to belong. 
We should make them feel welcome and that they
have someone out there who is concerned about them.  

Elder Christofferson also reminded us that the time
is now for us to keep ‘a constant consciousness of the
well-being of those around us. 

I  believe that this is not only for members of
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
I believe that all of us world wide, should be looking
out for one another, just as the Savior would do if
He were here! Remember that we are His hands
here upon this earth.

Elder Christofferson said this especially includes
those who are single or those who do not have the
traditional family networks to sustain them during this
time of illness and death of those around us, the stifled
 economies, and the altering of our daily routines. 
belonging Archives - Latter-day Saint Scripture of the Day

These things individually can be very disruptive to one
who is alone. If they are experiencing multiple things
during this time it can be very overwhelming for them.
I believe it is very important that we seek out those
around us that are single in one way or another and
check in on them from time to time.

I called or text you  just to say hi and how are you
doing, or do you need anything from town, i am going
there anyway. I would be happy to pick things up for
you while I am there. I have had the opportunity 
to help a few people in this way and I'm very happy
that I was able to do so.

Elder Christofferson said that there are challenged
during periods of forced solitude and he saith that this
can ‘lead to loneliness and can have negative physical
and mental health consequences. I would add to this
spiritual health consequences as well. He offers the
following advice to single adults. 

true happiness" free LDS quote printable - It's Always Autumn

I believe that this advice can be offered to each one
of us whether we are single or not. We can still do
these things during this time and even continue to
do these things after this COVID 19 pandemic passes. 
I think these are good things to adopt if we weren't
already doing them prior to the pandemic.

Okay, here is the counsel that Elder Christofferson has
given for the single members of The church of Jesus Christ
of Latter-day Saints. I want you and your family members
and friends to check out this counsel and see if you
can not apply it into your own lives. 

I believe this is what the Lord would have each one of
us to do. If you are already doing these things -- good
for you!!! The first thing that Elder Christofferson
suggests for us t6o do is to look outside ourselves and
to serve someone else.

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Now, don’t you believe that this
 is something that we can all do as well as the single
members of 
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints?

The second thing that Elder Christofferson suggests

for us to do is to work. If we can work from home this
is great. If we are still working at our jobs

this too is great. And i love this suggestion that if
working from home is not an option at this time,
then it could be a good time to
 take some classes online. 

These could be classes to further your career or
I think classes that are just for fun. If you search,
you may be able to find some free classes out 
there that might spike your interest.
Why Obedience Sets You Free |

The third thing
that Elder Christofferson suggests is for us to
interact with others. He says for u to find ways
“to interact a human beings, as brothers and sisters,"

Elder Christofferson gives us further counsel when
he says that now is the time that requires “a constant
consciousness of the well being of those around you.''

I believe that we can all do this as well. So here
 is his counsel for each one of us as follows:
Look for missionary and family history opportunities:
missionary opportunities you can each pray for and
family history opportunities you can check out family search

Printable LDS General Conference Quotes: October 2016 - My ...
if you do not have your own family
 tree established or if you want to add more members to
your family tree. Another thing you can do is to do
some indexing and help others to find their ancestors.

Read: He says to ‘Look for things that are ennobling
and feed your soul.’
Exercise: this is something that we can all do. Walking 
inside or outside if you can do nothing else, would be good.

Develop spiritually: i believe that this is one of the most
important, if not the most important thing that we can do
during this time of uncertainty as well as every other
day of our lives. Elder Chridtofferon says that “This 
Is a key time for personal spiritual development, to
‘“feast on the words of Christ.’” 

26 Quotes by Gerrit W. Gong; “Covenant Belonging” | Spiritual Crusade

He also reminded us of what the prophet has asked that 
“Latter-day Saints to develop increased capacity to
recognize and receive personal revelation.” he said that
“it takes discipline-- and intentionally.

Take personal responsibility for that.”this 
last piece of counsel from Elder Chjriostofferson is 
for each one of us to,,, 
Hold on: For those who are waiting to receive
the sacrament, attend the temple or gather
often with others, Elder Christofferson promised
the current situation will change. 
“We won’t be without these things forever,” 

Pin by Kaitlin Slade on Word in 2020 | General conference quotes ...
I pray that this counsel is something that you will
find useful as you apply it into your daily life whether you
are a member of the Church of Jesus Christ or not.

These are things that we can all do
 if we put our minds to it. Put ourselves out there and
help one another through this pandemic. We are all in
this together and we will make it through together, 

Well I guess that you know where we are right now,
right? Yes, we are at the end of our counsel from
Elder Christofferson. I pray that I have shared 
something here today that has been uplifting as
well as beneficial to each one of
you in some small way.
LDS General Conference Printables in 2020 (With images) | Church ...

I pray that you and your family can make use of 
the counsel given from Elder Christofferson
in your daily lives.
Remember who you are!!! You belong to the family
of God. you are His child. He loves you always.

No matter what you have done that love never
lessens or diminishes at all, it is always there for
each one of us.

Knowing that God loves you always
and that you are a part of His family, how does
this make you feel? You do belong!!!
Printable LDS General Conference Quotes: October 2016 - My ...
Please continue to pray every day at least
morning and night. Your Heavenly Father is
only a prayer away.
Count on Him!!! Rely on Him!!! If you do
not feel like you belong anywhere else,
remember that
you belong here in this family!!! 

Remember to continue to study the Book of Mormon
with me and all of our cyber study buddies

out there in cyberspace.
Daily Quote: We Belong to the Family of God | Latter–day Saints ...

If there has been anything in our study of the
Book of Mormon that you do not understand, please
feel free to contact one of our missionaries
they will be able to answer any of your questions. 
Remember who you are and what the Lord wants
you to become. You are His child and He loves you.
He knows you and He knows your needs.

He is with you.
Your Savior is with you, if you come 
unto Him, He can heal your ills, your wounds,
He will help you with all of your problems. 
President Henry B. Eyring | |

Please continue to study the Book of Mormon with me
and all of our cyber study buddies out there is cyberspace:)
please continue to pray every day.

Your Heavenly Father
hears and answers your prayers, in His own time and in
His own way. Until my next post please, please do
your best to stay safe and stay

close to the Lord..
Key quotes from the October 2019 Latter-day Saint general ...

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