Post # 235 -- Come, Follow Me -- Week # 26
They “Never Did Fall Away”
Dear Family and Friends
This week seems to have slipped by me rather quickly. I only
realized the day last night when my son-in-law told me that on
his way home he had a flat tire on my car. Now I will need to put
a set of new tires on my car. Urrgh!!
I was not prepared to spend that kind of money right now. My
Son went out to fix it this morning and found that there was no
way of fixing the tire that went flat. So I will definitely need
to put a new set of tires on my car.
Here it is Thursday and I am barely getting back to our lesson
which I started on this Saturday past. The following comes to
you directly from our Come, Follow Me for Individuals and
Families manual:
family? What can you share in your Church classes?
Do you sometimes wonder whether people can really change? Maybe you
worry about whether you can overcome poor choices you’ve made or bad
habits you’ve developed, or you may have similar worries about loved ones.
If so, the story of the Anti-Nephi-Lehies can help you. These people were
the sworn enemies of the Nephites. When Ammon and his brethren
decided to preach the gospel to them, the Nephites
“laughed [them] to scorn.” Killing the Lamanites seemed like a more
But the Lamanites did change—through the converting power of the Lord.
Where once they were known as “a hardened and a ferocious people”
Maybe you have false traditions to abandon or “weapons of … rebellion”
zealous in your testimony and a little less prone to falling away. No
through the atoning power of Jesus Christ, long-lasting change is possible.
It is always best for us to remember that it is so much easier
to teach your family members and friends the truths found
in each chapter that we study if you have had some meaningful experiences with the truths yourself. So as you are reading
this in mind.
If your family members and friends are old enough to write on
your poster board, you might consider having them write out
some verses from this week’s reading that stood out to them.
Or you could share something from this week's reading that
has inspired you in some way or other, or share verses that
stood out to you.
You coil;d then discuss any truths they learned from the verses
that they write down on the poster board. If your family
members and friends are not to this level yet you might want
to check out the Primary lesson pages at the bottom of the
page. They have some really good ideas there for the
children, especially for the younger ones.
And of course if you have teenagers the place for you to look in
on the youth pages for ideas on how to present this lesson.
Our conversion to Jesus Christ and His gospel
changes our lives.
As you know, each one of us is working hard to deepen our
conversion to the Gospel of Jesus Christ and the teachings of
His Church here on this earth. We work hard at this and His
disciples. Possibly this story that is in our assigned chapters
to read and study might be helpful for you and your
family members .
Reading the story of the Anti--Nephi -Lehies could encourage
you and your family members and friends in their efforts to
deepen their conversion to the teachings of the Church of
Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. One good way to begin your conversation might be to get out your poster board or
chalkboard or whatever you are using.
Have you got your poster board out yet? Alright then, we
are ready to begin. You may want to write the following
questions on your poster board. B sure you leave room for
your answers or responses from your family members and
friends. What does it mean to be converted? or What kinds
of changes occur in people’s lives when they are converted?
You and your family members and friends can look for answers
to these questions in the following scripture passages:
You and / or your family members aqbd friends might possibly
be able to share wom insights from other verses which they
Your family members qnd friends could also find some helpful
answers to these questions in following message bt Elder
Ensign or Liahona, Nov. 2012, 106–9.
Converted unto the Lord.
Elder David A. Bednar taught:
“The essence of the gospel of Jesus Christ entails a fundamental and
permanent change in our very nature made possible through the Savior’s
Atonement. True conversion brings a change in one’s beliefs, heart, and
and includes a conscious commitment to become a disciple of Christ.”
“Two major elements are described in these verses: (1) the knowledge of
the truth, which may be interpreted as a testimony, and (2) converted unto
the Lord, which I understand to be conversion to the Savior and His gospel.
Thus, the powerful combination of both testimony and conversion unto the
Lord produced firmness and steadfastness and provided spiritual protection.
“They never did fall away and surrendered ‘the weapons of their rebellion,
that they did not fight against God any more.’ To set aside cherished ‘
weapons of rebellion’ such as selfishness, pride, and disobedience requires
more than merely believing and knowing. Conviction, humility, repentance,
and submissiveness precede the abandonment of our weapons of rebellion.
Do you and I still possess weapons of rebellion that keep us from becoming
converted unto the Lord? If so, then we need to repent now.
“Note that the Lamanites were not converted to the missionaries who taught
them or to the excellent programs of the Church. They were not converted to
the personalities of their leaders or to preserving a cultural heritage or the
traditions of their fathers. They were converted unto the Lord—to Him as
the Savior and to His divinity and doctrine—and they never did fall away”
Here are a couple of questions for you and your family
members and friends to finish up this section; What changes
did the Anti-Nephi-Lehies make as a result of their
conversion? How does their example inspire us to deepen our
conversion to Jesus Christ and His gospel?
And still more questions! What are some ways that you might
inspire your family members and friends to abandon any of
the false traditions and bury their weapons of rebellion, just
as the Anti-Nephi-Lrhies did in Alma’s time?
a review with your family members and friends. Then ask the
following questions:. What are some good traditions that the
gospel helps us develop? What might the Lamanites’ “weapons
of … rebellion” represent in our day? How can we “bury them
To complete this section you could have your family members
and friends think about what false traditions or weapons of
war that they need to leave behind. Are there false traditions
in your family that you need to leave behind? You must leave
\these things behind so that you will be able to live the Gospel
of Jesus Christ more completely.
The following section come to you directly from the
Come, Follow Me for Individuals and Families manual:
Ideas for Personal Scripture Study
When God’s children accept the gospel, great
blessings follow.
When the king of the Lamanites declared that the word of God should
these blessings. How can you ensure that the word of God has
“no obstruction” in your life or in your family?
When God’s children accept the gospel, great
blessings follow.
When the king of the Lamanites declared that the word of God should
blessings. How can you ensure that the word of God has “no obstruction”
in your life or in your family?
Through the Atonement of Jesus Christ, we can
be forgiven when we repent.
write on your poster board something that you and / or your
family members and friends have learned from this passage
about repentance. You should do this only if you are prompted
to have a discussion about repentance with your family
study group.
This account of the Anti- Nephi - Lehies as found in Alma
chapter 24 is definitely a very inspiring example you can use
for a great discussion about repentance with your family
members and friends.
You could and your family members and friends could search
through the following scriptures where you will find additional \information about repentance:
The gospel brings joy.
Did you realize that the word “joy” appears in these chapters
24 times. This makes these chapters a very good place for you
and your family members and friends to learn just how living ]
the gospel—and sharing it—brings joy into our lives.
At this point you might consider separating your family
members and friends into pairs or small groups (if this is
appropriate for your family study group). Then ask your pairs
or groups to review a few of the following passages of ]
As you are doing your review of these passages be looking for
the reasons why Ammon, and the sons of Mosiah, as well as
Alma rejoiced. Why did they all rejoice? If you have room on ]
your poster board you may want to write down a list of what
\ you found in your review of these passages.
Another question coming your way! What do we learn from
these verses about how the gospel brings us joy? \
President Russell M. Nelson taught: “When the focus of our lives is on
God’s plan of salvation … and Jesus Christ and His gospel, we can feel joy
regardless of what is happening—or not happening—in our lives. Joy comes
from and because of Him. He is the source of all joy”
If you are a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of
Latter-day Saints now coils be a great time for you to share
any experiences you may have had that have helped you to
understand the truth of President Nelson’s words you have
just read together
In reading through these chapters in Alma you may have
noticed that Alma and Ammon found great joy as they were
sharing the gospel with the people. Now with your family
members, and friends search the following chapters in
Alma 26 and 29. You will be looking for some verses that
could inspire a young man or a young woman to have a
burning desire to serve a mission. You might even inspire
\someone that you know to share the gospel with others.
You might want to consider taking a few minutes for you
and your family members and friends to have a discussion
at this time.
This discussion is to plan something together that you can do
to share the gospel with someone not in your family study group.
Invite them to act on their plans, and in a future class you can
encourage them to talk about their efforts. After your
discussion you should make a plan of action.
goodness. You may want to have your family members and
friends study together this pasaye and make a list on your
poster board of what it was that Alma remembered. What
]reminds us of God’s goodness? How have we seen God’s
goodness in our lives?
We can be instruments in God’s hands.
You dqn begin this section by asking your family members and
friends what it means to be “instruments in the hands of God”
]members and friends a few different types of instruments
or tools. After showing all of the instruments to your family
study group you can talk about them.
You could also invite class members to bring some tools that
they use. How are these instruments useful? How are we like
instruments in God’s work? Now is a good time to ask your
family members and friends to identify some ways that
Ammon and his fellow missionaries were instruments in the
being instruments in His hands? If you are a member of the
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints you could also
share experiences of a time when you or they have felt the joy
that comes from being an instrument in the hands of God.
The following section come to you directly from the Come,
Follow Me for Individuals and Families manual:
Ideas for Personal Scripture Study
God is merciful.
While the sins that Ammon and the Anti-Nephi-Lehies had to overcome were
\ likely quite different from anything in your life, we all rely on the mercy of
understand His mercy? As you read, you might think about these things: the
ways you have been invited to repent, your experiences with repentance, how
you have tried to avoid sinning again, and the blessings that have come to you
'through repentance. When you read the verses in this way, what do you learn
about God’s mercy in your life?
Serving the Lord brings joy.
Despite their different experiences, Ammon and Alma expressed similar feelings about their missionary labors. Consider reading Alma 26 and 29 and comparing them. What similarities do you notice? What words and phrases are repeated? What can you learn from Ammon and Alma about how to find true joy in spite of your challenges? (To review the challenges Alma faced, see the chapter headings for Alma 5–16. To review the challenges of Ammon and his brethren, see the chapter headings for Alma 17–28.)
What are sheaves and garners?
At harvest time, grain is often gathered into bundles called sheaves and
placed in storehouses, sometimes called garners. Elder David A. Bednar\
sheaves in this analogy represent newly baptized members of the Church.
Ensign or Liahona, May 2009, 97). Consider what the analogy in
The following section come to you directly from the Come,
Follow Me for Individuals and Families manual:
Ideas for Family Scripture Study and Family Home Evenings
As you read the scriptures with your family, the Spirit can help you know
]what principles to emphasize and discuss in order to meet the needs of
your family. Here are some ideas.
Alma 24:6–19
Why did the Anti-Nephi-Lehies bury their weapons “deep in the earth”?
paper things they would like to overcome or abandon. They could then dig
a hole and bury the papers.
Alma 24:7–12
Studying these verses can help your family understand the wonderful gift
of repentance. What did the Anti-Nephi-Lehies do to repent of their sins?
How did the Lord help them repent? What can we learn from this example?
Alma 24:20–27
What have we seen that testifies of the truth of Mormon’s declaration:
“Thus we see that the Lord worketh in many ways to the salvation of his
Alma 26:2
you could make a list of their answers on a large piece of paper and hang it
in a place where everyone can see it. Encourage family members to add to it
as they think of other blessings God has “bestowed upon us.”
Alma 29:9
How were Ammon and Alma instruments in God’s hands? Consider looking
at tools or instruments in your home and discussing how they are each
helpful to your family. How does this help us understand how we can each
be “an instrument in the hands of God”?
Follow Me—For Primary.
You may have noticed that there are many of the same false
teachings or ideas that lead Heavenly Father's children away
]from Him in our day that were also found and very common
during the days of Alma. You and your family members and
\responded to those false teachings and the false ideas . I bet
you will see that we can learn from thrift examples..
You know where we are just now? We are at the end of today’s
lesson and my post for today. I pray that all is well in your home
and your family members and friends are all healthy and doing
well, that no one is sick. We are all doing well here in my home.
I hope you always remember who you truly are.
You are a child of God.
Please continue to study the Book of Mormon with me and our
cyber friends out there in cyberspace. Please remember to say
your prayers each day morning and night.
Don't forget to share with our family members and friends what
you have learned from today's lesson. Until my next post, please
stay safe and make it a good week!!! i would like to thank Maeser Anderson for sharong the quotes. i wish that i was so talented.
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