Monday, June 22, 2020

Post # 230 -- Come, Follow Me -- Week # 25 --
July 20–26 -- Alma 36–38 -- “Look to God
and Live”

Dear Family and Friends
I hope that this week has gone better for you than it has been
for me. It has been dso crazy for me that I forgot to go to my
chemo appointment this week. Can you believe it? This was a
first for me. I was simply thinking ahead and focusing on the
class that i have been taking, which i just finished so hopefully
this upcoming week will go much better with less to be worried
▫“You may not be able to see a path right now, but that doesn't ...
Speaking of this upcoming week, i am going to add the Come,
Follow Me lesson into this post for your learning and enjoyment.
I hope that you will share the lesson with your family and friends.
This first part as usual comes from the Come, Follow Me for
Individuals and Families manual:
“As you feel the joy that comes from understanding the gospel, you will
want to apply what you learn” (Preach My Gospel [2004], 19). Record
your thoughts and impressions about how to apply the truths you are
Alma Archives - Page 2 of 7 - Latter-day Saint Scripture of the Day
When Alma saw wickedness around him, he felt deep “sorrow,” “tribulation,”
and “anguish of soul” (Alma 8:14). “Wickedness among this people,” he
said of the Zoramites, “doth pain my soul” (Alma 31:30). He felt something
similar after returning from his mission to the Zoramites—he observed that
“the hearts of the people began to wax hard, and that they began to be
offended because of the strictness of the word,” and this made his heart “exceedingly sorrowful” (Alma 35:15).
May 25-"Look to God and Live" | Favorite quotes, Wisdom, Words
What did Alma do about what he saw and felt? He didn’t simply become
discouraged or cynical about the state of the world. Instead, “he caused
that his sons should be gathered together” and taught them “things
pertaining unto righteousness” (Alma 35:16). He taught them that
“there is no other way or means whereby man can be saved, only in and
through Christ. … Behold, he is the word of truth and righteousness”
Christ-centered” Energy Healing and One Woman's Story – To Lift ...
Now could be a good time to ask your family members and friends
to share with the rest of your family study group any  insights or
any verses from the reading from Alma 36–38. What can you do
to build upon the experiences which your family members and
friends have shared with you? 

You could divide your family members and friends into pairs or
if you have enough your could divide them into three groups
and give each group a chapter from this week’s study in
Alma 36–38. Then you could have each group share any waves
that seemed to jump out at them or inspire them in any way. 
LDS Gospel Doctrine Book of Mormon Lesson 34

If you do not have enough for groups or you have small
children you may want to read through these chapters one by
one and share with your family members and friends any verses
that inspire you and your spouse. 

We can be born of God as we are humble

and repent.

In reading through Alma's teaching and his testimony and learning how he
was converted you may feel like me having never had such a dramatic
experience in my conversion or yours. You and / or your family members
and friends may wonder why they have never had such an experience, like
that of the one that Alma had at his conversion. 
How the Book of Mormon GIves Us Examples of Good and Bad Government

Something that might be helpful for this would be to share what Elder
David A. Bednar taught: “For many of us, conversion is an ongoing
process and not a onetime event that results from a powerful or dramatic
experience” (“Converted unto the Lord,” Ensign or Liahona, Nov. 2012, 107–8).  

As you know from reading about Alma’s conversing you may notice that
although some things about Alma’s conversion experience are uncommon.
We are that  his experience teaches us some principles that we all need to
apply to our own ongoing conversion. 

We need to remember that our conversion is not final, that it
is ongoing and continuous for each one of us. Therefore we
must nurture it every day. And how do we do this? I believe
that it is through contours prayer, studying of the scriptures
[especially the Book of Mormon with the Bible not the Bible alone].
Daily Thought from Modern Prophets: August 2018

Through  our weekly attendance at church [ when it opens back
up again], through studying the words of the living prophets;
seers; and revelators, through daily service to others, through
keeping the commandments of God.  These are just to name a
few of the things that keeps our conversion ongoing.

You could have your family members and friends  search
through Alma 36 to find these principles then you can get out
your poster board and make a list of the principles you find
together on your poster board. You do still have a poster board
left don't you? Oh, no, you ran out!!! You better run to the
store in the morning and pick up a new batch:)
Alma Archives - Page 2 of 7 - Latter-day Saint Scripture of the Day

Then you can ask your family members and friends the
following questions: What else has helped us [you and your
family members and friends]  become more converted to the
gospel of Jesus Christ? Think about your conversion, how did
it happen? How  is it still happening? What can you share with your family members and friends?

Something that might help your family members and friends
understand the concept that Alma used in the phrase “born of God '' to describe his conversion, would be to read
the following verses individually or in pairs or you could read
them together with your family members and friends.
Full of Purpose, Heart and Mind: Mosiah 7:33 (Applying the ...

Oh,  what are those verses you ask? Remember you will be
looking for what it means to be born of God. I have those
verses  right here: 1 John 4:7; Mosiah 5:7; 27:25–26; and
Alma 5:14; 22:15. Ask your family members and friends what
they have learned from these verses. Have them each share
what they have learned.

The next thing that you could do together with your family
members and friends is to search through Alma 36. You 
will be looking for the answers to the following question: 
How do people feel and act when they are born of God? To
help your family members and friends think about how you
and each one of them are being born of God, 
 Sis. Jessica West | –Inside the life and thoughts of a Mormon ...
You  may want to share the statement by President Ezra Taft
Benson : 

Conversion is like a new birth.

President Ezra Taft Benson taught: “When we have undergone this mighty
change, which is brought about only through faith in Jesus Christ and
through the operation of the Spirit upon us, it is as though we have become
a new person. Thus, the change is likened to a new birth. Thousands of you
have experienced this change. You have forsaken lives of sin, sometimes
deep and offensive sin, and through applying the blood of Christ in your
lives, have become clean. You have no more disposition to return to your
old ways. You are in reality a new person. This is what is meant by a
change of heart” (“A Mighty Change of Heart,” Ensign, Oct. 1989, 4).
Blog Archives - "Look to God and Live"

Ideas for Personal Scripture Study

I can be born of God as I am humble and repent.

Few will have experiences as dramatic as Alma’s conversion. But there are
principles in his experience that we can all learn from and apply, because
everyone must be “born of God” (Alma 36:23). As you read Alma 36, look
for principles you can apply. For instance, how does someone who has been
born of God feel about sin? about Jesus Christ? You could also look for
changes you might expect to see in the beliefs and actions of someone who
is born of God.
Conversion,” Gospel Topics,
 Pin by Joyce Hunter on CHURCH (With images) | Christian paintings

The scriptures have been preserved “for a wise


It might be that studying Alma’s words as he gave sacred
records to his son Helaman can help you and your family
members and friends have a desire to share how they have
felt the power of the scriptures in their individual lives. 

You may want to consider  ways to encourage them to review
Alma 37 to find  the messages that Alma gave to his son
Helaman about the scriptures, it could be very beneficial for
you to especially look at verses 1–19 and 43–47
The Bible and the Book of Mormon Archives - The Book of Mormon

Then be sure to ask the following questions of your family
members and friends: How do we show that the scriptures are
sacred to us? How can we, like Alma, teach our loved ones to
“keep all these things sacred”? This is found in Alma 37:2. How
do the scriptures “show forth [God’s] power” to us? You will
find this in Alma 37:14.

How do you learn about the blessings of having the scriptures?
There is one way to learn about the blessings of having the
scriptures is to study what Alma said in  Alma 37 about the
sacred records and about the other items that he entrusted
to his son Helaman. Did you happen to pick up some more
sheets of poster board?
Daily Thought from Modern Prophets: May 2019

Next you really could make another list on your poster board.
You will be listing the sacred items that Alma entrusted to his
son Helaman. This lust or the sacred items: the plates of Nephi
and the brass plates as  found in Alma 37:2–20. As well as the
24 plated of Ether and the Interpreters as found

There was also the Liahona [ the ball - like compass that Lehi
found outside of his tent], as found in Alma 37:38–47. You
family members and friends could read these verses to learn
what Alma has taught us about each of these items. Then ask
the following questions: In what ways can the scriptures
enlarge our memories? 
Got Snake Problems? Look to God and Live!

You can find this answer in Alma 37:8. What can you and your
family members and friends learn from Alma’s words about
the blessings of having the scriptures in our lives today? You
know that the scriptures teach us how to follow God. 

Ideas for Personal Scripture Study

Jesus Christ atoned for the sins of the world.

You may notice some repetition in Alma’s account of his conversion in this
chapter. That’s because Alma 36 is a great example of a form of Hebrew
poetry called chiasmus, in which words or ideas are presented in a certain
order, leading to a central idea, and then repeated in reverse order.
comeuntohim Instagram posts (photos and videos) -
In Alma 36, the idea in verse 3 is repeated in verse 27, the idea in
verse 5 is repeated in verse 26, and so on. The central idea is the most important message of the chiasmus. See if you can find the central idea
in verses 17–18. Notice how catching “hold upon this thought” affected
Alma and changed his life. How has this truth affected you? What other
repeated ideas do you find in this passage?
How does this account of repentance and forgiveness inspire you to follow
Alma’s example and turn to the Savior?
For more information about chiasmus, see Book of Mormon Student
Manual (Church Educational System manual [2009], 232–33).
 How the Book of Mormon GIves Us Examples of Good and Bad Government

“By small and simple things are great things

brought to pass.”

As you know the Lord works by small and simple things. By this
I mean that the Lord can take something small and simple and
turn it into something great. That is why those small and simple
things that we do are so very important. 

Something that might help to teach your family members and
friends about the importance of “small and simple things” in
God’s work, Alma gave two examples: the scriptures and the
Liahona if we look here we will find one example
Alma 37:6–7, 41–42; if you look here you will find the second
example 1 Nephi 17:41
Lds Stickers | Redbubble

When you snf your family members and friends have finished
reading through these verses with the two examples which
Alma has shared with us you can share with one another some
examples from your own lives of some small and simple things
which you have found in God's work.

You could even bring to your family study group some object
that is small and which has brought about great things in your
life or the lives of  your family members and friends.  You can
also share the following statement by President Dallin H. Oaks:
The Book of Mormon - Another Testament of Jesus Christ

Small and simple things.

President Dallin H. Oaks taught:
“I was reminded of the power of small and simple things over time by
something I saw on a morning walk. … The thick and strong concrete
sidewalk [was] cracking. Is this the result of some large and powerful thrust?
No, this cracking is caused by the slow, small growth of one of the roots
reaching out from the adjoining tree. …
“So is the powerful effect over time of the small and simple things we are
taught in the scriptures and by living prophets.
My all time favorite scripture. "The love the Savior described is ...
Consider the scripture study we’ve been taught to incorporate into our
daily lives. Or consider the personal prayers and the kneeling family
prayers that are regular practices for faithful Latter-day Saints. …
Though each of these practices may seem to be small and simple, over
time they result in powerful spiritual uplift and growth. This occurs because each of these small and simple things invites the
companionship of the Holy Ghost, the Testifier who enlightens us and guides us into truth” (“Small and Simple Things,” Ensign or Liahona,
May 2018, 90).
Pin on Words of Wisdom
You could ask some questions like the following in order to help
your family members and friends to possibly personalize this
principle: Why do we sometimes fail to do the small and simple
things? How can we inspire ourselves and our families to
overcome this tendency?

Ideas for Personal Scripture Study

The scriptures have been preserved “for a wise purpose.”

Have you ever thought about what a miracle and blessing it is to have the
scriptures today? God has “entrusted [us] with these things, which are sacred”
(Alma 37:14). As you read Alma 37, look for the blessings that come from
having the scriptures. How have you experienced these blessings? How can
we use the scriptures to help “show forth [God’s] power unto future generations”? (Alma 37:18).
God speaks most clearly through His Word. Read the Scriptures ...
In Alma 37:38–47, Alma compares “the word of Christ” to the Liahona. As
you ponder this comparison, reflect on the ways you have experienced the
miracle and power of Christ’s teachings “day by day” (Alma 37:40).
See also D. Todd Christofferson, “The Blessing of Scripture,” Ensign or
Liahona, May 2010, 32–35.

The words of Christ can guide us day by day.

To inspire your family members and friends to be more diligent and more consistent about  their studying of the
scriptures every day you may want to consider comparing the
word of God to the Liahona, which only worked by the faith of
the people using it.  If you remember when Lehi’s family
members weren't acting by faith in God it didn't work. 

The Parable of the Porta-Potty (With images) | Lds scriptures ... 
You could begin a good discussion about this by asking your
family members and friends to read through the following
passage Alma 37:38–47in pairs. They are to be looking for
some similarities between the Liahona and the word of God.
it might be fun to challenge them to find a similarity in each

Then on your poster board you could write down the verse
number and have your family members and friends write down
the similarities they have found next to the verse numbers.
Then you could ask the following question:  What does this
comparison suggest about how we should approach our
scripture study?

The scriptures don't change, but we do ... LDS Quote, Elder Mervyn ...

Ideas for Personal Scripture Study

“By small and simple things are great things brought to pass.”

Sometimes we may feel like our problems are so big and complicated that
the solutions must be big and complicated too. Yet time and time again, the
Lord chooses to use “small and simple things” (Alma 37:6) to accomplish
His work and bless the lives of His children. As you read Alma 37:6–7,
ponder and record ways you’ve seen this principle at work in your life.
What are some small and simple things the Lord uses to bless you and
accomplish His work?
See also Alma 37:41–46; Dallin H. Oaks, “Small and Simple Things,” Ensign or Liahona, May 2018, 89–92.
 Luke 17:21 #ldsquotes #ldsconf #lds #mormon #pondering #bestill ...

Sharing our testimonies of Jesus Christ can

strengthen those we love.

There is a great example of how you can strengthen and also
encourage those you love to live the gospel in Alma’s words to
his son Shiblon Maybe you and/ or your family members  and
friends could read this chapter and then possibly identify how
Alma strengthened Shiblon

Now it is time to read Alma 38 which  is a short chapter so you
may want to just read it together aloud with your family
members and friends. Then you might ask your family members
and friends to share a few passages which they found
meaningful or that give them some ideas for strengthening your
own family members and friends family members.

Moroni 7:41 - Latter-day Saint Scripture of the Day

Ideas for Family Scripture Study and

Family Home Evening

As you read the scriptures with your family, the Spirit can help you know
what principles to emphasize and discuss in order to meet the needs of your
family. Here are some ideas.

Alma 36:5–26

Although Alma’s experience was extraordinary, his conversion illustrates several principles that apply to all of us. Invite each family member to
select a verse from Alma 36:5–26 that teaches about being “born of God.”
What do we learn from these verses? Perhaps family members could share
how they have applied the principles Alma described.
The Parable of the Porta-Potty (With images) | Lds scriptures, Lds ...

Alma 36:18–21, 24

How could we use these verses to help someone see that repentance is a
joyful experience, not a dreadful one? How can repentance inspire us to
share the gospel with others?

Alma 37:6–7, 38–46

What are some of the “small and simple things” (Alma 37:6) that bring
about great things in our lives? In what ways is the word of Christ like the
Liahona? How can we help each other study the scriptures more diligently?
Pin on Soy miembro de la Iglesia de Jesucristo de los Santos de ...

Alma 37:35

Why is it wise to learn to keep the commandments while “in [our] youth”?

Alma 38:12

Does your family know what a bridle is? Maybe you could show them a
picture of one and talk about how it is used to control an animal. What does
it mean to “bridle [our] passions”? How does bridling our passions help us
be “filled with love”?
For more ideas for teaching children, see this week’s outline in Come, Follow Me—For Primary.
Suggested song: “As I Search the Holy Scriptures,” Hymns, no. 277.
LDS Living - Great quote from Book of Mormon 365 on Instagram ...
Hey, have you and/or your family  members and friends ever
wondered how to counsel a loved one who made a serious
mistake? Explain to them that they will find helpful insights 
in this upcoming week's readings in Alma 39–42. I wanted to
share the following with you as well. It comes from the Come,
Follow Me for Individuals and Families manual:

Improving Personal Study
Record impressions. When you record spiritual impressions, you show
the Lord that you value His direction, and He will bless you with more
frequent revelation. As you study, write down your thoughts.
(See Teaching in the Savior’s Way, 12, 30.)  Improving Family study: Invite
learners to teach each other. When family members and friends bear
testimony or share insights, they may be able to reach or inspire another
family member and/or friend  in a way you may not be able to.
(See Teaching in the Savior’s Way, 30.)
ldsquotes #churchofjesuschrist #bookofmormon #3nephi #ponder ...
I hope that each one of you have enjoyed today's post and our
lesson for this upcoming week. I have learned many new things
from this lesson as well as from my review of last week's lesson.

I believe that it is very helpful for me to review the lessons as
I seem to pick up things that I had not seen or realized the
first time when I was sharing it with all of you and our cyber
study buddies out there in cyberspace. 
192 Best Scripture Power images in 2020 | Scripture study ...
I have often thought of the Liahona and the word of God
separately but have never put them together in a comparison
and I think that it was helpful for me to do that.

It is always a good idea to take a different perspective
when you study the scriptures. If you look at it differently
you may be surprised by what you find.
Sons of Thunder - white on orange" Sticker by LDStreetwear | Redbubble
I do hope all of you are healthy and doing well. That you will
continue to say your prayers and put your full trust in the Lord. That you will each continue to study the Book of Mormon with
me and our cyber study buddies out there in cyberspace. It is
wonderful to be studying together even if I cannot see you, I
can feel you there:)

Please remember who you are!!! You are each one a child of God.
Either a son or a daughter of a loving, merciful Heavenly Father
who gave up His Only Begotten Son Jesus Christ to set us free
and to pay for our debts, something to think about isn't it? I
hope you are all doing your best to stay safe until my next post:)

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