Thursday, June 25, 2020

Post # 234 -- Joy and Spiritual Survival -- By President
Russell M. Nelson -- President of the Quorum of the
Twelve Apostles

Dear Family and Friends

I have been thinking about my last post and I wanted to share
with you one of the talks that were used as reference within the
address  titled:Finding Refuge from the Storms of Life”.  I
loved the quote from this talk so I went on a search to find
the talk where the quote came from. I found it and wanted to
share it with you all:)

November 2016 Visiting Teaching Handout | Relief society visiting ...
When the focus of our lives is on Jesus Christ and His gospel, we can
feel joy regardless of what is happening—or not happening—in our lives.
My dear brothers and sisters, today I would like to discuss a principle that is
key to our spiritual survival. It is a principle that will only become more
important as the tragedies and travesties around us increase.
These are the latter days, so none of us should be surprised when we see
prophecy fulfilled. A host of prophets, including Isaiah, Paul, Nephi, and
Mormon, foresaw that perilous times would come,1 that in our day the
whole world would be in commotion,2 that men would “be lovers of their
own selves, … without natural affection, … lovers of pleasures more than
lovers of God,”3 and that many would become servants of Satan who
uphold the adversary’s work.4 Indeed, you and I “wrestle … against the
rulers of the darkness of this world, [and] against spiritual wickedness in
high places.”5
9 quotes to help us find joy | Gospel quotes, Church quotes, Joy ...
As conflicts between nations escalate, as cowardly terrorists prey on the
innocent, and as corruption in everything from business to government
becomes increasingly commonplace, what can help us? What can help each
of us with our personal struggles and with the rigorous challenge of living
in these latter days?
The prophet Lehi taught a principle for spiritual survival. First, consider
his circumstances: He had been persecuted for preaching truth in Jerusalem
and had been commanded by the Lord to leave his possessions and flee with
his family into the wilderness.
Pin on Inspiring messagesHe had lived in a tent and survived on what food could be found on the way
to an unknown destination, and he had watched two of his sons, Laman and
Lemuel, rebel against the teachings of the Lord and attack their brothers
Nephi and Sam.
Clearly, Lehi knew opposition, anxiety, heartache, pain, disappointment,
and sorrow. Yet he declared boldly and without reservation a principle as
revealed by the Lord: “Men are, that they might have joy.”6 Imagine! Of
all the words he could have used to describe the nature and purpose of our
lives here in mortality, he chose the word joy!
Spiritual Healing | 7 February 2019 | LDS Daily
Life is filled with detours and dead ends, trials and challenges of
every kind. Each of us has likely had times when distress, anguish,
and despair almost consumed us. Yet we are here to have joy?
Yes! The answer is a resounding yes! But how is that possible?
And what must we do to claim the joy that Heavenly Father
has in store for us?
Eliza R. Snow, second General President of the Relief Society,
offered a riveting answer. Because of Missouri’s infamous
extermination order, issued at the onset of the grueling winter
of 1838,7 she and other Saints were forced to flee the state that
very winter.
The Holy Ghost as Spiritual GPS | Spiritual quotes, Gospel quotes
One evening, Eliza’s family spent the night in a small log cabin
used by refugee Saints. Much of the chinking
between the logs had been extracted and burned for firewood
by those who preceded them, so there were holes between the
logs large enough for a cat to crawl through. It was bitter cold,
and their food was frozen solid.
That night some 80 people huddled inside that small cabin, only
20 feet square (6.1 meters square). Most sat or stood all night
trying to keep warm. Outside, a group of men spent the night
gathered around a roaring fire, with some singing hymns and
others roasting frozen potatoes.
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Eliza recorded: “Not a complaint was heard—all were cheerful,
and judging from appearances, strangers would have taken us to be
pleasure excursionists rather than a band of gubernatorial exiles.”
Eliza’s report of that exhausting, bone-chilling evening was
strikingly optimistic. She declared: “That was a very merry night.
None but saints can be happy under every circumstance.”8
That’s it! Saints can be happy under every circumstance. We
can feel joy even while having a bad day, a bad week, or even
a bad year!
The companionship of the Holy Ghost is not just a pleasant ...
My dear brothers and sisters, the joy we feel has little to do with
the circumstances of our lives and everything to do with the
focus of our lives.
When the focus of our lives is on God’s plan of salvation,
which President Thomas S. Monson just taught us, and Jesus
Christ and His gospel, we can feel joy regardless of what is
happening—or not happening—in our lives. Joy comes from
and because of Him. He is the source of all joy. We feel it at
Christmastime when we sing, “Joy to the world, the Lord is come.”9
And we can feel it all year round. For Latter-day Saints, Jesus
Christ is joy!
Creative LDS Quotes - Home | Facebook
That is why our missionaries leave their homes to preach His gospel.
Their goal is not to increase the number of Church members. Rather,
our missionaries teach and baptize10 to bring joy to the people of
the world!11
Just as the Savior offers peace that “passeth all understanding,”12
He also offers an intensity, depth, and breadth of joy that defy
human logic or mortal comprehension. For example, it doesn’t
seem possible to feel joy when your child suffers with an incurable
illness or when you lose your job or when your spouse betrays you.
Yet that is precisely the joy the Savior offers. His joy is constant,
assuring us that our “afflictions shall be but a small moment”13
and be consecrated to our gain.14
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How, then, can we claim that joy? We can start by “looking unto
Jesus the author and finisher of our faith”15 “in every thought.”16
We can give thanks for Him in our prayers and by keeping covenants
we’ve made with Him and our Heavenly Father. As our Savior
becomes more and more real to us and as we plead for His joy
to be given to us, our joy will increase.
Joy is powerful, and focusing on joy brings God’s power
into our lives. As in all things, Jesus Christ is our ultimate
exemplar, “who for the joy that was set before him endured
the cross.”17 Think of that! In order for Him to endure
the most excruciating experience ever endured on earth,
our Savior focused on joy!
personal revelation
And what was the joy that was set before Him? Surely it
included the joy of cleansing, healing, and strengthening us;
the joy of paying for the sins of all who would repent; the
joy of making it possible for you and me to return home—
clean and worthy—to live with our Heavenly Parents and
If we focus on the joy that will come to us, or to those we love,
what can we endure that presently seems overwhelming,
painful, scary, unfair, or simply impossible?
The single most important skill... | Revelations quotes, Church ...
One father in a spiritually precarious situation focused on the joy
of finally being clean and right with the Lord—the joy of being
freed from guilt and shame—and the joy of having peace of mind.
That focus gave him the courage to confess to his wife and bishop
about his problem with pornography and his subsequent infidelity.
He is now doing everything his bishop counsels him to do,
striving with all his heart to regain the trust of his dear wife.
A young woman focused on the joy of staying sexually pure to
help her endure the mocking of friends as she walked away
from a popular and provocative, but spiritually dangerous,
How can the Savior help me during my trials? - Teaching Stripling ...
A man who frequently demeaned his wife and indulged in angry
outbursts at his children focused on the joy of being worthy to
have the Holy Ghost as his constant companion. That focus
motivated him to put off the natural man,18 to which he had too
often succumbed, and make needed changes.
A dear colleague recently told me of his past two decades of heavy
trials. He said, “I have learned to suffer with joy. My suffering was
swallowed up in the joy of Christ.”19
We live in the Days just as the time of Noah: LDS Mormon Prophets ...
What will you and I be able to endure as we focus on the joy that is
“set before” us?20 What repenting will then be possible? What
weakness will become a strength?21 What chastening will become
a blessing?22 What disappointments, even tragedies, will turn to
our good?23 And what challenging service to the Lord will we be
able to give?24
As we diligently focus on the Savior and then follow His
pattern of focusing on joy, we need to avoid those things that
can interrupt our joy.
Russell m nelson | Etsy
Remember Korihor, the anti-Christ?
Spewing falsehoods about the Savior, Korihor went from place
to place until he was brought before a high priest who asked him:
“Why do ye go about perverting the ways of the Lord? Why do
ye teach this people that there shall be no Christ, to interrupt
their rejoicings?”25
Anything that opposes Christ or His doctrine will interrupt our
joy. That includes the philosophies of men, so abundant online and
in the blogosphere, which do exactly what Korihor did.26
Creative LDS Quotes - Home | Facebook
If we look to the world and follow its formulas for happiness,27 we
will never know joy. The unrighteous may experience any number
of emotions and sensations, but they will never experience joy!28
Joy is a gift for the faithful.29 It is the gift that comes from
intentionally trying to live a righteous life, as taught by
Jesus Christ.30
He taught us how to have joy. When we choose Heavenly Father
to be our God31 and when we can feel the Savior’s Atonement
working in our lives, we will be filled with joy.32 Every time we
nurture our spouse and guide our children, every time we forgive
someone or ask for forgiveness, we can feel joy.
31 Best General Conference Quotes images in 2020 | General ...
Every day that you and I choose to live celestial laws, every
day that we keep our covenants and help others to do the same, joy will be ours.
Heed these words of the Psalmist: “I have set the Lord always
before me: because he is at my right hand, I shall not be moved. … In [His] presence is fulness of joy.”33 As this principle is embedded
in our hearts, each and every day can be a day of joy and gladness.34
I so testify in the sacred name of Jesus Christ, amen.
As you can see i have done my underlining and bolding as I
was reading through this talk, i hope you don't mind and I
hope that it doesn't distract you from your reading.
The Power of Joy – Latter-day Soprano
It helps me as i read to mark as i go, especially when I find
something i want to remember. So now we have the
principle of joy as found in the scriptures.
We also learned what we each must do in order to have
that joy that President Nelson has taught us herein this
talk. He was the President of the Quorum of the Twelve
Apostles at the time of this talk. 
I know that he was speaking to the members of the
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints when he gave
this talk, but i really think that his message here can apply
to anyone who wants to make the changes in their lives
that are necessary for them to have joy.
You've got that RIGHT!
I am pretty sure that your Heavenly Father wants each
one of His children to experience joy while here on this
earth. So take this challenge to do what you need to do to
find and experience the kind of joy that President Nelson
is talking about.
One place you can begin this is to read the Book of
Mormon, pray for yourself to know that this sacred book
is truly Another Testament of Jesus Christ just as are
the Old Testament and the New Testament. 
Godly Quotes Encourage Spiritual growth Motivation Jesus Christ ...
We are to use all three of these sacred books of scripture
together along with the Doctrine and Covenants and the
Pearl of Great Price, which are latter-day revelations as
well as scriptures, given to us through the prophets of the
I believe along with these sacred volumes of scripture we
should consider trading and studying
The Family: A Proclamation to the World, and the other
proclamations that have been given which can also give
you guidance in your lives.
Inspirational Quote Christian Wall Art. Trust GOD!
I will be the first to admit that I am not very learned in
the scriptures, but I have read them many times and I
know that they are the word of God. it has also taken
many years for me to understand some of it. It took me
a while to figure out that it is so much better to study
each day. There is still much for me to learn as I study
each day and with you each week.
If you are at that point in your life where you are ready
to make a change in your life and you are not really sure
just where to start. I can share with you the site where
you can have a discussion with our missionaries. They will
be happy to answer any of the questions that you may
have before, during and after you read through the
Book of Mormon.
229 Best Praying the Rosary images | Praying the rosary, Rosary ...
If you have been studying the Book of Mormon with me
and all our oue cyber study buddies you may not have any
questions or you may have a lot of questions even with
the study, so i will share the site so any of you that feel
the need for clarifying what you have read or what you
are studying. You can find missionaries here:
I know that this is a very big step to take in your life, but
it is so worth the effort that it takes to make any change
that is necessary for you to come unto Him, to Hear Him,
and to become one of His disciples.
12 Talks All Latter-day Saint Teens Need to Hear | LDS Living
To learn of Him and to follow His footprints or His great
examples which are throughout the scriptures there for
each of us to follow.
To join His church, even the Church of Jesus Christ of
Latter-day Saints, so that you can have this joy that our
living prophet has taught us about today. He said we will
feel a glimpse of joy throughout our lives but we will not
feel the true joy that only Christ can give. I think this is
akin to the peace that only comes from our Savior,
Jesus Christ.
I hope you do not feel any pressure from me because that
is not my intention. My intention is only to share with you
the joy and happiness, the peace that has come into my
life since i became a member of the Church of
Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. I want to share my
joy and happiness with each one of you!
KjV Instagram posts (photos and videos) -
I truly hope that my blog is uplifting and insightful to and
for anyone who reads it. My desire is to help each of you
come closer to your Heavenly Father and His Son
Jesus Christ. Please do not let anything that you have
been taught in your life nup to this point deter you from
seeking and finding the true gospel of Jesus Christ.
You might be surprised at how much better you find your
life after you have begun your search to find God and His
Son Jesus Christ. It is a lifelong journey,but one well
worth the effort to traverse it. Your Savior will meet you
where you are and lift you up to higher ground, to safer
spiritual ground.
Introduction to the Book of Mormon
Remember that it only takes faith the size of a mustard
seed! Have you ever seen a mustard seed? They are about
the tiniest seed ever, but that is all you need to begin your
journey to Christ. You can also begin with the Walk With
Christ Series, if you are not ready to read the
Book of Mormon as yet, but please consider reading it.
I remember when my daughter had the Sister
Missionaries teaching her at our home and I sat in on the
lessons to find out just exactly what they were teaching
12 Talks All Latter-day Saint Teens Need to Hear | LDS Living
Low and behold I discovered for myself that the
things that the Sisters were teaching her were indeed
true and she and I were baptized the same night, six
weeks or so later.
I believe the Sisters only came once a week to our home.
I know that they do things much differently nowadays,
but it is still the same doctrine that the Lord taught
when He was here on this earth during His mortal
ministry. We have this opportunity to learn of His
teaching and the fullness of His gospel. This is because
of the Restoration of His Church.
Do you Find Joy in your Journey? - Choosing Wisdom
You can learn more about the restoration here:
You can read the latest proclamation here:
You can read The Family: A Proclamation to the World here:
The Book of Mormon you can read it here:
Dec. 2018 Ministering Handout | Relief society christmas ...
I hope you and your family and friends have enjoyed this
post. I have tried to include some links for you to find
the information that I have mentioned in my ramblings.
I pray that you have been uplifted and enlightened in
some small way today as you have read through this
post. I certainly have as i have shared it with all of you,

Please don't forget who you are… you are each a child of
God. continue to say your prayers each day.
LDS Printables: Inspiration and Motivation - Sunday General Conference Quotes
please continue to study the Book of Mormon with me
and all of our cyber study buddies out there in cyberspace,
remember to hold your family home evenings every week
and read your scriptures each day, don't forget to give
thanks to to your Heavenly Father for all if your
blessings. Until my next post, please do your best to
stay safe,
I'll never forget that feeling, I felt, the moment I knew I was going to be a Mommy. Tears filled my eyes, and they carried so many different emotions ranging from Joy, fear and uncertainty. We had...

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